Predictably, Trump shifts to "rigged election" - What's next?

As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.
Right back atcha.
Not even close.
Whatever works for ya.

To me, this is nothing more than a mass, conservative media-led temper tantrum.

Taking your toys and going home.

Limbaugh and Levin and Hannity and Beck and the websites have a lot to answer for. What they say one day, we see in here the next, if not sooner.
Yep.......Hillary never lies is what you're saying.
It is?

You're trying to justify being a moron.

Duly noted.

After all of the BS that has been exposed that Hillary is guilty of.....I would think a rational person wouldn't vote for that.

Gun confiscation
Taking money from terrorists supporters
Dirty tricks by the bushel during this campaign including sending thugs to Trump events to pick fights and paying them with laundered money
Colluding with the media time and time again to trash Trump so that normally rational people can't bring themselves to vote for him.
That fact that she hates your motherfucking guts and admits to it
The fact that she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of people into this country to take your job and to water down your vote
The fact that she is selling our country's sovereignty to foreign powers.
The fact that she not only was responsible for the dead and wounded in Benghazi but was also responsible for the dead and wounded in Mogadishu Somalia, not to mention responsible for over half a million dead in Libya and Syria.
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
Much bigger question is should Trump win, what will Obama and the left do? They are likely to rule the election a fraud and demand a new one and leftists everywhere will cheer.

Obama is clearly a tyrant who has said outrageous tyrannical things, but most go unreported thinks to compliant corrupt media. Now...imagine what that same media will do to Cankles vs The Donald...this alone should make voters pick the Trumpster.

Obama decries 'wild west' media landscape
After reading posts around the board and listening to a couple of just-this-side-of-suicidal Sean Hannity callers, I'm working on a theory.

In this theory, the traditional Christian (Pence) conservatives and pinko commie RINO (Ryan) Republicans will continue on, trying to make their case, willing to (Trigger Warning here) work with/cooperate with Democrats on some issues to move the country forward.

The Trumpsters, now absolutely convinced that THE ONLY REASON Trump lost was because of the media, will abandon all television news (including that fucking commie FOX) and withdraw entirely to the internet, their own little political/virtual Safe Space in which they can exclusively imbibe (and, of course, completely agree with) "news" websites such as WND, Breitbart, NewsMax and NewsBusters.

So then - I hope you're still with me here, it gets better -- this will lead to an intensifying of the already hyper-dense Echo Chamber that has caused the party to spin completely off the rails. Denser, deeper, denser, deeper, louder, brighter, until the Chamber itself creates a SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE through which this group immediately passes, and on into another dimension entirely.

It will be in this dimension that Trump abolishes all government and the people can have all the "freedom" and "liberty" they want, a place where you're truly on your own, fuck off.

Anyway, I'm working on that theory.


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If the left and the neocon alt-left in Washington and the media think that a defeat at the polls for Trump is going to spell defeat for the movement that his candidacy brought to the fore, then they are even more delusional than we think. Most Americans, regardless of party, distrust the media. The tens of millions of Americans who found a voice in Trump despise it. Whether Trump wins or loses on November 8, but especially if he loses, Trump’s impassioned base will hold the Regime’s court-appointed hacks accountable. If he loses and Hillary Clinton proves to be the disastrous president that we know she will be, the contempt on the part of Trump supporters toward the faux journalists and commentators will only intensify.

An already polarized nation promises to grow still more divided and Hillary’s presidency promises to be a rocky one. This the Deplorables will insure.
As for the GOP NeverTrumpists in Congress and their apologists in the so-called “conservative” (neoconservative) media, there’s perhaps no wing of the Regime for which the future is looking grimmer. Election cycle after election cycle, the same con-men and women who have now turned their backs on their party’s presidential nominee—a man, mind you, who garnered more voter support than any Republican primary contestant in history—would spare no occasion to shame skeptical voters into supporting their candidates: Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney.

It’s now painfully clear that it is they who have no shame, for they’d prefer to give the election, and the country, over to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats rather than support the person who threatens to wreck their power structure.
But the GOPers are sorely mistaken in thinking that it is their endorsement of Trump that will account for the reversal in their political fortunes. It is, rather, their refusal to give Trump all of the backing that they would’ve provided to any other nominee that portends their downfall.

Do the NeverTrumpists seriously believe that Trump’s supporters will just return to business as usual in the event that Clinton becomes President? Do they think that the unprecedented number of voters who propelled Trump as far as he’s gone will forget their treachery, that they will ever again contribute a dime or a vote toward the Republican Party?

The GOP is destined to be in for a world of hurt. So too, however, are those “conservative” (neoconservative) talk radio hosts, bloggers, writers, and Fox News chatterers who sought at every turn to safeguard the status quo, i.e. their own power.

The refusal to tell the truth when it needed to be told will be remembered by untold numbers of people. The D.C. and media Regimists think that if only Trump loses the election, they will be able to sleep comfortably again. But as a colleague of mine put it today, Trump was but a spring shower. There is a tsunami coming their way, a force of nature that will be all that much more catastrophic for the Regime’s interests if Trump loses, for it isn’t Trump, but the movement that he unleashed that will be the source of its greatest troubles.

#NeverTrump will give rise to #NeverGOP, or at least #NeverNeoconGOP.

The Trump phenomenon will continue—and grow.

It’s Reckoning Time for the Regime - LewRockwell

Damn that was a good read!
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
Republicans will be as strong as ever in Idaho and Utah.

It looks as if Republicans could lose Utah to a third party candidate this year.
Trumps up 17 in the Beehive State. It's solid gop

This is the reality check, honestly.

Here's the reality check: All three of the items contained in your on the Hillary side are proveably lies, which even the 7 Republican lead investigations of Hillary Clinton have proved to be lies, and Donald Trump has done a whole lot more than "Said mean things".

He is being investigated by ICE for fraud and other immigration violations with his Trump Models company.

His Foundation has been found guilty and fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, to a Florida State's Attorney who subsequently declined to prosecute Trump University fraud claims.

His Foundation has been ordered to cease and desist all public fundraising because they have no license to solicit donations, and have never filed the requisite financial filings required to obtain such a license.

The Clinton Family Foundation returns 88% of the money which it raises, including moneys coming in from regimes where women have few rights, to programs which educate women, provide them with micro loans to start businesses, which provides AIDS drugs to 75% of the children in the world with AIDS, and 50% of the adults. None of the Clintons are paid any salary from the Clinton Foundation, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, personally donate most of their public speaking fees to the Foundation.

This information can be found in the Clinton Foundation's IRS Filings, which are published online, and the Clinton personal tax returns, 40 years of which have been made public.

We're still waiting for any sort of releases of financial information from Donald Trump, including his true net worth, the extent of his financial dealings with banks/individuals outside of the United States, and whether or not he even pays federal income taxes. All of the tax information which has been published so far indicates that he doesn't.

Copy/paste whitewash rubbish. The Clintons vast corruption has been well documented.

This is the reality check, honestly.

Here's the reality check: All three of the items contained in your on the Hillary side are proveably lies, which even the 7 Republican lead investigations of Hillary Clinton have proved to be lies, and Donald Trump has done a whole lot more than "Said mean things".

He is being investigated by ICE for fraud and other immigration violations with his Trump Models company.

His Foundation has been found guilty and fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, to a Florida State's Attorney who subsequently declined to prosecute Trump University fraud claims.

His Foundation has been ordered to cease and desist all public fundraising because they have no license to solicit donations, and have never filed the requisite financial filings required to obtain such a license.

The Clinton Family Foundation returns 88% of the money which it raises, including moneys coming in from regimes where women have few rights, to programs which educate women, provide them with micro loans to start businesses, which provides AIDS drugs to 75% of the children in the world with AIDS, and 50% of the adults. None of the Clintons are paid any salary from the Clinton Foundation, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, personally donate most of their public speaking fees to the Foundation.

This information can be found in the Clinton Foundation's IRS Filings, which are published online, and the Clinton personal tax returns, 40 years of which have been made public.

We're still waiting for any sort of releases of financial information from Donald Trump, including his true net worth, the extent of his financial dealings with banks/individuals outside of the United States, and whether or not he even pays federal income taxes. All of the tax information which has been published so far indicates that he doesn't.

Copy/paste whitewash rubbish. The Clintons vast corruption has been well documented.

I didn't copy or past any of it.

What vast Clinton corruption? 16 investigations, $100 million, one special prosecutor - no indictments, one charge (perjury about a blow job) - and that was against Bill. The Clinton Foundation is one of the most succesful and hardworking charities in the world, which is making a real difference for women in Third World countries, and people with AIDS.

All of the Republican lies in the world can't stop Hillary from winning, because you've been lying about the Clintons for too long. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges. Just lies.

The charges, and fines have already been piled on Trump, and it just gets worse.

This is the reality check, honestly.

Here's the reality check: All three of the items contained in your on the Hillary side are proveably lies, which even the 7 Republican lead investigations of Hillary Clinton have proved to be lies, and Donald Trump has done a whole lot more than "Said mean things".

He is being investigated by ICE for fraud and other immigration violations with his Trump Models company.

His Foundation has been found guilty and fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, to a Florida State's Attorney who subsequently declined to prosecute Trump University fraud claims.

His Foundation has been ordered to cease and desist all public fundraising because they have no license to solicit donations, and have never filed the requisite financial filings required to obtain such a license.

The Clinton Family Foundation returns 88% of the money which it raises, including moneys coming in from regimes where women have few rights, to programs which educate women, provide them with micro loans to start businesses, which provides AIDS drugs to 75% of the children in the world with AIDS, and 50% of the adults. None of the Clintons are paid any salary from the Clinton Foundation, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, personally donate most of their public speaking fees to the Foundation.

This information can be found in the Clinton Foundation's IRS Filings, which are published online, and the Clinton personal tax returns, 40 years of which have been made public.

We're still waiting for any sort of releases of financial information from Donald Trump, including his true net worth, the extent of his financial dealings with banks/individuals outside of the United States, and whether or not he even pays federal income taxes. All of the tax information which has been published so far indicates that he doesn't.

Copy/paste whitewash rubbish. The Clintons vast corruption has been well documented.

I didn't copy or past any of it.

What vast Clinton corruption? 16 investigations, $100 million, one special prosecutor - no indictments, one charge (perjury about a blow job) - and that was against Bill. The Clinton Foundation is one of the most succesful and hardworking charities in the world, which is making a real difference for women in Third World countries, and people with AIDS.

All of the Republican lies in the world can't stop Hillary from winning, because you've been lying about the Clintons for too long. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges. Just lies.

The charges, and fines have already been piled on Trump, and it just gets worse.

Either way, I didn't take your whitewash seriously. You were basically telling me the political equivalent of the sky is not blue.
Either way, I didn't take your whitewash seriously. You were basically telling me the political equivalent of the sky is not blue.

No, I'm telling you the truth, but you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalal, I can't hear you".

Just because you refuse to believe something, doesn't make it any the less true. True is based on fact, not feelings, or ideas, or appearances, but hard core facts.

The Clintons haven't been charged, indicted or found guilty, unlike Trump, who has been found guilty of a lot of corruption, and is currently faced charges on a number of scores.

You keep claiming that Trump is being smeared, but he is being smeared with his own words. He's on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, "grabbing their pussies", if he finds them attractive.

Even in his denials here, he said that the woman on the plane wasn't attractive enough for him. Really - that's some denial. Yes, I assault women but not that one - too ugly.
Either way, I didn't take your whitewash seriously. You were basically telling me the political equivalent of the sky is not blue.

No, I'm telling you the truth, but you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalal, I can't hear you".

Just because you refuse to believe something, doesn't make it any the less true. True is based on fact, not feelings, or ideas, or appearances, but hard core facts.

The Clintons haven't been charged, indicted or found guilty, unlike Trump, who has been found guilty of a lot of corruption, and is currently faced charges on a number of scores.

You keep claiming that Trump is being smeared, but he is being smeared with his own words. He's on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, "grabbing their pussies", if he finds them attractive.

Even in his denials here, he said that the woman on the plane wasn't attractive enough for him. Really - that's some denial. Yes, I assault women but not that one - too ugly.

I've read and viewed literally thousands of reports about the Clinton's corruption; then you come along and pretend it's all made up. You basically came lalalalala'ing along in the first place. I can't take someone like that seriously.
Almost all of the alt and far right media reports are false propaganda.

The election is not rigged, and those act on the idea that it is rigged will pay the legal price.
Almost all of the alt and far right media reports are false propaganda.

The election is not rigged, and those act on the idea that it is rigged will pay the legal price.


If Hillary loses, and they act like the Russians did it, they should be held to account.

Some of her supporters are already acting like children. Just like they did at his speeches and rallies.

Pat McCrory: Firebombing ‘an attack on democracy’
Either way, I didn't take your whitewash seriously. You were basically telling me the political equivalent of the sky is not blue.

No, I'm telling you the truth, but you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalal, I can't hear you".

Just because you refuse to believe something, doesn't make it any the less true. True is based on fact, not feelings, or ideas, or appearances, but hard core facts.

The Clintons haven't been charged, indicted or found guilty, unlike Trump, who has been found guilty of a lot of corruption, and is currently faced charges on a number of scores.

You keep claiming that Trump is being smeared, but he is being smeared with his own words. He's on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, "grabbing their pussies", if he finds them attractive.

Even in his denials here, he said that the woman on the plane wasn't attractive enough for him. Really - that's some denial. Yes, I assault women but not that one - too ugly.

I've read and viewed literally thousands of reports about the Clinton's corruption; then you come along and pretend it's all made up. You basically came lalalalala'ing along in the first place. I can't take someone like that seriously.

And who were these reports written by? Right wing bloggers? People in the pay of the Koch Brothers? FOX News?

Have you read the reports written by the House Committees, the Special Prosecutors' Reports, the Benghazi Committee Reports, the FBI Reports. These are reports written by people with access to all of the evidence, the power to call witnesses, and they found nothing. They spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and found nothing.

You tin foil hat conspiracy nuts need to take your meds.
After reading posts around the board and listening to a couple of just-this-side-of-suicidal Sean Hannity callers, I'm working on a theory.

In this theory, the traditional Christian (Pence) conservatives and pinko commie RINO (Ryan) Republicans will continue on, trying to make their case, willing to (Trigger Warning here) work with/cooperate with Democrats on some issues to move the country forward.

The Trumpsters, now absolutely convinced that THE ONLY REASON Trump lost was because of the media, will abandon all television news (including that fucking commie FOX) and withdraw entirely to the internet, their own little political/virtual Safe Space in which they can exclusively imbibe (and, of course, completely agree with) "news" websites such as WND, Breitbart, NewsMax and NewsBusters.

So then - I hope you're still with me here, it gets better -- this will lead to an intensifying of the already hyper-dense Echo Chamber that has caused the party to spin completely off the rails. Denser, deeper, denser, deeper, louder, brighter, until the Chamber itself creates a SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE through which this group immediately passes, and on into another dimension entirely.

It will be in this dimension that Trump abolishes all government and the people can have all the "freedom" and "liberty" they want, a place where you're truly on your own, fuck off.

Anyway, I'm working on that theory.



Ever been to the Phil Jayhan project? Google him and look at what he created. Its an alternate universe where nobody died on 9/11....

Are you pontificating something like that?
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?

Trump is a narcissist--and will not blame himself or his supporters for what's coming. He has to have an excuse for the ass kicking he's going to get. His base support is right there with him and they will believe ANYTHING he says, and I mean ANYTHING.

THE OBVIOUS: If elections could be rigged that easily, Trump wouldn't be the nominee of the Republican party today--would he?--LOL

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawyers said on Monday it was impossible for the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election to be "rigged" against Donald Trump, despite such allegations by the Republican nominee in recent days.

Trump, a New York businessman making his first run for public office, has sought to raise fears of a flawed election as he has fallen in opinion polls against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!" Trump said on Twitter on Monday.

Numerous studies have shown that voter fraud in U.S. elections is very rare.

Republican campaign lawyer Chris Ashby said Trump's charges, which were not backed by any evidence, could foment unrest and were “unfounded” and “dangerous.”

"When you say an election is rigged, you’re telling voters, your supporters, their votes do not matter,” Ashby said in an interview. "I think some of Donald Trump’s comments could cause unrest at the polls."

Some Republicans have urged Trump to drop the assertions. Early voting and voting by mail have already begun in many states.

Mark Braden, partner at Baker and Hostetler and former chief counsel for the Republican National Committee, said that any sort of election rigging at the national level “just is impossible,” citing the various systems in place that would make such an endeavor complicated and unfeasible.
Trump says election 'rigged,' Republican lawyers dispute allegations

If you have ever volunteered as an election judge, it's kind of like working at a bank. Everything has to be balanced out if there are 700 ballots that were issued there had better be 700 ballots at the end of the day, and numbered to match corresponding voters that came in to vote that day. There is one Republican to every one Democrat, everyone standing over everyone else's shoulder watching everything. The ballot box is LOCKED and taken down to a central location to count by one democrat and one republican is unlocked at the main center and votes are counted again by one democrat and one republican.

CNN did an autopsy on the reports that Trump gave them to PROVE there is election fraud. YES, so they found in one of his reports that 8 dead people did actually vote in Colorado. These were mail in ballots that went to Republican households and the people were investigated, arrested and charged. Non citizens they came up with 3 out of another report from Trump to prove fraud.

So you're talking about hundreds of millions of votes and Trump uses a handful (less than 35 in all--over a several year period to tell his supporters that the election is rigged.)

IOW it happens--but it is very rare, and it is so minut that it could never change the outcome of an election.

BUT his supporters will BELIEVE ANYTHING he tells them.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


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Either way, I didn't take your whitewash seriously. You were basically telling me the political equivalent of the sky is not blue.

No, I'm telling you the truth, but you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalal, I can't hear you".

Just because you refuse to believe something, doesn't make it any the less true. True is based on fact, not feelings, or ideas, or appearances, but hard core facts.

The Clintons haven't been charged, indicted or found guilty, unlike Trump, who has been found guilty of a lot of corruption, and is currently faced charges on a number of scores.

You keep claiming that Trump is being smeared, but he is being smeared with his own words. He's on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women, "grabbing their pussies", if he finds them attractive.

Even in his denials here, he said that the woman on the plane wasn't attractive enough for him. Really - that's some denial. Yes, I assault women but not that one - too ugly.

I've read and viewed literally thousands of reports about the Clinton's corruption; then you come along and pretend it's all made up. You basically came lalalalala'ing along in the first place. I can't take someone like that seriously.

And who were these reports written by? Right wing bloggers? People in the pay of the Koch Brothers? FOX News?

Have you read the reports written by the House Committees, the Special Prosecutors' Reports, the Benghazi Committee Reports, the FBI Reports. These are reports written by people with access to all of the evidence, the power to call witnesses, and they found nothing. They spent $100 million investigating the Clintons and found nothing.

You tin foil hat conspiracy nuts need to take your meds.

More lame white wash I've heard before. Only an idiot pretends the Clintons are clean. And I don't argue the ins and outs with people intent on being an idiot.
Almost all of the alt and far right media reports are false propaganda.

The election is not rigged, and those act on the idea that it is rigged will pay the legal price.
All of the alt-left media reports are false
"In 2013, the GOP did an Autopsy that said two things.

1) We have to reach out to non-whites, especially Hispanics, if we want to have a future.
2) We have to reach out to women, and address their concerns."

An autopsy they abandoned and its results they ignored when Republicans began to see polling giving them control of the Senate in 2014, and where Republicans incorrectly inferred that the country was 'with them,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

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