President Biden ignores Trump claim of executive privilege"

Obama and Hilary, 12 years and still nothing.
Neither were impeached. Neither broke their oath of office or orchestrated a coup.

Yet again.
You must have forgotten when Obama lied to the American people about Obamacare, many times.
Then there were then numerous times he violated the constitution by bypassing congress.

Jonathan Turley:

Turley did not spare President Obama in his written testimony either. In further expounding upon our nation’s separation of powers and the “balance sought by the Framers,” Turley had the following to say about President Obama’s executive overreach:

“… The effort to establish unilateral authority presents an existential threat to our system of government. Although the President has insisted that he is merely exercising executive discretion, any such discretion by definition can only occur within the scope of granted authority and only to the extent that it is not curtailed by the language of the Constitution. This includes his obligation to faithfully execute the law. U.S. Const. art. II, § 3, cl. 4. Some of the President’s actions can be viewed as within permissible lines of discretion. However, many of his actions cannot and are violations of his oath of office. That oath is not merely an affirmative pledge to defend the Constitution but to yield to its limitations on his own authority. To put it simply, that was the deal struck on January 20, 2013.”

Hillary violated her oath many times also.

Lied about having classified emails on her server, under oath.

Lied about having used one server during her time as SOC.

Regarding Trump orchestrating a coup, indictments/convictions?
Trump can't be found guilty for inferrences. He can be found guilty for the facts revealed by investigating those inferrences. That's how our court system works, you idiot. .
You're such a nice idiot.

That's how your media system works, you idiot.
You must have forgotten when Obama lied to the American people about Obamacare, many times.
Then there were then numerous times he violated the constitution by bypassing congress.

Hillary violated her oath many times also.

Lied about having classified emails on her server, under oath.

Lied about having used one server during her time as SOC.

Regarding Trump orchestrating a coup, indictments/convictions?
What deep state? That has never been found to have validity. It doesn't exist. There's no evidence you have nothing to support it except trump propaganda.

Because he is a grub. The election result proved that.

Really?? That's because it doesn't exist. Christ your dumb.

How privileged are you to have access to that knowledge. Wow. You've got all your ducks lined up.
Oddly enough, their not interested in his Twitter ramblings or his interviews on fox.
I wonder why?
You know nothing.
Deep state was brought to light in congressional testimony by Colonel North, during Iran Contra.

Trump didn't have a global bananna splits club card, He had to go, He was not one of them.

Meh....time will tell......just like all the other failed attempts to jail Trump, that you and yours were ejaculating over for some six years.
You must have forgotten when Obama lied to the American people about Obamacare, many times.
Then there were then numerous times he violated the constitution by bypassing congress.

Hillary violated her oath many times also.

Lied about having classified emails on her server, under oath.

Lied about having used one server during her time as SOC.

Regarding Trump orchestrating a coup, indictments/convictions?
Not one of your suspected lies was ever perused with a charge or official enquiry where either was found guilty of anything.
Trumps case is the first in history. That must make you proud

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