Prepare To Be Criminalized...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
This is for the Constitution loving, 2A supporting Americans who cherish the ideals, and intents upon which this nation was founded...

Prepare yourselves. The events of this past Sunday, will have effects on all of us. While we all have our suspicions as to the motive of the shooter; the end result needs to be a point of focus. The left who lost the election by the way; will do all they can to seize this "opportunity" to implement the draconian gun laws they've fantasized about for years.

And if they can finally do now, what they couldn't do during the campaign (separate Trump from his base); look for a massive political sea change. Otherwise law abiding citizens will have rights that we've frankly taken for granted; made illegal. It's very possible that many of the guns that you already possess will be made contraband, and will not be grandfathered in. Many will not go along with this change. Many patriotic, good Americans will be branded criminals overnight.
If you havent given thought to preparing for an aggressive move against private firearms ownership; now is the time to do so. Voting in the upcoming elections will have never been more important to your 2A rights than they will be in this upcoming round.
This event will not simply fade into the news cycle. The left is absolutely desperate, to cling to power. And if we allow them to push their agenda, upon the people; even after having been voted out; the blame will lie with us. It's time we freedom loving Americans took a good, long, sobering look around. There are forces, intents, and objectives in play that dwarf the tragedy that occurred this past Sunday.
Pay attention, and prepare yourselves for a political sea change never before seen in this nation. And it may not be pretty. Ive never wanted to be wrong, more in my life. But I'm not... And neither is your gut. Dark times are coming. You need to decide if you'll roll over, and pull the covers over your head. Or if you'll begin now, constructing the pyres which will be needed to light the coming darkness. Before the kindling, and the spark are removed from your reach.
Failure to prepare, is only preparing to fail. Good luck, stay strong. And safe if you can...
Oh doodness, flop on the floor, kick you feet, and scream at the top of your voice. If you cannot have a gun that can be easily converted into a machine gun, and have the ability to gun down hundreds of people, your whole world is coming to an end.

Cocksuck, you and the NRA are complicit in that murderous rampage. You set the crazy up with the tools to do what he did. You made sure that the tools for that atrocity were readily available to him and any other madman out there.
Oh doodness, flop on the floor, kick you feet, and scream at the top of your voice. If you cannot have a gun that can be easily converted into a machine gun, and have the ability to gun down hundreds of people, your whole world is coming to an end.

Cocksuck, you and the NRA are complicit in that murderous rampage. You set the crazy up with the tools to do what he did. You made sure that the tools for that atrocity were readily available to him and any other madman out there.
You get dumber with every passing day.

Seek mental help...please.
This is for the Constitution loving, 2A supporting Americans who cherish the ideals, and intents upon which this nation was founded...

Prepare yourselves. The events of this past Sunday, will have effects on all of us. While we all have our suspicions as to the motive of the shooter; the end result needs to be a point of focus. The left who lost the election by the way; will do all they can to seize this "opportunity" to implement the draconian gun laws they've fantasized about for years.

And if they can finally do now, what they couldn't do during the campaign (separate Trump from his base); look for a massive political sea change. Otherwise law abiding citizens will have rights that we've frankly taken for granted; made illegal. It's very possible that many of the guns that you already possess will be made contraband, and will not be grandfathered in. Many will not go along with this change. Many patriotic, good Americans will be branded criminals overnight.
If you havent given thought to preparing for an aggressive move against private firearms ownership; now is the time to do so. Voting in the upcoming elections will have never been more important to your 2A rights than they will be in this upcoming round.
This event will not simply fade into the news cycle. The left is absolutely desperate, to cling to power. And if we allow them to push their agenda, upon the people; even after having been voted out; the blame will lie with us. It's time we freedom loving Americans took a good, long, sobering look around. There are forces, intents, and objectives in play that dwarf the tragedy that occurred this past Sunday.
Pay attention, and prepare yourselves for a political sea change never before seen in this nation. And it may not be pretty. Ive never wanted to be wrong, more in my life. But I'm not... And neither is your gut. Dark times are coming. You need to decide if you'll roll over, and pull the covers over your head. Or if you'll begin now, constructing the pyres which will be needed to light the coming darkness. Before the kindling, and the spark are removed from your reach.
Failure to prepare, is only preparing to fail. Good luck, stay strong. And safe if you can...
The gun control issue is a transparent effort to enlarge and empower government...just like global warming. Idiots like OldCock can't see it. He is a dupe for big government EVERY time...sadly, he is not alone.
Oh doodness, flop on the floor, kick you feet, and scream at the top of your voice. If you cannot have a gun that can be easily converted into a machine gun, and have the ability to gun down hundreds of people, your whole world is coming to an end.

Cocksuck, you and the NRA are complicit in that murderous rampage. You set the crazy up with the tools to do what he did. You made sure that the tools for that atrocity were readily available to him and any other madman out there.

What a paranoid off the wall OP, be afraid be very afraid, are people really this scared? I guess so when you look at preppers. The world is always ending for some, every other day another nutcase is predicting the end. Too much.

Dear America. Gun Control Works. Please, Please Do It. Love, Australia.
Dear America: Gun Control Works. Please, Please Do It. Love, Australia.

"The current Australian gun laws were passed after 35 were killed and 23 wounded in a 1996 mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The shooter was able to buy his assault rifle, even though later he was later determined by authorities to have an IQ of 11. There hasn't been a mass shooting in Australia since then."

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."
What a paranoid off the wall OP, be afraid be very afraid, are people really this scared? I guess so when you look at preppers. The world is always ending for some, every other day another nutcase is predicting the end. Too much.

Dear America. Gun Control Works. Please, Please Do It. Love, Australia.
Dear America: Gun Control Works. Please, Please Do It. Love, Australia.

"The current Australian gun laws were passed after 35 were killed and 23 wounded in a 1996 mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The shooter was able to buy his assault rifle, even though later he was later determined by authorities to have an IQ of 11. There hasn't been a mass shooting in Australia since then."

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."
The world is always ending for some, every other day another nutcase is predicting the end.
You do realize that those 58 that died by the hands of the EVIL liberal, their world came to an end?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
How many more times must this happen before we remove the tools that empower the madmen? There is no need of a war weapon in the hands of civilians. The guns I have are more than adequate for self defense and hunting, none of them are war weapons.
What a paranoid off the wall OP, be afraid be very afraid, are people really this scared? I guess so when you look at preppers. The world is always ending for some, every other day another nutcase is predicting the end. Too much.

Dear America. Gun Control Works. Please, Please Do It. Love, Australia.
Dear America: Gun Control Works. Please, Please Do It. Love, Australia.

"The current Australian gun laws were passed after 35 were killed and 23 wounded in a 1996 mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The shooter was able to buy his assault rifle, even though later he was later determined by authorities to have an IQ of 11. There hasn't been a mass shooting in Australia since then."

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."
You believe Burger over the guys who wrote the Second Amendment. Are you stupid?

Stop being a dupe for the elite. You have nothing in common with them.
There will be no increase in gun restrictions against the law-abiding. Further, some current regional and municipal restrictions will in fact be lifted.

There is no law that would prevent a multimillionaire from getting all the guns he wanted.

If the Democrats want to do something useful, they might work to clear the justice system of idiot judges and general corruption and keep bad guys behind bars forever, or kill them.

Either way.
How many more times must this happen before we remove the tools that empower the madmen? There is no need of a war weapon in the hands of civilians. The guns I have are more than adequate for self defense and hunting, none of them are war weapons.
How many more times must this happen before we remove the tools that empower the madmen?
How many more times must this happen before we remove the madmen and put them where they belong? In a fucking insane asylum..

Of course then every Democrat voter would need to be put away also.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
But if we did put them all away, then the world would be a much happier place, as then there wouldn't be poverty and misery being FORCED upon anyone, anymore.
How many more times must this happen before we remove the tools that empower the madmen? There is no need of a war weapon in the hands of civilians. The guns I have are more than adequate for self defense and hunting, none of them are war weapons.

Typical Democrat. You would punish all for the actions of a few.

Please list the ballistic differences between your guns and "war weapons".
How many more times must this happen before we remove the tools that empower the madmen? There is no need of a war weapon in the hands of civilians. The guns I have are more than adequate for self defense and hunting, none of them are war weapons.

Typical Democrat. You would punish all for the actions of a few.

Please list the ballistic differences between your guns and "war weapons".
Don't ask questions of a crazy person.

OldCock is on the edge and about to do his own Las Vegas.
This is for the Constitution loving, 2A supporting Americans who cherish the ideals, and intents upon which this nation was founded...

Prepare yourselves. The events of this past Sunday, will have effects on all of us. While we all have our suspicions as to the motive of the shooter; the end result needs to be a point of focus. The left who lost the election by the way; will do all they can to seize this "opportunity" to implement the draconian gun laws they've fantasized about for years.

And if they can finally do now, what they couldn't do during the campaign (separate Trump from his base); look for a massive political sea change. Otherwise law abiding citizens will have rights that we've frankly taken for granted; made illegal. It's very possible that many of the guns that you already possess will be made contraband, and will not be grandfathered in. Many will not go along with this change. Many patriotic, good Americans will be branded criminals overnight.
If you havent given thought to preparing for an aggressive move against private firearms ownership; now is the time to do so. Voting in the upcoming elections will have never been more important to your 2A rights than they will be in this upcoming round.
This event will not simply fade into the news cycle. The left is absolutely desperate, to cling to power. And if we allow them to push their agenda, upon the people; even after having been voted out; the blame will lie with us. It's time we freedom loving Americans took a good, long, sobering look around. There are forces, intents, and objectives in play that dwarf the tragedy that occurred this past Sunday.
Pay attention, and prepare yourselves for a political sea change never before seen in this nation. And it may not be pretty. Ive never wanted to be wrong, more in my life. But I'm not... And neither is your gut. Dark times are coming. You need to decide if you'll roll over, and pull the covers over your head. Or if you'll begin now, constructing the pyres which will be needed to light the coming darkness. Before the kindling, and the spark are removed from your reach.
Failure to prepare, is only preparing to fail. Good luck, stay strong. And safe if you can...
The gun control issue is a transparent effort to enlarge and empower government...just like global warming. Idiots like OldCock can't see it. He is a dupe for big government EVERY time...sadly, he is not alone.
--------------------------------------------------- i think that he can see it , in fact he is part of it Gipper !!
The Wackocrats are trying to exploit the Las Vegas tragedy to impose a gun ban on law abiding citizens.
Marxist, Fascist, Terrorist and Criminals love it when people are unarmed and defenseless.
Remember what that Dirty Democrat Rahm Emanuel said:
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"
Oh doodness, flop on the floor, kick you feet, and scream at the top of your voice. If you cannot have a gun that can be easily converted into a machine gun, and have the ability to gun down hundreds of people, your whole world is coming to an end.

Cocksuck, you and the NRA are complicit in that murderous rampage. You set the crazy up with the tools to do what he did. You made sure that the tools for that atrocity were readily available to him and any other madman out there.
If it was easy to convert semiautos to full auto every gang banger in Chicago or L.A. would have done it by now
Oh doodness, flop on the floor, kick you feet, and scream at the top of your voice. If you cannot have a gun that can be easily converted into a machine gun, and have the ability to gun down hundreds of people, your whole world is coming to an end.

Cocksuck, you and the NRA are complicit in that murderous rampage. You set the crazy up with the tools to do what he did. You made sure that the tools for that atrocity were readily available to him and any other madman out there.

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