Predictably, Trump shifts to "rigged election" - What's next?

Trump's campaign has been stumbling? When did this happen? Isn't the Clinton campaign flat on its face with all the disclosures about her corruption? That's what the reality would be in a fair minded media world; if it's not, then yes, he has a legitimate point about the rigging. Is he supposed to no shine a light on it? I don't mind a thread pointing this out; but I'm pointing out that you're no better than the spinsters.
Hey, you're right, it's a Trump landslide!

Trump's campaign has been stumbling? When did this happen? Isn't the Clinton campaign flat on its face with all the disclosures about her corruption? That's what the reality would be in a fair minded media world; if it's not, then yes, he has a legitimate point about the rigging. Is he supposed to no shine a light on it? I don't mind a thread pointing this out; but I'm pointing out that you're no better than the spinsters.
The Political Death March Begins
October 17, 2016By

Tim Miller: “Trump knows he’s on a death march, which is why he has reverted to his purest id over the past few days. Belittling women that he allegedly sexually assaulted, concocting racist conspiracy theories about the global elites and minority communities rigging the election, and proffering bombastic lies about his opponent that he knows cable news can’t help but cover.”

“The death march is why Conway has begun to resurrect a time-honored practice: duplicitous political operatives throwing their boss under the bus to try to save face. In an attempt to preserve a lucrative fee on the public speaking circuit after the campaign, Conway has sent a series of tweets over the past week trying to position herself as both in on the joke with Saturday Night Live and the conscience on Trump’s shoulder trying to get him to behave. As a fellow anti-Trump conservative pointed out, Conway is officially playing the role of ‘punch clock villain.'”

“To a casual observer, this behavior might seem counterproductive to the goal Trump and Conway share: winning the election. But the reality is the only goal either has in mind now is self-preservation.”
Trump's campaign has been stumbling? When did this happen? Isn't the Clinton campaign flat on its face with all the disclosures about her corruption? That's what the reality would be in a fair minded media world; if it's not, then yes, he has a legitimate point about the rigging. Is he supposed to no shine a light on it? I don't mind a thread pointing this out; but I'm pointing out that you're no better than the spinsters.
Hey, you're right, it's a Trump landslide!


That's not what I said; but I strongly suspect that would be the case minus the cheating. That was the case in 2012 with Romney too, tbh.
Trump's campaign has been stumbling? When did this happen? Isn't the Clinton campaign flat on its face with all the disclosures about her corruption? That's what the reality would be in a fair minded media world; if it's not, then yes, he has a legitimate point about the rigging. Is he supposed to no shine a light on it? I don't mind a thread pointing this out; but I'm pointing out that you're no better than the spinsters.
The Political Death March Begins
October 17, 2016By

Tim Miller: “Trump knows he’s on a death march, which is why he has reverted to his purest id over the past few days. Belittling women that he allegedly sexually assaulted, concocting racist conspiracy theories about the global elites and minority communities rigging the election, and proffering bombastic lies about his opponent that he knows cable news can’t help but cover.”

“The death march is why Conway has begun to resurrect a time-honored practice: duplicitous political operatives throwing their boss under the bus to try to save face. In an attempt to preserve a lucrative fee on the public speaking circuit after the campaign, Conway has sent a series of tweets over the past week trying to position herself as both in on the joke with Saturday Night Live and the conscience on Trump’s shoulder trying to get him to behave. As a fellow anti-Trump conservative pointed out, Conway is officially playing the role of ‘punch clock villain.'”

“To a casual observer, this behavior might seem counterproductive to the goal Trump and Conway share: winning the election. But the reality is the only goal either has in mind now is self-preservation.”

Thanks Goebbels.
The "mean" comment was not meant to be a direct quote but a description. Because basically you are saying he is a mean vulgar guy.

Clinton is so much better, she just psychotically holds two positions and completely lies to everyone involved, while also being corrupt as hell. I would truly like to hear how you ended up in the position of voting for Clinton because reasonable sense... it doesn't make so far.
Well, it may never make sense, because you're a committed Trump voter.

For me, it's four reasons:

1. In general, I agree with the Democrats on more... well, more accurately, I disagree with the Democrats on fewer issues than the Republicans. Maybe 60/40.
2. I'm quite confident that Hillary is more moderate than she's letting on in playing for her crazed base.
3. I'm convinced that Trump has neither the temperament nor the intellectual capacity for that position.
4. I think the GOP is being led right off the rails by the wrong voices, and I don't want to support that destruction, because I very much want us to have (at least) two strong, sober, serious national parties, and we're going in the wrong direction.

I don't expect this to make sense to you, but you asked for the reasons.
I undestand it.
Hillary is very fucked up.
You expect perfection from the GOP but not Hillary.
You would rather vote for somebody you cannot trust because you're pissed off at the GOP.


What is this, Straw Man day?
Poor response.

You buy all of the false propaganda and vote accordingly. A once rational person is voting on pure emotion. You want Hillary to win because she can't possibly be as bad as Trump is portrayed in the press. It's just not possible.
I know. That's the excuse that's being set up: The media fooled 65 million Americans into voting for Hillary. Trump's non-stop string of hyperbole, insults, adolescent behavior, name-calling, issue ignorance, position switching, embarrassing gaffes, mocking the handicapped and war heroes and boorish behavior was all made up by the media.

They just made all that shit up and shoved it down our throats without us knowing. We didn't see and hear what we saw and heard.

In fact, I bet that was all just Hollywood-generated CGI, special effects, he wasn't even there.

Hey, whatever works. I guess that answers my question: What will happen? Trump and his fans will claim victimhood and point the finger.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.

This is the reality check, honestly.

Here's the reality check: All three of the items contained in your on the Hillary side are proveably lies, which even the 7 Republican lead investigations of Hillary Clinton have proved to be lies, and Donald Trump has done a whole lot more than "Said mean things".

He is being investigated by ICE for fraud and other immigration violations with his Trump Models company.

His Foundation has been found guilty and fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, to a Florida State's Attorney who subsequently declined to prosecute Trump University fraud claims.

His Foundation has been ordered to cease and desist all public fundraising because they have no license to solicit donations, and have never filed the requisite financial filings required to obtain such a license.

The Clinton Family Foundation returns 88% of the money which it raises, including moneys coming in from regimes where women have few rights, to programs which educate women, provide them with micro loans to start businesses, which provides AIDS drugs to 75% of the children in the world with AIDS, and 50% of the adults. None of the Clintons are paid any salary from the Clinton Foundation, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, personally donate most of their public speaking fees to the Foundation.

This information can be found in the Clinton Foundation's IRS Filings, which are published online, and the Clinton personal tax returns, 40 years of which have been made public.

We're still waiting for any sort of releases of financial information from Donald Trump, including his true net worth, the extent of his financial dealings with banks/individuals outside of the United States, and whether or not he even pays federal income taxes. All of the tax information which has been published so far indicates that he doesn't.
Well, it may never make sense, because you're a committed Trump voter.

For me, it's four reasons:

1. In general, I agree with the Democrats on more... well, more accurately, I disagree with the Democrats on fewer issues than the Republicans. Maybe 60/40.
2. I'm quite confident that Hillary is more moderate than she's letting on in playing for her crazed base.
3. I'm convinced that Trump has neither the temperament nor the intellectual capacity for that position.
4. I think the GOP is being led right off the rails by the wrong voices, and I don't want to support that destruction, because I very much want us to have (at least) two strong, sober, serious national parties, and we're going in the wrong direction.

I don't expect this to make sense to you, but you asked for the reasons.
I undestand it.
Hillary is very fucked up.
You expect perfection from the GOP but not Hillary.
You would rather vote for somebody you cannot trust because you're pissed off at the GOP.


What is this, Straw Man day?
Poor response.

You buy all of the false propaganda and vote accordingly. A once rational person is voting on pure emotion. You want Hillary to win because she can't possibly be as bad as Trump is portrayed in the press. It's just not possible.
I know. That's the excuse that's being set up: The media fooled 65 million Americans into voting for Hillary. Trump's non-stop string of hyperbole, insults, adolescent behavior, name-calling, issue ignorance, position switching, embarrassing gaffes, mocking the handicapped and war heroes and boorish behavior was all made up by the media.

They just made all that shit up and shoved it down our throats without us knowing. We didn't see and hear what we saw and heard.

In fact, I bet that was all just Hollywood-generated CGI, special effects, he wasn't even there.

Hey, whatever works. I guess that answers my question: What will happen? Trump and his fans will claim victimhood and point the finger.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.
Right back atcha.
I undestand it.
Hillary is very fucked up.
You expect perfection from the GOP but not Hillary.
You would rather vote for somebody you cannot trust because you're pissed off at the GOP.


What is this, Straw Man day?
Poor response.

You buy all of the false propaganda and vote accordingly. A once rational person is voting on pure emotion. You want Hillary to win because she can't possibly be as bad as Trump is portrayed in the press. It's just not possible.
I know. That's the excuse that's being set up: The media fooled 65 million Americans into voting for Hillary. Trump's non-stop string of hyperbole, insults, adolescent behavior, name-calling, issue ignorance, position switching, embarrassing gaffes, mocking the handicapped and war heroes and boorish behavior was all made up by the media.

They just made all that shit up and shoved it down our throats without us knowing. We didn't see and hear what we saw and heard.

In fact, I bet that was all just Hollywood-generated CGI, special effects, he wasn't even there.

Hey, whatever works. I guess that answers my question: What will happen? Trump and his fans will claim victimhood and point the finger.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.
Right back atcha.
Not even close.

What is this, Straw Man day?
Poor response.

You buy all of the false propaganda and vote accordingly. A once rational person is voting on pure emotion. You want Hillary to win because she can't possibly be as bad as Trump is portrayed in the press. It's just not possible.
I know. That's the excuse that's being set up: The media fooled 65 million Americans into voting for Hillary. Trump's non-stop string of hyperbole, insults, adolescent behavior, name-calling, issue ignorance, position switching, embarrassing gaffes, mocking the handicapped and war heroes and boorish behavior was all made up by the media.

They just made all that shit up and shoved it down our throats without us knowing. We didn't see and hear what we saw and heard.

In fact, I bet that was all just Hollywood-generated CGI, special effects, he wasn't even there.

Hey, whatever works. I guess that answers my question: What will happen? Trump and his fans will claim victimhood and point the finger.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.
Right back atcha.
Not even close.
Whatever works for ya.

To me, this is nothing more than a mass, conservative media-led temper tantrum.

Taking your toys and going home.

Limbaugh and Levin and Hannity and Beck and the websites have a lot to answer for. What they say one day, we see in here the next, if not sooner.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.

As a child, my mother used to say to me "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me". Trump responds to criticism with lies and abuse. This is very telling of his character, and his suitablility to be President. He said he's shoot people who gave US troops the finger.

Given that he was taken advantage of by a self-professed "gold digger" who gleefully fleeced him for millions in the divorce, how good a negotiator is he, really?

This is the reality check, honestly.

Here's the reality check: All three of the items contained in your on the Hillary side are proveably lies, which even the 7 Republican lead investigations of Hillary Clinton have proved to be lies, and Donald Trump has done a whole lot more than "Said mean things".

He is being investigated by ICE for fraud and other immigration violations with his Trump Models company.

His Foundation has been found guilty and fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, to a Florida State's Attorney who subsequently declined to prosecute Trump University fraud claims.

His Foundation has been ordered to cease and desist all public fundraising because they have no license to solicit donations, and have never filed the requisite financial filings required to obtain such a license.

The Clinton Family Foundation returns 88% of the money which it raises, including moneys coming in from regimes where women have few rights, to programs which educate women, provide them with micro loans to start businesses, which provides AIDS drugs to 75% of the children in the world with AIDS, and 50% of the adults. None of the Clintons are paid any salary from the Clinton Foundation, and Bill and Hillary Clinton, personally donate most of their public speaking fees to the Foundation.

This information can be found in the Clinton Foundation's IRS Filings, which are published online, and the Clinton personal tax returns, 40 years of which have been made public.

We're still waiting for any sort of releases of financial information from Donald Trump, including his true net worth, the extent of his financial dealings with banks/individuals outside of the United States, and whether or not he even pays federal income taxes. All of the tax information which has been published so far indicates that he doesn't.
Yup...Hillary never lied and Trump's a big fibber......nanner...nanner.
Poor response.

You buy all of the false propaganda and vote accordingly. A once rational person is voting on pure emotion. You want Hillary to win because she can't possibly be as bad as Trump is portrayed in the press. It's just not possible.
I know. That's the excuse that's being set up: The media fooled 65 million Americans into voting for Hillary. Trump's non-stop string of hyperbole, insults, adolescent behavior, name-calling, issue ignorance, position switching, embarrassing gaffes, mocking the handicapped and war heroes and boorish behavior was all made up by the media.

They just made all that shit up and shoved it down our throats without us knowing. We didn't see and hear what we saw and heard.

In fact, I bet that was all just Hollywood-generated CGI, special effects, he wasn't even there.

Hey, whatever works. I guess that answers my question: What will happen? Trump and his fans will claim victimhood and point the finger.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.
Right back atcha.
Not even close.
Whatever works for ya.

To me, this is nothing more than a mass, conservative media-led temper tantrum.

Taking your toys and going home.

Limbaugh and Levin and Hannity and Beck and the websites have a lot to answer for. What they say one day, we see in here the next, if not sooner.
Yep.......Hillary never lies is what you're saying.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.

As a child, my mother used to say to me "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me". Trump responds to criticism with lies and abuse. This is very telling of his character, and his suitablility to be President. He said he's shoot people who gave US troops the finger.

Given that he was taken advantage of by a self-professed "gold digger" who gleefully fleeced him for millions in the divorce, how good a negotiator is he, really?
You're making this shit up.
BTW, Trump isn't the only rich guy to get taken by a woman. WTF does that have to do with business anyway, asshole!!!
I know. That's the excuse that's being set up: The media fooled 65 million Americans into voting for Hillary. Trump's non-stop string of hyperbole, insults, adolescent behavior, name-calling, issue ignorance, position switching, embarrassing gaffes, mocking the handicapped and war heroes and boorish behavior was all made up by the media.

They just made all that shit up and shoved it down our throats without us knowing. We didn't see and hear what we saw and heard.

In fact, I bet that was all just Hollywood-generated CGI, special effects, he wasn't even there.

Hey, whatever works. I guess that answers my question: What will happen? Trump and his fans will claim victimhood and point the finger.
As I've said before, Trump says; "Why is Khans wife not saying anything?"

The media then says; "HE'S ATTACKING A GOLD STAR FAMILY!!!!"

Trump says; "We need to build a wall"

The media then says; "HE'S A RACIST!!!!"

Trump never said; "I think women should be punished for getting abortions".
What really happened was the media says he said it.
Most of the nasty comments Trump does post are in response to slanderous statements from assholes looking to get a rise out of him. They call him a sexist, bigoted, homopobic, xenophobic jerk who causes violence everywhere he goes. A monster that is a threat to the planet.

He calls them a bunch of losers.


You are being led around by the nose, buddy. Face it.
Right back atcha.
Not even close.
Whatever works for ya.

To me, this is nothing more than a mass, conservative media-led temper tantrum.

Taking your toys and going home.

Limbaugh and Levin and Hannity and Beck and the websites have a lot to answer for. What they say one day, we see in here the next, if not sooner.
Yep.......Hillary never lies is what you're saying.
It is?

"What's Next?"

How many ways in which a five year old can throw a temper tantrum has Trump not already used? Of those ways, it's anyone's guess as to which he'll choose next. Hell, there's even a good chance he'll reuse one or more of the ways.

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