President Andrew Cuomo to the National Guard: "So I say, my friends, that we go out there today and we kick coronavirus ass"

Governor Trump just tweeted about President Cuomo:

"Cuomo’s been calling daily, even hourly, begging for everything, most of which should have been the state’s responsibility, such as new hospitals, beds, ventilators, etc. I got it all done for him, and everyone else, and now he seems to want Independence! That won’t happen! "

progress doesnt move in a straight line, it zigs and zags. and yes, my friends, President Cuomo is making progress fighting the corona!
"President Cuomo is making it mandatory that everyone must wear a mask or face covering in public in situations where social distancing isn’t possible! "
Every state wants more from the White House, more hospitals, more masks, more ventilators.

and yes, my friends, President Cuomo is delivering
"Cuomo ridiculously wanted “40 thousand Ventilators”. We gave him a small fraction of that number, and it was plenty. State should have had them in stockpile!

Cuomo should spend more time “doing” and less time “complaining”. Get out there and get the job done. Stop talking! We built you thousands of hospital beds that you didn’t need or use, gave large numbers of Ventilators that you should have had, and helped you with testing that you should be doing. We have given New York far more money, help and equipment than any other state, by far, & these great men & women who did the job never hear you say thanks. Your numbers are not good. Less talk and more action! " - President Trump
The Democratic Party has shown its strength and its cohesion during the coronavirus

Governors are standing up and saying we will lead when those who should do not. Mayors and members of city councils are showing the best of who we can be. They are bolstered by the national apparatus amplifying their message

This moment is a perfect reminder that there is no national coven, no cabal declaring, ‘Democrats, here’s what we’re going to do on Thursday.’ The quality of the party is us. We are Democrats. We set the tone. We set the agenda. Those we elect to every level of government are part of it. Let’s tell our story from the bottom up, not just the top down
let's keep emotion and politics out of this, ok, Governor Trump? this is about the people and doing a job for the people, and President Cuomo is doing a great job for New Yorkers and all the american people in general, my friends
"Hospitalization numbers are down. Emergency rooms are less crowded. Intubations are down. That’s because of what we have ALL done to flatten the curve. But it's not over yet. We must keep doing what we're doing. " - President Cuomo
His focus has clearly been, ‘How do I get everyone, no matter where they fall on the ideological spectrum, to buy into the only strategy we have at this point, which is social distancing?’
This is an insane number: Car thefts up 50 percent in NYC since shutdown

the NYT is reporting the following about President Cuomo...

"Cuomo got right to the point when asked about calls by people to end the shutdown. While he expressed sympathy for those out of work and facing economic pain, he pointed out that right now, with a virus still killing hundreds of New Yorkers per day, it's "not about me, it's about we." Cuomo said those who want to go back to work should "take a job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow." "
"Residents of New York City still have access to the city’s great parks, probably because Mayor Bill DeBlasio uses one of them himself.... De Blasio does not have a young child, so New York City’s children’s playgrounds are now boarded up."
I found my very own personal MAGA hat!

I found my very own personal MAGA hat!

i want one!

Me too - Ordered! :)
“You want to jeopardize your health, God bless you,” the governor said. “You have no right to jeopardize my health ... the mask is about my health, and my children’s health and your children’s health. i'm not gonna put dollar signs over people's lives...not for my family, not for yours” - President Cuomo
If Hollywood makes a movie about the coronavirus pandemic somewhere down the line, Robert De Niro will gladly portray Cuomo: "He’s doing what a president should do.”

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