Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

After the Sept. 11 attacks, Bush gave the CIA, and later the military, authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad if strong evidence existed that an American was involved in organizing or carrying out terrorist actions against the United States or U.S. interests, military and intelligence officials said. The evidence has to meet a certain, defined threshold. The person, for instance, has to pose "a continuing and imminent threat to U.S. persons and interests," said one former intelligence official.

U.S. military teams, intelligence deeply involved in aiding Yemen on strikes

That is all it should take to prove to you that Obama is wrong.

You are wrong, not either of the presidents. If you deliberately place yourself beyond the reach of the normal avenues of justice, then wage war against the USA, you are drone feed.

The Supreme Court has said that killing people who were under 17 at the time they committed their crimes is unconstitutional. The UN says that killing people who are under 18 is a war crime.

How are we right to do these things?
But how do we get from point A, someone suspected of being a traitor, to point B, proof the suspect is indeed a traitor, where his loss of freedom or life is sanctioned.

Ideally the conduit between points A and B is due process.

The issue becomes more complex as the Administration maintains there is due process, albeit internal and not subject to public scrutiny.

The question, therefore, isn’t a lack of due process per se, but is the due process afforded terrorist suspects by the Administration sufficient. We know from Boumediene v. Bush (2008), for example, that the due process provided by Congress in the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 was not adequate, and the provision was invalidated. But that ruling pertained to terrorist suspects in US territories, in this case Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No court has ruled as to what constitutes adequate due process with regard to assassinations on foreign soil, regardless nationality of those targeted – and we likely never will have such a ruling.

You are the guy that says the Supreme Court is the final say on the Constitution, feel free to cite any case where they said due process does not involve the judicial branch.

Non sequitur.

Only if I asked you to justify it. Jones, on the other hand, is knowledgeable about the legal system. I figured that if anyone on this board could prove me wrong that due process requires that the judicial branch be involved, it is him.
QWB, no matter how many loopy comments you make will change the fact that you are wrong.
Feel free to cite the paragraph in the paper that proves me wrong.

Here is a link to make it easier for you.

Never thought I'd live to see the day, when a libertarian would referenced MSNBC.

I reference anyone that helps me make my point.

Must be nice to be right all the time. In your world, allies, and countrymen, are not killed. In the reality of war, it happens all the time.
Do you know what those "forward". Bases really are?... Cheese for the mice. I've been on a couple of them, and it does call into question just how much your own side cares about you. Disconcerting, to say the least.
If you had bothered to read the white paper, you will see the court decisions and precedents that support this action.

Uncensored is driven off balance by his hatred for this administration.

Basically yeah.

He has no fucking idea what he's talking about.

The very day a President is impeached AND THEN put on trial for ANYTHING..will be the end of the Nation.

The US will be over.

It has already happened. Twice. You fail in all respects.
The hatred of Obama is not going to change anything. His successor, will do the same thing... No matter what the party affiliation is.
In times of war, hesitation means that you will lose. Lack of patience means that you will kill numbers of your own side. Better hope that we don't get a president like McCain, or Reid.
Uncensored is driven off balance by his hatred for this administration.

Basically yeah.

He has no fucking idea what he's talking about.

The very day a President is impeached AND THEN put on trial for ANYTHING..will be the end of the Nation.

The US will be over.

It has already happened. Twice. You fail in all respects.

You misunderstand, which is common for a far right reactionary.
Gibbs is right and you are wrong.

QWB, you are defending terrorists and terrorism.

Let me see if I understand your position.

Because I oppose using drones that kill people on our side of the argument who are speaking out against terrorism and radical Islamism that means I support terrorism and radical Islam.

Gotta admit it takes a FakeStarkey to say that without smashing the computer keyboard in a bout of self immolation.

The truth is harsh on you, QWB. No one said that you support terrorism here or that being anti-government is terrorist. But you do support terrorism if you argue that the government is wrong to use drones against those who put themselves beyond the reach of the normal avenues of US justice. Yes, such folks are drone feed.

You make a false argument. No one is against the fight against terrorism. But that does not mean we give up everything because the CIA tells us so. Do you really believe the CIA that did warn our men and those men died in Benghazi can be trusted? I don't believe anyone is really making much of a stink about killing some brown skinned men far away from far away. But the killing of American citizens is different. Especially ones that did not pose an intimate threat to America. Can you name the intimate threat that the 16 year old American that was killed while eating in a restaurant to America?
You are incapable of basic reading comprehension. Which I already knew, you having proven it many times.

Obviously what he was saying is not that there have been no president impeached and brought to trial or that a president was forced to leave office, what he meant was if THIS president is impeached for his crimes then that will be the end of America. Clear as mud.
Never thought I'd live to see the day, when a libertarian would referenced MSNBC.

I reference anyone that helps me make my point.

Must be nice to be right all the time. In your world, allies, and countrymen, are not killed. In the reality of war, it happens all the time.
Do you know what those "forward". Bases really are?... Cheese for the mice. I've been on a couple of them, and it does call into question just how much your own side cares about you. Disconcerting, to say the least.

What a devastating blow to my ego.
You are incapable of basic reading comprehension. Which I already knew, you having proven it many times.

Obviously what he was saying is not that there have been no president impeached and brought to trial or that a president was forced to leave office, what he meant was if THIS president is impeached for his crimes then that will be the end of America. Clear as mud.

There have been a total of 2 Presidents impeached in this country. Both Democrats.

And both times it was done as a partisan measure to undo the popular election. They underlying "crimes" the Presidents were impeached for, were, trivial.

Now..had those Presidents been removed from office, then tried, then convicted, then put into would be seen as a usurpation.

Which would spell the end of the way this country peacefully transfers power.

That clear?
You are incapable of basic reading comprehension. Which I already knew, you having proven it many times.

Obviously what he was saying is not that there have been no president impeached and brought to trial or that a president was forced to leave office, what he meant was if THIS president is impeached for his crimes then that will be the end of America. Clear as mud.

There have been a total of 2 Presidents impeached in this country. Both Democrats.

And both times it was done as a partisan measure to undo the popular election. They underlying "crimes" the Presidents were impeached for, were, trivial.

Now..had those Presidents been removed from office, then tried, then convicted, then put into would be seen as a usurpation.

Which would spell the end of the way this country peacefully transfers power.

That clear?

The ultra reactionary right believe such trials are appropriate because they truly hate constitutional, electoral process.
Not a particularly accurate definition, but even with that, Obama denied due process when he ordered the assassination of American citizens.

You've joined forces with the enemy. You spend your days here arguing against constitutional government and advocating for a totalitarian system.

Does that mean that the next Republican president would be right to order you killed on the spot?

Just like you, Al-Awliki was a demagogue. He put out propaganda and incited ant-American hatred. There is no evidence he ever fired a shot at Americans, engaged in any terrorist act, or did anything other than make videos.


He was involved in several plots including the mass shooting at fort hood and the attempted bombing of times square.

Anwar al-Awlaki?s Suspected Ties to Terror Plots - Interactive Feature -

If he was "innocent" he never should have left the US and turned himself over to authorities.

If that is true you should have no problem pointing to a guilty verdict that was handed down in court. Failing that, you can always point to the evidence that Obama released to justify his decision.

As soon as you point out where every person suspected of a crime has had a trial.

Or for that matter, every enemy combatant. Or adversary in war.
I reference anyone that helps me make my point.

Must be nice to be right all the time. In your world, allies, and countrymen, are not killed. In the reality of war, it happens all the time.
Do you know what those "forward". Bases really are?... Cheese for the mice. I've been on a couple of them, and it does call into question just how much your own side cares about you. Disconcerting, to say the least.

What a devastating blow to my ego.

Not meant to. I have the greatest respect for libertarians. The most sacred word in my vocabulary is freedom.
Basically yeah.

He has no fucking idea what he's talking about.

The very day a President is impeached AND THEN put on trial for ANYTHING..will be the end of the Nation.

The US will be over.

It has already happened. Twice. You fail in all respects.

Well no.

But okay.

You posted a simple declarative statement, to wit: "The very day a President is impeached AND THEN put on trial for ANYTHING..will be the end of the Nation." That is, of course, completely and utterly wrong in all respects. So, in are utterly clueless. Thank you for playing.

He was involved in several plots including the mass shooting at fort hood and the attempted bombing of times square.

Anwar al-Awlaki?s Suspected Ties to Terror Plots - Interactive Feature -

If he was "innocent" he never should have left the US and turned himself over to authorities.

If that is true you should have no problem pointing to a guilty verdict that was handed down in court. Failing that, you can always point to the evidence that Obama released to justify his decision.

As soon as you point out where every person suspected of a crime has had a trial.

Or for that matter, every enemy combatant. Or adversary in war.

I am pretty sure that you just admitted you can't prove anything.

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