Predictably, Trump shifts to "rigged election" - What's next?

As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
You don't have a problem with the media advocating for Hillary, Obama bringing thousands of illegals here and registering them to vote? Obama has spent millions to get refugees registered to vote in this election in battleground states like Florida. They have registered another 1 million Hispanics in Florida. Where did they come from? If this isn't rigging the election then what is?
I've said many times that I agree the media is biased.

If the GOP wants to toss out an incredibly perfect target to make it even easier for the media, well, that's their call.

But my question is about what happens to the GOP after the election.
Thanks for demonstrating the Truth of Hillary's observation about Democrat voters.

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We see the posts of stupid Ds on this board every day...and they don't mind being called stupid by Cankles.
Between her own stupid supporters and the basement dwelling Sanders people, the Despicable Republicans and the backward Catholics, there is no one left in America that Hillary has not personally insulted and shown she has complete contempt for.

But Dims like Tyrone will still vote for her in hopes of getting a free Obamaphone and other free shit..
I believe these MILLIONS, BTW, of extremely pissed off REPs will form a new party based on extreme nationalist policies.
Thank you.

I think that would be best for all concerned, definitely.
There is nothing "extreme" about wanting the laws enforced on our borders, our economic practices (like abuse of the H1-B visas), and our politicians that have sold out to corporate cronyism.
I believe these MILLIONS, BTW, of extremely pissed off REPs will form a new party based on extreme nationalist policies.
Thank you.

I think that would be best for all concerned, definitely.
That's what is happening in every EU country right now.
The populations voted in the 'Santa Claus' party AKA The Socialist Party.
The Socialist opened the door to millions of 'young muslim men' who have virtually destroyed these countries in every way imaginable. All for future Socialist votes. Finally the populations are waking up. Next step is to deport these violent misogynist illiterate thugs back to where they should have been fighting for their own country's survival.
Watching the Today Show...their reporting of the election was unbelievably biased. It was shitfest on it any wonder so many D voters are uninformed dupes...they believe the propaganda.
I cannot help but to believe that most voters have come to the conclusion that the MSM is not to be trusted about this election or just about anything else.

The only question in my mind is how long will it take these feeble-minded institutions to either go out of business or do a 180 and return to honest objective reporting.
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
You don't have a problem with the media advocating for Hillary, Obama bringing thousands of illegals here and registering them to vote? Obama has spent millions to get refugees registered to vote in this election in battleground states like Florida. They have registered another 1 million Hispanics in Florida. Where did they come from? If this isn't rigging the election then what is?
I've said many times that I agree the media is biased.

If the GOP wants to toss out an incredibly perfect target to make it even easier for the media, well, that's their call.

But my question is about what happens to the GOP after the election.
I can tell you what my plans are, Im going to try to vote to change congress and the senate both democrat too.
I want the dems to own the shitbowl they are about to have, I want no chance of them being able to point at republicans or anyone other than themselves when trying to explain how everything went so wrong.
The next four years could be the end of the democratic party.
Clearly they're not looking beyond the election.
Trump is. It seems that Trump TV is likely his next move. A safe space for conservatives. There is a lot of money to be made off this gullible group.
Yeah, I keep hearing that. It would make sense. Add that to forming their own party, and I think that would be great.

There are many moderate people who aren't attached to the Democrats who might then move to the GOP.

I'm just not a big fan of One Party Rule.
Trump is. It seems that Trump TV is likely his next move. A safe space for conservatives. There is a lot of money to be made off this gullible group.

Lol, you are helping to elect a known criminal, incompetent and narcisist like Hillary of the Royal House Clinton and you call us gullible?

You are a fucking moron.
I can tell you what my plans are, Im going to try to vote to change congress and the senate both democrat too.
I want the dems to own the shitbowl they are about to have, I want no chance of them being able to point at republicans or anyone other than themselves when trying to explain how everything went so wrong.
The next four years could be the end of the democratic party.
The Robotics Revolution will force the Democrats into a job mongering set of policies and will run out the leftwing morons, or else it will die as a third party joke equivalent to the Greens or Libertarians.

The Republicans will either ride that Middle Class victory wave or get run over by it.
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
You don't have a problem with the media advocating for Hillary, Obama bringing thousands of illegals here and registering them to vote? Obama has spent millions to get refugees registered to vote in this election in battleground states like Florida. They have registered another 1 million Hispanics in Florida. Where did they come from? If this isn't rigging the election then what is?
I've said many times that I agree the media is biased.

If the GOP wants to toss out an incredibly perfect target to make it even easier for the media, well, that's their call.

But my question is about what happens to the GOP after the election.
The media is not only biased, they are actively working to subvert this election.
After this past year that gave us Trump v. Hillary, I'm stepping back from making any predictions about what's next. For the last three months especially it has been like welcome to the Twilight Zone.
Watching the Today Show...their reporting of the election was unbelievably biased. It was shitfest on it any wonder so many D voters are uninformed dupes...they believe the propaganda.
I cannot help but to believe that most voters have come to the conclusion that the MSM is not to be trusted about this election or just about anything else.

The only question in my mind is how long will it take these feeble-minded institutions to either go out of business or do a 180 and return to honest objective reporting.
The results of this election just might also be a referendum on the MSM. If Cankles wins as I suspect she will, it might indicate that there are still too many stupid Americans that believe the MSM.
I'm just not a big fan of One Party Rule..
Sure you are, as you dont really seem to object to it now.
I'm guessing this means that both parties are the same?

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Both parties are serving the interests and are part of the corporate crony network.

If the Koreans nuked DC they would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.
Okay, then why not form a new party? Give it a nice, new, fresh, snappy name like the "Patriot Party" or the "Liberty Party" or whatever.

I'm sure your message will spread across the country in no time and make it the largest, most powerful party before you know it.

Why destroy the GOP and hand a Presidential election to the consummate shifty politician at such a critical time?
I'm just not a big fan of One Party Rule..
Sure you are, as you dont really seem to object to it now.
I'm guessing this means that both parties are the same?

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Both parties are serving the interests and are part of the corporate crony network.

If the Koreans nuked DC they would be doing the rest of us a huge favor.
Okay, then why not form a new party? Give it a nice, new, fresh, snappy name like the "Patriot Party" or the "Liberty Party" or whatever.

I'm sure your message will spread across the country in no time and make it the largest, most powerful party before you know it.

Why destroy the GOP and hand a Presidential election to the consummate shifty politician at such a critical time?
Your question indicates a failure to comprehend what is happening. The R party is destroying itself. R voters are not responsible, as you seem to believe.

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