Predictably, Trump shifts to "rigged election" - What's next?

Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
The consummate shady politician.......

Yet you have stated you intend to vote for her.

Does not compute
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Political systems can be mitigated or even fixed; cultures take far more time and effort.

A man of principle would vote for neither if those were his true convictions.
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Corrupted culture?

In an age where Kardashians are basically having sex on stage, Trump represents corrupted culture? I wonder how culture bleeds into your political decisions anyway. When voting about politician, shouldn't politics come before culture?

Oh, but Trump said mean things about some women! Clinton's husband would never do that... Might as well vote for the most corrupt politician in history then.

At least Trump represents the culture of preserving western values, which can't really be said for Clintons with their corruption, power politics and regressive left rhetoric.
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Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
The consummate shady politician.......

Yet you have stated you intend to vote for her.

Does not compute
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Political systems can be mitigated or even fixed; cultures take far more time and effort.

A man of principle would vote for neither if those were his true convictions.
My impulse is to vote third party. But Trump simply should not be in the White House.
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
You don't have a problem with the media advocating for Hillary, Obama bringing thousands of illegals here and registering them to vote? Obama has spent millions to get refugees registered to vote in this election in battleground states like Florida. They have registered another 1 million Hispanics in Florida. Where did they come from? If this isn't rigging the election then what is?
I've said many times that I agree the media is biased.

If the GOP wants to toss out an incredibly perfect target to make it even easier for the media, well, that's their call.

But my question is about what happens to the GOP after the election.
I don't think you understand. Hillary and Obama rigged the election. It doesn’t matter who the GOP nominated, they get the same accusations of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and bigotry. It's what they do. They can't win an election on the issues. They use their media to trash their opponents and use double-standards to peal away ignorant voters who aren't paying attention. Whatever their weakness is, the Democratic slime merchants blow it out of proportion.

This election is even worse. They've actually used Hillary's weaknesses against Trump:

Trump has never committed sexual-misconduct but Bill has, so why not make it look like Trump did it too. Bring up a video of him talking shit in a van 11 years ago, then produce several women who claim he did it, and also claim they came forward because of what he said during the second debate. One who a witness said is lying about the whole thing, another who tried to contact Trump a few months ago, and another who claims Trump groped her at a concert that never took place because the concert was officially cancelled and never happened.
Hillary goes spastic the first time she's in a crowd and has to be dragged into her van and taken for emergency medical treatment, then she stages a media photo-op claiming she's fine. Nobody in their right mind believes her, she drops in the polls, so they accuse Trump of being unhealthy.
Hillary is caught red-handed committing a crime, being careless with Top Secret information and lying about it, but it's Trump who's a threat to national security. Hillary skates because Bill shows up at Loretta Lynch's aircraft in a 36 min. exchange the day before Hillary is to be questioned making threats like "If Hillary goes does Obama". Walla, no indictment is filed. Hillary walks.
The Clinton Foundation is caught in a pay for play scheme, but it's Trump’s foundation that's breaking the law.
Trump University was brought up only because Bill was caught taking millions in an overseas education scam that makes Trump University look spotless in comparison.
Calls for Trumps tax returns becomes an issue because Hillary illegally aquired his 1995 tax returns when he took a deduction that was legal and Hillary took herself. However, the Clinton Foundation was ordered to amend their latest return because of "documentation errors" which showed they under-reported their income by close to a million dollars.
Hillary’s emails shows that she hates everyone. Hispanics, Jews, people they consider to be inferior, but Trump is the bigot because he wants secure borders. She goes on a tirade saying Trump followers are all fucked up, but in fact she and her staff like passing around off color jokes about the elderly, Hispanics, Jews, and Asians.

The list goes on and on.
That's a nice, long list of negative stories about Hillary, and I'll stipulate to all of them, what the hell.

She's horrible, she's everything I loathe about contemporary American politics and politicians.

And I still have to vote for her, because I live in a swing state and the GOP has completely lost its fucking mind.

Had you run a smart ticket like Kasich/Rubio, I probably would have held my nose and voted for them. Yuck, but I would have.

But I know, I know: Anyone who isn't Trump is a radical leftist radical pinko commie liberal Marxist Fascist Socialist RINO transsexual who wants to turn America into Cuba as fast as they possibly can.
I like politicians that don't want to bring millions of foreigners into this country to change the vote.
Politicians that aren't taking money from countries that sponsor terrorism.
Politicians that don't need to get in the gutter to distract from their negatives.
Politicians that like us and want to do what is best for this country, not what their rich donors and special interests want.
Politicians that don't hold two positions, one for the public and another in private that's a 180 from it.
Politicians that put Americans first.
Politicians that don't run the military like a Muslim Outreach program and don't leave the troops out to be butchered because they want them to look fashionable and be more understanding to our enemy's needs.
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He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Corrupted culture?

In an age where Kardashians are basically having sex on stage, Trump represents corrupted culture? I wonder how culture bleeds into your political decisions anyway. When voting about politician, shouldn't politics come before culture?

Oh, but Trump said mean things about some women! Clinton's husband would never do that... Might as well vote for the most corrupt politician in history then.

At least Trump represents the culture of preserving western values, which can't really be said for Clintons with their corruption and power politics.
Yes, Trump represents a corrupted culture. Narcissism. Vulgarity. Ignorance. Lowered standards.

Pretending that the Kardashians are the only symbol of a corrupted culture is intellectually dishonest at best.
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Corrupted culture?

In an age where Kardashians are basically having sex on stage, Trump represents corrupted culture? I wonder how culture bleeds into your political decisions anyway. When voting about politician, shouldn't politics come before culture?

Oh, but Trump said mean things about some women! Clinton's husband would never do that... Might as well vote for the most corrupt politician in history then.

At least Trump represents the culture of preserving western values, which can't really be said for Clintons with their corruption and power politics.
Yes, Trump represents a corrupted culture. Narcissism. Vulgarity. Ignorance. Lowered standards.

Pretending that the Kardashians are the only symbol of a corrupted culture is intellectually dishonest at best.

Got it, you rather have someone you "hate everything about politically", than someone who is "mean".

Lowered standards... now THAT is a funny description of a billionaire with a model wife. Do you even think before you type?
Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
The consummate shady politician.......

Yet you have stated you intend to vote for her.

Does not compute
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Political systems can be mitigated or even fixed; cultures take far more time and effort.

A man of principle would vote for neither if those were his true convictions.
My impulse is to vote third party. But Trump simply should not be in the White House.
I could say the same thing about Hillary and vote for Trump.

Gotta say I expected more of you with all of your talk about right vs wrong over the years
Donald Trump in January:


The networks all give me more free air time than those losers running against me put together, and I have been a real boon to their ratings!

Donald Trump in October:


The networks are all giving me more free air time than Crooked Hillary! It's rigged! Waaaaaaaaaah!
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Corrupted culture?

In an age where Kardashians are basically having sex on stage, Trump represents corrupted culture? I wonder how culture bleeds into your political decisions anyway. When voting about politician, shouldn't politics come before culture?

Oh, but Trump said mean things about some women! Clinton's husband would never do that... Might as well vote for the most corrupt politician in history then.

At least Trump represents the culture of preserving western values, which can't really be said for Clintons with their corruption and power politics.
Yes, Trump represents a corrupted culture. Narcissism. Vulgarity. Ignorance. Lowered standards.

Pretending that the Kardashians are the only symbol of a corrupted culture is intellectually dishonest at best.

Got it, you rather have someone you "hate everything about politically", than someone who is "mean".

Lowered standards... now THAT is a funny description of a billionaire with a model wife. Do you even think before you type?

Another straw man?

Okay, never mind.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
The consummate shady politician.......

Yet you have stated you intend to vote for her.

Does not compute
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Political systems can be mitigated or even fixed; cultures take far more time and effort.

A man of principle would vote for neither if those were his true convictions.
My impulse is to vote third party. But Trump simply should not be in the White House.
I could say the same thing about Hillary and vote for Trump.

Gotta say I expected more of you with all of your talk about right vs wrong over the years
Oh well.

I hate everything about this campaign, and that's where I ended up, voting while holding my nose with both hands.
Sure you are, as you dont really seem to object to it now.
I'm guessing this means that both parties are the same?

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Both parties are serving the interests and are part of the corporate crony network.

If the Koreans nuked DC they would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.
Okay, then why not form a new party? Give it a nice, new, fresh, snappy name like the "Patriot Party" or the "Liberty Party" or whatever.

I'm sure your message will spread across the country in no time and make it the largest, most powerful party before you know it.

Why destroy the GOP and hand a Presidential election to the consummate shifty politician at such a critical time?
Your question indicates a failure to comprehend what is happening. The R party is destroying itself. R voters are not responsible, as you seem to believe.
Republican voters are not responsible for their votes?

Is that what you're saying?

You are a rather disingenuous poster. I guess that comes with trying to straddle the fence and appear above it all.

Clearly R voters have had enough of their party being Dem Lite. Trump is likely not the answer, but he is most anti-establishment, against open borders, and critical of the R party.
I'm guessing this means that both parties are the same?

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Both parties are serving the interests and are part of the corporate crony network.

If the Koreans nuked DC they would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.
Okay, then why not form a new party? Give it a nice, new, fresh, snappy name like the "Patriot Party" or the "Liberty Party" or whatever.

I'm sure your message will spread across the country in no time and make it the largest, most powerful party before you know it.

Why destroy the GOP and hand a Presidential election to the consummate shifty politician at such a critical time?
Your question indicates a failure to comprehend what is happening. The R party is destroying itself. R voters are not responsible, as you seem to believe.
Republican voters are not responsible for their votes?

Is that what you're saying?

You are a rather disingenuous poster. I guess that comes with trying to straddle the fence and appear above it all.

Clearly R voters have had enough of their party being Dem Lite. Trump is likely not the answer, but he is most anti-establishment, against open borders, and critical of the R party.
Great. He's the guy you chose to nominate and support, while the Democrats run a horrible candidate. I'm sure they appreciate it.

And my side of the fence is in my sig. I made it as simple as I can - I'm with a majority of the country, nothing "above it all" about that.

Partisans are the people who think they have all the answers.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Both parties are serving the interests and are part of the corporate crony network.

If the Koreans nuked DC they would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.
Okay, then why not form a new party? Give it a nice, new, fresh, snappy name like the "Patriot Party" or the "Liberty Party" or whatever.

I'm sure your message will spread across the country in no time and make it the largest, most powerful party before you know it.

Why destroy the GOP and hand a Presidential election to the consummate shifty politician at such a critical time?
Your question indicates a failure to comprehend what is happening. The R party is destroying itself. R voters are not responsible, as you seem to believe.
Republican voters are not responsible for their votes?

Is that what you're saying?

You are a rather disingenuous poster. I guess that comes with trying to straddle the fence and appear above it all.

Clearly R voters have had enough of their party being Dem Lite. Trump is likely not the answer, but he is most anti-establishment, against open borders, and critical of the R party.
Great. He's the guy you chose to nominate and support, while the Democrats run a horrible candidate. I'm sure they appreciate it.

And my side of the fence is in my sig. I made it as simple as I can - I'm with a majority of the country, nothing "above it all" about that.

Partisans are the people who think they have all the answers.
You seem to be under the misconception that any of the other leading candidates in the R party would be better than Trump. I think not. Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were all big government warmongering assholes owned by Wall Street...just like Cankles.

The R voter can only vote for those running for the nomination.
Okay, then why not form a new party? Give it a nice, new, fresh, snappy name like the "Patriot Party" or the "Liberty Party" or whatever.

I'm sure your message will spread across the country in no time and make it the largest, most powerful party before you know it.

Why destroy the GOP and hand a Presidential election to the consummate shifty politician at such a critical time?
Your question indicates a failure to comprehend what is happening. The R party is destroying itself. R voters are not responsible, as you seem to believe.
Republican voters are not responsible for their votes?

Is that what you're saying?

You are a rather disingenuous poster. I guess that comes with trying to straddle the fence and appear above it all.

Clearly R voters have had enough of their party being Dem Lite. Trump is likely not the answer, but he is most anti-establishment, against open borders, and critical of the R party.
Great. He's the guy you chose to nominate and support, while the Democrats run a horrible candidate. I'm sure they appreciate it.

And my side of the fence is in my sig. I made it as simple as I can - I'm with a majority of the country, nothing "above it all" about that.

Partisans are the people who think they have all the answers.
You seem to be under the misconception that any of the other leading candidates in the R party would be better than Trump. I think not. Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were all big government warmongering assholes owned by Wall Street...just like Cankles.

The R voter can only vote for those running for the nomination.
Well, we definitely disagree there. I probably would have voted for Kasich/Rubio, even though I lean a little Left.

But they're "big government warmongering assholes owned by Wall Street", so the GOP chose to toss them overboard. So they have their guy.

Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
The consummate shady politician.......

Yet you have stated you intend to vote for her.

Does not compute
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Political systems can be mitigated or even fixed; cultures take far more time and effort.
Political systems cannot be fixed if the corrupt gain enough power. You keep wanting to give them more and keep giving it to them.

Trump can be controlled. Hillary cannot simply because the watchdog media is in the tank for her. They are the only protection we have against dictators and Hillary has them in her pocket. That is dangerous to democracy and dangerous to our freedom.
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
Republicans will be as strong as ever in Idaho and Utah.

It looks as if Republicans could lose Utah to a third party candidate this year.
He's even worse. She represents a corrupted political system, he represents a corrupted culture.

Corrupted culture?

In an age where Kardashians are basically having sex on stage, Trump represents corrupted culture? I wonder how culture bleeds into your political decisions anyway. When voting about politician, shouldn't politics come before culture?

Oh, but Trump said mean things about some women! Clinton's husband would never do that... Might as well vote for the most corrupt politician in history then.

At least Trump represents the culture of preserving western values, which can't really be said for Clintons with their corruption and power politics.
Yes, Trump represents a corrupted culture. Narcissism. Vulgarity. Ignorance. Lowered standards.

Pretending that the Kardashians are the only symbol of a corrupted culture is intellectually dishonest at best.

Got it, you rather have someone you "hate everything about politically", than someone who is "mean".

Lowered standards... now THAT is a funny description of a billionaire with a model wife. Do you even think before you type?

Another straw man?

Okay, never mind.

The "mean" comment was not meant to be a direct quote but a description. Because basically you are saying he is a mean vulgar guy.

Clinton is so much better, she just psychotically holds two positions and completely lies to everyone involved, while also being corrupt as hell. I would truly like to hear how you ended up in the position of voting for Clinton because reasonable sense... it doesn't make so far.
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You seem to be under the misconception that any of the other leading candidates in the R party would be better than Trump. I think not. Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich were all big government warmongering assholes owned by Wall Street...just like Cankles.

The R voter can only vote for those running for the nomination.

I would disagree with regard to Cruz, but the rest of it is spot on.

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