President Andrew Cuomo to the National Guard: "So I say, my friends, that we go out there today and we kick coronavirus ass"

"I see Cuomo as the Democratic nominee this year," Bill Maher said. "If we could switch Biden out for him, that's the winner."

Yeah, I'd love to see that. Bring up his involvement in forcing banks to make bad loans, which eventually caused the sub-prime crisis, and his baby murder celebrating... yeah, I'd love to see him go up against Trump. He'll be slaughtered.
Cuomo is a Liar, Conman and Fraud like all Democrats are. He is hoarding Ventilators

So when they have a patient in hospital dying because no ventilator, that is the time to order them. When it doesn't arrive in seconds do you let the guy die and say 'Who knew ordering Ventilators could be so complicated... Nobody knew...'

Cuomo has a stockpile and he needs it because every health expert in the world says he is going to get a tidal wave of health problems...

I know Trump Supporters done see the need to anticipate and prepare but the people actually doing there jobs do...
Then why didn't Cuomo buy ventilators in 2015 instead of solar panels?

Patients are dying and Fredo's brother has solar panels.

Let’s solve the damn problem, my friends!

It just shows you the difference. This happened after Hurricane Sandy too..

Red state has a disaster and New York move heaven and Earth to help. New York has a problem and they get F**k you from those states representatives.

Remember NY will get out of this first and you better hope they have real short memories...

Don't worry, no matter how much you are assholes, NY will still help you... NY is real Americans who help other Americans.
New York kills more babies than any state in the country. They have masks they are not distributing to hospitals. You can't be both an advocate for Infanticide, allow criminals to run free in the streets, operate as a sanctuary city, hoard masks and not distribute them, and them somehow try to blame The President for not sending you enough masks, when he also sent you not only masks, but a USN Hospital Ship.

You Chinese Trolls suck at this.


Give it a rest and take you meds... Trump had the information to tell him to prepare and he not only failed himself but he also didn't inform the States... Even the GOP Governors are seriously pissed at Trump right now... They had months to get prepared if they were told this was coming and all they got from Trump WH was it is nothing. Democrats are just blowing this up...

Now it is obvious that they fucked up... And now you are saying it is because Democrats had evil thoughts...

There is no hoarding. It is called preparing. I know Trump doesn't do this so you don't know what it is...

Lets put it this way, US army goes on to patrol. The come under enemy fire. The commander says
Shoot back.
Sir. we have no bullets.
Why have we no bullets?
Cause that would be hoarding
So we can't have bullets cause we might no use them?
Cuomo is busting his ass trying to fix this.

meanwhile, Trump is taking a hike, phoning it in
can this guy host a soothing press conference, or what?

articulate, consistent and often tinged with empathy
Trump, stop congratulating yourself. you're a failure and a disaster in handling this disaster!
hard things are hard

the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing

limiting loss of life is the main thing, not the economy, my friends
President Cuomo is leading the way, my friends!

Trump supporters dont wanna face that

Trump said we are gonna win like never before, yet we are losing like never before, my friends!
The right person, at the right time, at the right place — for our Country

the virus arrived to America on November 8, 2016

the vaccine arrives on November 4, 2020

he's our acting president, NOT Trump!

Yeah, I know. First you gave that title to Hillary. Then you gave it to Michael Avenotti for a while. Then you gave it to a dementia riddled shake down artist. And now it's the parrot, Cuomo. Now there's a dude who can wear out a line.
i feel like i know Cuomo personally, because he connects with people emotionally so many times during these press conferences

Trump has the attention span of a firefly with ADD. he looks like an exhausted school principal. a billionaire principal, that is!
Mario Cuomo's pollster told him that he would lose because he opposed the death penalty. he remained strongly defiant and never wavered, becoming the greatest governor in american history...until his son Andrew came along!

that's the story, my friends!

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