President Biden on Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Everyone should watch this clip. He is 100% correct. And as Republican strategist A.J. Delgado tweeted:

"This is one of the best answers I've heard any American president give, ever. Also, an FYI for those who think Biden isn't mentally sharp. (He is.)"

Who disagrees with the President after watching this?

Mehh. President Sippy Cup didn't present anything that Trump didn't already put forward. President Trump was already working on drawing down our presence in Afghanistan, except for one big difference: He didn't announce his withdrawal timetable to the Taliban, like this idiot has done.
He didn't announce his withdrawal timetable to the Taliban, like this idiot has done.
More gibberish from an intellectual wasteland. What does it matter? The Afghan government has had 15 years to get ready.

Trump had four years to get this done and he failed.

Trump would have accomplished a withdrawal during his second term. The current idiot in the WH really has no plan, other than the one Trump put into motion...

In Afghan withdrawal, Biden and Trump align

Typical idiot Democrat:

1. Completely fuck everything up and refuse to accept responsibility for it.

2. Take credit for the work of others.
Everyone should watch this clip. He is 100% correct. And as Republican strategist A.J. Delgado tweeted:

"This is one of the best answers I've heard any American president give, ever. Also, an FYI for those who think Biden isn't mentally sharp. (He is.)"

Who disagrees with the President after watching this?

Well said

Trump said essentially the same thing
Mehh. President Sippy Cup didn't present anything that Trump didn't already put forward. President Trump was already working on drawing down our presence in Afghanistan, except for one big difference: He didn't announce his withdrawal timetable to the Taliban, like this idiot has done.

The Taliban live there
They can see when we withdraw
Well, what is this discussion about? The American troops couldn't stay in Afghanistan forever. Trump understood this, Biden understands this. The pullout of the troops happened not matter what administration would be in charge.

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