Predictably, Trump shifts to "rigged election" - What's next?

Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
I will take a national embarrassment over the lying corrupt ill criminal pushed on us by a lying corrupt criminal establishment.

Does it ever bother you that Trump lies to the American electorate every single day?
Does it bother you that Cankles has lied to the American public for 30 fucking years?
I asked a simple question, is it too difficult to answer?
Trump is a disaster. Cankles is the END.

Now you answer my question.
A groper or a lying, corrupt, very sick criminal, owned by Wall Street and the TBTF banks, warmonger?
The German Banks own the Orange Jizztrumpet Donald Trump and do not forget come no one looked into Benghazi waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
I will take a national embarrassment over the lying corrupt ill criminal pushed on us by a lying corrupt criminal establishment.

I don't know what this means as it pertains to my actual question.

What happens within the GOP? What does it look like during, say, the 2018 mid-terms?

If your answer is "I have no idea", fine, that's an answer.
I don't give a fuck about the GOP. I hope the party disappears forever. Why the fuck are you so concerned about a party you clearly despise?
On November the Ninth if Trump supporters try to show their ass on the streets whining about "rigged election" their heads need to be met squarely with Big Batons wielded by Big Police....
You mean the police who support Trump?
you think they gonna give up salary and perks for one tooth Tea Billy mental criples////No I don't think so...swing for the fences boys

If the boys are ever up against it in a tough election .....Tell them to "Win one for the Groper"
Which is worse?

A groper or a lying, corrupt, very sick criminal, owned by Wall Street and the TBTF banks, warmonger?

Not a trick question...
The worst are your lies. Mrs Clinton is not sick, nor corrupt, nor a liar, nor owned by Wall St and the banks. Other than that your post is correct
I don't give a fuck about the GOP. I hope the party disappears forever. Why the fuck are you so concerned about a party you clearly despise?
well the GOP happens to be one of two major parties that exist in the US ...its possible that may be the reason
The GOP will be fine if they simply remember two things.

1). Bush won 2 terms (granted barely) by running smart, disciplined campaigns. Those voters are still out there. The GOP needs to expand the tent as best it can by doing minority outreach and talking about what they are for as much as they talk about what they are against. Seriously, when was the last time you heard Mitch McConnnell say anything that didn’t sound like the emperor on Star Wars?

2). They do not need the Trump enablers; Those who voted for Trump in the primaries. Three main reasons.
  • They won’t add much in the way of funding or volunteerism. Two things an insurgency candidacy needs.
  • They actually turn off and drive away the voters you do need; affluent, educated women and men. Would you want to be sitting next to Cletus when he belts someone?
  • They have nowhere else to go. You may get one in five or two in five. But you can win without them…so don’t worry about it.

The GOP will be back.

1) Agree with you but the GOP have behaved terribly since then. Also Bush spoke spanish which was a plus... Demographics are running away from the GOP at the moment.
Demographics may be but reality is not.
  • Americans have a very long history of not rewarding a two-term party a third term in the oval. The only two that have done it was FDR and GHWB. FDR had WWII and GHWB had Ronald Reagan which was in and of itself a force of nature in his own right.
  • Hillary Clinton will be beatable in 2020. The GOP Congress (which they will still control the House) will not reward her with much in the way of signature legislation. I think she’ll get some things done but not Obamacare-sized programs. The sequester ending will help.
  • Finally, 30 State Houses are controlled by the GOP and we will very likely have a Democrat controlled Senate. That means that there are a lot of GOP women and men who have won state-wide who have the “executive experience” that many American voters like. Up until Obama, the Governor’s Chair was seen as a logical stepping stone to the Presidency as of late. Carter, Reagan, Clinton and GWB were all governors…

2) With the Demographics running away from them they are not chasing after it but sticking firm with the base loons....

I said that Hillary on the first day should invite Ryan in and discuss implementing STV(Alternative vote) and Proportional Representation... Not to help her party but save the GOP and thus US Democracy... There is a place for a Moderate Right Party who are engaging and thoughtful... Deals can be made...

The present system creates entrenchment because anyone getting out of the foxhole to parley with the enemy is a traitor...

Well, I don’t know about all that. It’s a lot to consider. If we’re talking about what is politically smart for the GOP, any changes in structure will have to wait until you get a GOP President. That is just the political reality of the situation.
I don't give a fuck about the GOP. I hope the party disappears forever. Why the fuck are you so concerned about a party you clearly despise?
I don't despise anyone.

I do, however, strongly believe that this country needs (at least) two strong, sober, serious, healthy, national parties to keep each other in check.

Three would be nice.

If you disagree with that, you disagree. If you don't care, you don't care.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
I will take a national embarrassment over the lying corrupt ill criminal pushed on us by a lying corrupt criminal establishment.

Does it ever bother you that Trump lies to the American electorate every single day?
Does it bother you that Cankles has lied to the American public for 30 fucking years?
I asked a simple question, is it too difficult to answer?
Trump is a disaster. Cankles is the END.
Hillary has not lied for 30 years, and is a far more qualified candidate. In fact Trump has zero qualifications for the office, except your kind still believes in fairy tales like deporting 11 million people and building a 2500 mile wall, for which the money to construct it will just magically appear

Now you answer my question.
I don't give a fuck about the GOP. I hope the party disappears forever. Why the fuck are you so concerned about a party you clearly despise?
I don't despise anyone.

I do, however, strongly believe that this country needs (at least) two strong, sober, serious, healthy parties to keep each other in check.

Three would be nice.

If you disagree with that, you disagree. If you don't care, you don't care.
If you think the GOP was a strong healthy party prior to Trump, think again. It is a clone of the D party.
On November the Ninth if Trump supporters try to show their ass on the streets whining about "rigged election" their heads need to be met squarely with Big Batons wielded by Big Police....
You mean the police who support Trump?
you think they gonna give up salary and perks for one tooth Tea Billy mental criples////No I don't think so...swing for the fences boys

If the boys are ever up against it in a tough election .....Tell them to "Win one for the Groper"
Which is worse?

A groper or a lying, corrupt, very sick criminal, owned by Wall Street and the TBTF banks, warmonger?

Not a trick question...
The worst are your lies. Mrs Clinton is not sick, nor corrupt, nor a liar, nor owned by Wall St and the banks. Other than that your post is correct
Seems she is, and your lying...
On November the Ninth if Trump supporters try to show their ass on the streets whining about "rigged election" their heads need to be met squarely with Big Batons wielded by Big Police....
You mean the police who support Trump?
you think they gonna give up salary and perks for one tooth Tea Billy mental criples////No I don't think so...swing for the fences boys

If the boys are ever up against it in a tough election .....Tell them to "Win one for the Groper"
Which is worse?

A groper or a lying, corrupt, very sick criminal, owned by Wall Street and the TBTF banks, warmonger?

Not a trick question...
The worst are your lies. Mrs Clinton is not sick, nor corrupt, nor a liar, nor owned by Wall St and the banks. Other than that your post is correct
SEE? There it is clearly on display.

As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?

It's still beyond logic and reason that the modern Republican party allowed that silly son-of-a-bitch to become their nominee.
It is even worse for the D Party, since they dishonestly nominated the most corrupt pol in our history.

Funny....I doubt you see this obvious fact.

They don't. But, they will.
I can see Captain Ahab Trump strapped onto Moby Dick stabbing it with a harpoon shrieking "Its rigged its all rigged "...Moby the whale standing for "The Truth" and Trump being trapped by ropes of Karma unto the back of Truth still trying to kill it ....Oh you are a Bastard ....
The GOP will be fine if they simply remember two things.

1). Bush won 2 terms (granted barely) by running smart, disciplined campaigns. Those voters are still out there. The GOP needs to expand the tent as best it can by doing minority outreach and talking about what they are for as much as they talk about what they are against. Seriously, when was the last time you heard Mitch McConnnell say anything that didn’t sound like the emperor on Star Wars?

2). They do not need the Trump enablers; Those who voted for Trump in the primaries. Three main reasons.
  • They won’t add much in the way of funding or volunteerism. Two things an insurgency candidacy needs.
  • They actually turn off and drive away the voters you do need; affluent, educated women and men. Would you want to be sitting next to Cletus when he belts someone?
  • They have nowhere else to go. You may get one in five or two in five. But you can win without them…so don’t worry about it.

The GOP will be back.
This is the perfect example of why I just dont understand the blacks voting majority democrat.
GOP needs to expand the tent by doing minority outreach
See, to me this is somewhat demeaning to blacks, shouldn't they be considered an equal part of our society? and as such, if something is good for society, shouldn't they realize the same advantages as anyone else in that society? and also the same disadvantages.
But the democrats act as if the blacks are some inferior class of citizen, I dont know, are the too stupid or something? is there something genetically wrong with them that needs to be compensated for with special treatment?
To me it is evident that the democrats consider blacks and for the most part other minorities inferior to their super human white selves. Very racist.
Why dont the blacks see this. Equal treatment is equal, it is not unequal to make up for some genetic defect.
Let blacks live without catering to them and watch them flourish, watch the real cases of racism be reduced, watch society benefit as a whole from having these minorities treated equally in all aspects.
Should I rewrite this in a simpler way to understand so that the liberals have some chance of seeing where they are wrong?
I can see Captain Ahab Trump strapped onto Moby Dick stabbing it with a harpoon shrieking "Its rigged its all rigged "...Moby the whale standing for "The Truth" and Trump being trapped by ropes of Karma unto the back of Truth still trying to kill it ....Oh you are a Bastard ....

As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?

The election is rigged... you haven't read wikileaks, have you?
Most Americans have long admitted to having, if nothing else, an intuitive sense that both Washington D.C. and the media are corrupt.

But the messenger, the icon of this message, is a national embarrassment, and is turning that important message into a joke -- handing a presidential election over to the consummate shady politician.

So I'll ask again: If Trump loses, what's next?
Its not if Trump loses, its when.
He is going to lose, get used to saying president traitor ho.
hillary was promised that this was her turn if she stepped aside for the kenyan, they knew that it was time because the republicans in their goal to lose elections, ran McCain, the same McCain that was rejected by the republican voters when he went against GW Bush for the nomination in 1999. If the voters hated him then, what is it that made the RNC think they would love him now? were they just counting on free votes because the other guy was black?
Then they run Romney, another far left Rino that never had a chance of a republican win. Gave wonder boy his second term, gift wrapped.
CNN Poll of Polls: Clinton leads Trump by 8 points
Source: CNN

(CNN) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is leading her Republican rival Donald Trump by eight points among likely voters, according to the most recent CNN Poll of Polls, released Monday.

The poll average shows Clinton has 47% of support from likely voters, Trump at 39% support, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson with 7% and Green Party nominee Jill Stein getting 2%.

The Poll of Polls averages result from the four most recent publicly-released national polls that meets CNN's standards for publication. All of the polls included the four-way match-ups with the third party candidates. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

All four of the polls were taken after release on October 7 of a 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape showing Donald Trump making lewd comments about women. Since then many Republican elected officials have rescinded their support for the GOP nominee, and several women have come forward accusing Trump of unwanted sexual advances.

Read more: CNN Poll of Polls: Clinton leads Trump by 8 points -
It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?

I'm not sure they can. The thing was, in 2013, the GOP did an Autopsy that said two things.

1) We have to reach out to non-whites, especially Hispanics, if we want to have a future.
2) We have to reach out to women, and address their concerns.

Instead, the GOP electorate nominated a race-baiting, pussy-grabbing Nazi Orange hairpiece.

The thing is, in the 2018 midterms, the GOP is probably going to do pretty well. They have a pretty good shot in 2020 because Hillary is not going to be popular, even if there isn't an event like a recession or a war.

So they are probably going to write Trump off as an anamoly and leave it at that, without addressing some of the valid concerns he brought up, such as the new economy has left the white working class behind.

The bigger concern i have out of this election is how much of the electorate HAS given up on the status quo. As I stated in another thread, when a major political party nominated someone so far outside the mainstream, the voters rejected them. Goldwater lost 44 states, and McGovern lost 49, even going up against flawed opponents.

Trump will probably win most of the same states that McCain and Romney won.

The fact that half the Republicans supported a Nazi and half the Democrats supported a Communist says people are giving up on democracy. That should worry both parties.
Trump the Mobius strip is how he stays on both sides of issues ....Mobius Dick...its all rigged by the way LOL

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