Predictably, Trump shifts to "rigged election" - What's next?

As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
You don't have a problem with the media advocating for Hillary, Obama bringing thousands of illegals here and registering them to vote? Obama has spent millions to get refugees registered to vote in this election in battleground states like Florida. They have registered another 1 million Hispanics in Florida. Where did they come from? If this isn't rigging the election then what is?
As campaign stumbles, Donald Trump again pushes "rigged" election claims - CBS News

It was predicted several times here - he sees what's coming and is making excuses three weeks out. So that's going to be the meme after the election for the Trumpsters.

I can understand why Democrats from coast to coast are doing the Happy Dance, but we really do need two strong, serious parties.

Does the GOP become a regional party going forward, or is there a way to fix this? And how long would that take?

And what do Trump and his fans do from here?
With all the voter fraud, the phalanx of pro-Clinton news coverage from the MSM, the help the Obama regime is ILLEGALLY giving to Clinton, and all her bribed allies in government that look the other way, sure Trump is going to say the election is rigged against him.

It is.
I'm not asking about her. I'm asking about the GOP.
In a Presidential election, the track record of BOTH candidates is relevant.

To reject one candidate for mild flaws when his opponent is a treasonous criminal and a corporate stooge is a stupid way of doing analysis.
With all the voter fraud, the phalanx of pro-Clinton news coverage from the MSM, the help the Obama regime is ILLEGALLY giving to Clinton, and all her bribed allies in government that look the other way, sure Trump is going to say the election is rigged against him.

It is.

Trump the Mobius strip is how he stays on both sides of issues ....Mobius Dick
What can the GOP do after this election?

Partisan Answer: They're dead and they will never recover from this ever, ever, ever!!!

Non-Partisan Answer: There are many paths the GOP can take. Remember in 2006 and 2008 it looked bleak for the GOP after consecutive losses that lead to President Obama Election and the Democratic Party take over of the House and Senate.

But with the ACA and wasteful spending and hatred for President Obama the Tea Party Caucus got the GOP elected back in the House in 2010 and Senate in 2014, so the GOP is not dead.

Things the need to do:

1. Find another Reagan... Ronald Reagan united the GOP during one of it darkest hours after Nixon... He brought back the Republicans and brought with him the Reagan-crats that rejuvenated the GOP...

Who is the next Reagan?

Look toward someone like Huntsman or Kasich but do not follow the Bush family!

2. Offer solution and not obstruction to issues like the ACA, Immigration Reform ( No Amnesty ) and closing Loopholes and fixing bad trade deals like NAFTA.

Working with Hillary Clinton while offering her solutions and not Obstruction is the best course of action while winning seats back in the House and Senate.

3. reaching out to the Asian and Hispanic\Latino Communities...

Donald Trump has done too much damage to salvage this election and might still hurt the GOP in 2018 but the GOP need to reach out to those two communities if they plan on taking back the House and Senate and one day winning the White House again.

There is no point going after the African American vote seeing they are the Democratic Party main voter, so go after the other minority voters that are growing rapidly and focus on their needs like Small Business regulations to reform on Immigration ( again no Amnesty ) that will draw the minority voter too the Republican party.

The Bush family can carry the Hispanic\Latino vote easily but many of the GOP can not and they ( GOP ) need to find some way to fix this one issue or the GOP will stay as the political party of the House and Red States while the Democratic Party stays in power of the Oval Office, Senate and Blue States...


Now with that written many that are voting for Clinton will declare the GOP dead after this election ( Like they did in 2006 and 2008 ) but the reality is the GOP is one bad ACA deal from retaking the Senate again because the American voter is one fickle bitch but never learn from their mistake either...

So with that I leave you with this and it matter not which political party win this November because the reality is they work together to keep real change from happening and if the American voter want real change then it is time to elect a third and fourth party to the House and a third party to the senate that can tilt the power away from the two major political powers!
Clearly they're not looking beyond the election.
The Democrats NEVER look beyond the election, but in the case of Trump supporters we sure as hell are.

We want to restore the Republic and take control from the Professional Political Class and dismantle it.

This is a political struggle over who will run this country; the Oligarchs or the people, and the old ways that that struggle worked are all gone since the Dims have been bought out by corporate America.

But the people will win, eventually, and the longer it takes the more anger and hatred there will be, and the more hatred there is the worse the payback will be when the People finally come out on top.

And the People will not be led by corporate Marxist stooges when the victory comes.
The "Clinton News Network " CNN has a high ranking Trump Campaign Official , Corey Lewndowski, as a pretend journalist on its news programming all you ever saw ...its rigged its all rigged ...
No straight answers, then?
Trump's diehard base is NEVER going to consider Hillary a legitimate President.
I believe these MILLIONS, BTW, of extremely pissed off REPs will form a new party based on extreme nationalist policies.
They will be a force to be reckoned with.
I fear there are some extremely violent times ahead if Hillary wins.
I still maintain there are some political MOABS about to drop on Hillary witch will cause her to lose the election.
'Polls' are bullshit.
The only 'poll' that matters is held on election day.
We'll see.
The "Clinton News Network " CNN has a high ranking Trump Campaign Official , Corey Lewndowski, as a pretend journalist on its news programming all you ever saw ...its rigged its all rigged ...

So all the documented fraudulent votes, all the proven Hillary crimes for which she will never be punished for, all the government obstruction of justice, all the MSM lock step goose marching for Hillary, all of that in your mind is completely neutralized because CNN hired one former Trump campaign officer?

You are such a moron.
The "Clinton News Network " CNN has a high ranking Trump Campaign Official , Corey Lewndowski, as a pretend journalist on its news programming all you ever saw ...its rigged its all rigged ...

So all the documented fraudulent votes, all the proven Hillary crimes for which she will never be punished for, all the government obstruction of justice, all the MSM lock step goose marching for Hillary, all of that in your mind is completely neutralized because CNN hired one former Trump campaign officer?

You are such a moron.
when you say " proven Hillary crimes " what the Fuck are you talking about LOL
The "Clinton News Network " CNN has a high ranking Trump Campaign Official , Corey Lewndowski, as a pretend journalist on its news programming all you ever saw ...its rigged its all rigged ...

So all the documented fraudulent votes, all the proven Hillary crimes for which she will never be punished for, all the government obstruction of justice, all the MSM lock step goose marching for Hillary, all of that in your mind is completely neutralized because CNN hired one former Trump campaign officer?

You are such a moron.
when you say " proven Hillary crimes " what the Fuck are you talking about LOL
There goes a stupid one now....
Watching the Today Show...their reporting of the election was unbelievably biased. It was shitfest on it any wonder so many D voters are uninformed dupes...they believe the propaganda.
The GOP will be fine if they simply remember two things.

1). Bush won 2 terms (granted barely) by running smart, disciplined campaigns. Those voters are still out there. The GOP needs to expand the tent as best it can by doing minority outreach and talking about what they are for as much as they talk about what they are against. Seriously, when was the last time you heard Mitch McConnnell say anything that didn’t sound like the emperor on Star Wars?

2). They do not need the Trump enablers; Those who voted for Trump in the primaries. Three main reasons.
  • They won’t add much in the way of funding or volunteerism. Two things an insurgency candidacy needs.
  • They actually turn off and drive away the voters you do need; affluent, educated women and men. Would you want to be sitting next to Cletus when he belts someone?
  • They have nowhere else to go. You may get one in five or two in five. But you can win without them…so don’t worry about it.

The GOP will be back.
This is the perfect example of why I just dont understand the blacks voting majority democrat.
GOP needs to expand the tent by doing minority outreach
See, to me this is somewhat demeaning to blacks, shouldn't they be considered an equal part of our society? and as such, if something is good for society, shouldn't they realize the same advantages as anyone else in that society? and also the same disadvantages.
But the democrats act as if the blacks are some inferior class of citizen, I dont know, are the too stupid or something? is there something genetically wrong with them that needs to be compensated for with special treatment?
To me it is evident that the democrats consider blacks and for the most part other minorities inferior to their super human white selves. Very racist.
Why dont the blacks see this. Equal treatment is equal, it is not unequal to make up for some genetic defect.
Let blacks live without catering to them and watch them flourish, watch the real cases of racism be reduced, watch society benefit as a whole from having these minorities treated equally in all aspects.
Should I rewrite this in a simpler way to understand so that the liberals have some chance of seeing where they are wrong?
Want to see what Hollywood LIB elites think of negroes?
Just watch Jewel of the Nile.
In the movie negroes in Africa in MODERN TIMES are shown living in mud huts. The movie shows young negro women dancing around with bare tits. (Where is Gloria Aldridge?)
The only thing separating these negroes from negroes living in America's violent depraved inner cities is a large body of water as far as Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny Devito and all the other Hollywood LIB elites are concerned.

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