President Biden Is Doing A Bang-up Job!

Don't be be silly, you can't give credit for good and ignore the bad if you want to be taken seriously. Biden's batshit crazy energy policy is what is driving all of our economic woes. Trying to blame the Republican Congress just makes you sound like a whiny bitch.
That is pretty comical. Tell me, exactly how has Biden's energy policies had an impact on the economy? I mean are you talking about the clean energy initiatives? Yep, 40 billion dollars in new investment and 7,000 jobs probably did have an impact. We will set a record this year for domestic oil production, bet you didn't know that. Natural gas production is also at record levels.

There is much more, billions of dollars in infrastructure spending, reviving the domestic production of semiconductors, increasing our vaccine capabilities and in doing so, producing thousands of jobs.

Biden has been playing the long game and you can already see results. A year ago we were talking about an inevitable recession, now we are talking about a soft landing. Inflation is now almost at the Fed's target level, let's hope they don't screw the pooch with another rate hike. Unemployment is at record lows, and yes, lower than under Trump. Wages are starting to catch up with inflation, and that is the way it is supposed to work.

Consumer confidence is up, like way up. But I get it, there is one demographic in which consumer confidence is down. And that happens to be the very same demographic that overwhelmingly supports Trump. Uneducated, low-wage workers. I mean if you have a Phd odds are you don't support Trump. High school dropout, yep, you support Trump. Six figure income, you probably don't support Trump. Below the poverty level and live in a rural area, yep, you support Trump.

Hell, conduct your own experiment. Drive through a gated community on a golf course or by the lake. See any Trump signs? Then visit a rural trailer park, Trump signs everywhere. Do it while driving. Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, Tesla, Maserati, Corvettes, damn, I see dozens of them every single day where I work. What I don't see is a Trump bumper sticker on them. But beat up Fords, those tiny mini pick-up trucks, twenty year old Toyotas, yep, they got the Trump bumper sticker. I have an hour commute, traveling from probably the reddest district in the country to one of the wealthiest districts in the state. I am here to tell you, it is like night and day. Honestly, it is a bit depressing.

I mean I am at work all day and constantly seeing smoking hot women. Then I drive home, stop at the closest convenience store to pick up a six-pack to wind down and I see two hundred plus pound heifers with rotten teeth. Yep, depressing.

And that really is the thing here. And I do mean "here", as in this messageboard. Most of the Trump supporters here are those very same uneducated low-income individuals no matter what they try and tell you. What they pay for internet access is half what it used to be, thanks to Biden. Although most are probably so ill-informed they don't know that they can get it subsidized. Many are retired, dependent on Social Security, and have no idea that they are going to have an out-of-pocket limit on drug expenses that is LESS, dammit, LESS, that what they would have spent before they got into George Bush's doughnut hole. Mind boggling that they can't see it. Consumed with confirmation bias, they frequent web sites and news outlets that cater to their ignorance and laugh all the way to the bank.

The salt of the earth. I won't get all holy roller on you, but these people that I have described, these people that support Trump, they are the salt of the earth. I will never forget Dad, at his father's funeral, one of the largest I have ever attended, "these people are the salt of the earth, don't you ever forget it". And I haven't. It just distressing me that those "salt of the earth" people have become so consumed with a total confidence man that really isn't good at that. The only thing I can say is, "bless your heart".
Money and jobs are your definition of bang up job? How about the proliferation of sexual deviancy throughout all aspects of government? Corporations? Government bureaucracy? Energy? Etc

How about reality?

What a sad definition of success
your comment is better directed at the person making those claims,,
That is pretty comical. Tell me, exactly how has Biden's energy policies had an impact on the economy? I mean are you talking about the clean energy initiatives? Yep, 40 billion dollars in new investment and 7,000 jobs probably did have an impact. We will set a record this year for domestic oil production, bet you didn't know that. Natural gas production is also at record levels.

There is much more, billions of dollars in infrastructure spending, reviving the domestic production of semiconductors, increasing our vaccine capabilities and in doing so, producing thousands of jobs.

Biden has been playing the long game and you can already see results. A year ago we were talking about an inevitable recession, now we are talking about a soft landing. Inflation is now almost at the Fed's target level, let's hope they don't screw the pooch with another rate hike. Unemployment is at record lows, and yes, lower than under Trump. Wages are starting to catch up with inflation, and that is the way it is supposed to work.

Consumer confidence is up, like way up. But I get it, there is one demographic in which consumer confidence is down. And that happens to be the very same demographic that overwhelmingly supports Trump. Uneducated, low-wage workers. I mean if you have a Phd odds are you don't support Trump. High school dropout, yep, you support Trump. Six figure income, you probably don't support Trump. Below the poverty level and live in a rural area, yep, you support Trump.

Hell, conduct your own experiment. Drive through a gated community on a golf course or by the lake. See any Trump signs? Then visit a rural trailer park, Trump signs everywhere. Do it while driving. Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, Tesla, Maserati, Corvettes, damn, I see dozens of them every single day where I work. What I don't see is a Trump bumper sticker on them. But beat up Fords, those tiny mini pick-up trucks, twenty year old Toyotas, yep, they got the Trump bumper sticker. I have an hour commute, traveling from probably the reddest district in the country to one of the wealthiest districts in the state. I am here to tell you, it is like night and day. Honestly, it is a bit depressing.

I mean I am at work all day and constantly seeing smoking hot women. Then I drive home, stop at the closest convenience store to pick up a six-pack to wind down and I see two hundred plus pound heifers with rotten teeth. Yep, depressing.

And that really is the thing here. And I do mean "here", as in this messageboard. Most of the Trump supporters here are those very same uneducated low-income individuals no matter what they try and tell you. What they pay for internet access is half what it used to be, thanks to Biden. Although most are probably so ill-informed they don't know that they can get it subsidized. Many are retired, dependent on Social Security, and have no idea that they are going to have an out-of-pocket limit on drug expenses that is LESS, dammit, LESS, that what they would have spent before they got into George Bush's doughnut hole. Mind boggling that they can't see it. Consumed with confirmation bias, they frequent web sites and news outlets that cater to their ignorance and laugh all the way to the bank.

The salt of the earth. I won't get all holy roller on you, but these people that I have described, these people that support Trump, they are the salt of the earth. I will never forget Dad, at his father's funeral, one of the largest I have ever attended, "these people are the salt of the earth, don't you ever forget it". And I haven't. It just distressing me that those "salt of the earth" people have become so consumed with a total confidence man that really isn't good at that. The only thing I can say is, "bless your heart".
We will set a record this year for domestic oil production, bet you didn't know that. Natural gas production is also at record levels
They cannot reconcile it with their Articles of Faith...
What math am I supposed to do with the budget numbers?

When you compared rates of spending and revenue growth - for the administrations included - to arrive at your conclusions, how did you go about it?

Or did you just nod while some cretin bleated it on the idiot box?

When you compared rates of spending and revenue growth - for the administrations included - to arrive at your conclusions, how did you go about it?

Or did you just nod while some cretin bleated it on the idiot box?

If you think it helps your claim, post the results.
If you think it helps your claim, post the results.
I know it is why I'm tormenting you with them.

But it was also important for you to acknowledge that you are only repeating what you've gone out of your way to hear...

You've NEVER looked at these numbers, and can't do the math.

Isn't that right?
That is pretty comical. Tell me, exactly how has Biden's energy policies had an impact on the economy? I mean are you talking about the clean energy initiatives? Yep, 40 billion dollars in new investment and 7,000 jobs probably did have an impact. We will set a record this year for domestic oil production, bet you didn't know that. Natural gas production is also at record levels.

There is much more, billions of dollars in infrastructure spending, reviving the domestic production of semiconductors, increasing our vaccine capabilities and in doing so, producing thousands of jobs.

Biden has been playing the long game and you can already see results. A year ago we were talking about an inevitable recession, now we are talking about a soft landing. Inflation is now almost at the Fed's target level, let's hope they don't screw the pooch with another rate hike. Unemployment is at record lows, and yes, lower than under Trump. Wages are starting to catch up with inflation, and that is the way it is supposed to work.

Consumer confidence is up, like way up. But I get it, there is one demographic in which consumer confidence is down. And that happens to be the very same demographic that overwhelmingly supports Trump. Uneducated, low-wage workers. I mean if you have a Phd odds are you don't support Trump. High school dropout, yep, you support Trump. Six figure income, you probably don't support Trump. Below the poverty level and live in a rural area, yep, you support Trump.

Hell, conduct your own experiment. Drive through a gated community on a golf course or by the lake. See any Trump signs? Then visit a rural trailer park, Trump signs everywhere. Do it while driving. Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, Tesla, Maserati, Corvettes, damn, I see dozens of them every single day where I work. What I don't see is a Trump bumper sticker on them. But beat up Fords, those tiny mini pick-up trucks, twenty year old Toyotas, yep, they got the Trump bumper sticker. I have an hour commute, traveling from probably the reddest district in the country to one of the wealthiest districts in the state. I am here to tell you, it is like night and day. Honestly, it is a bit depressing.

I mean I am at work all day and constantly seeing smoking hot women. Then I drive home, stop at the closest convenience store to pick up a six-pack to wind down and I see two hundred plus pound heifers with rotten teeth. Yep, depressing.

And that really is the thing here. And I do mean "here", as in this messageboard. Most of the Trump supporters here are those very same uneducated low-income individuals no matter what they try and tell you. What they pay for internet access is half what it used to be, thanks to Biden. Although most are probably so ill-informed they don't know that they can get it subsidized. Many are retired, dependent on Social Security, and have no idea that they are going to have an out-of-pocket limit on drug expenses that is LESS, dammit, LESS, that what they would have spent before they got into George Bush's doughnut hole. Mind boggling that they can't see it. Consumed with confirmation bias, they frequent web sites and news outlets that cater to their ignorance and laugh all the way to the bank.

The salt of the earth. I won't get all holy roller on you, but these people that I have described, these people that support Trump, they are the salt of the earth. I will never forget Dad, at his father's funeral, one of the largest I have ever attended, "these people are the salt of the earth, don't you ever forget it". And I haven't. It just distressing me that those "salt of the earth" people have become so consumed with a total confidence man that really isn't good at that. The only thing I can say is, "bless your heart".
If you go to war with the energy sector it raises costs for everything. Your wall of drivel doesn't change that. That's the idiot Biden's legacy.
Viable domestic energy policy is ending our dependence on foreign oil and transitioning to other forms of energy. That's what Biden has been trying to do.
It’s not there. Show US some empirical data to back your claim? Average gas prices under Bush and Trump terms were less than Obama and Biden to date.
Prove me wrong.
  1. The economy is booming.
  2. Wall Street is booming.
  3. Unemployment has hit record lows.
  4. Wages are good, and increasing.
  5. Inflation is going down.
  6. The trains are running on time.
  7. Absolutely no drama.
What am I missing?
So nice, no hate no negatives.
It’s not there. Show US some empirical data to back your claim? Average gas prices under Bush and Trump terms were less than Obama and Biden to date.
Stop being a fucking idiot.

We don't set the price for oil...we are "price takers".

That is ENTIRELY INDEPENDENT of which party controls the WH.
We have domestic supply.....92% of which is in private hands....
And? If 100% is in private hands, what difference does it make if the Government is piling on regulations, gas prices are high, and the President is going to Venezuela and OPEC begging for increased output? Do you understand economics?

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