President Biden's 8/20/2021 Address to the Nation Regarding Afghanistan

They keep saying he is about to come out to speak, but still nothing.

I guess when he cancelled all his public statements going forward he was shamed into this. I'm guessing it won't go well for him.
They probably have to keep wiping his ass. At this stage he must be shitting himself every ten minutes.
You may be paying dearly but the country is good. Newsome is a fuckup and that has nothing to do with Biden.
He is less of a mess than Biden. How do you not know this? So you believe the border is nice and secure and our economy is booming? Wake up, Assfaceias
They keep saying he is about to come out to speak, but still nothing.

I guess when he cancelled all his public statements going forward he was shamed into this. I'm guessing it won't go well for him.
Duplicate thread stupid
Biden:..."we're in constant contact with the Taliban"....:disbelief:
Joseph Robinette Biden (at 2:00PM ET) goes immediately to his select list of questioners following his speech. Watch him look at his list before recognizing a questioner. Softball questions only, please.
Joe said he believed leaving would be 'chaos'

Joe said the military can NOT travel outside the airport to find/rescue Americans.

Def Sect Austin has declared the US military does not have the capability to ride around in truck, find, and rescue the UK is doing for their people.

Joe's State Dept has told trapped Americans:
- You have to find your own way to the Kabul airport - we won't help
- You are on your own
- We can't ensure your safety
- Use your best judgement on attempting to make it to the airport
- There is a time limit - a deadline - by which you have to make it to the airport...or be left behind
- IF you make it to the airport you have to pay $2,000 for your rescue / evac

Joes' Generals and CIA advisors both said Joe LIED, that he was warned about the Afghan govt collapsing quickly & evac of civilians needed to happen fast
Joe, who can't remember shit on a daily basis - must carry cue cards - says what the Generals & CIA told him never happened...despite e-mails to prove it

Before Congress Military Generals that US forces are not leaving the airport, like the Brits, to rescue Americans because their orders are to 'Secure the Airport', not rescue and help evac US citizens

In his earlier statements, he blamed the Afghan govt, the Afghan people, the Afghan military, President Trump and a half a dozen more people for his humiliating failure as Commander-and-Chief

About the only thing he has not done / said is to take any blame whatsoever for this disaster - which we all know he won't do. He may attempt to throw Gen Milley and Def Sec Austin FURTHER under the bus...

But i seriously don't think anything will amount to a hill of beans and will not get those stranded Americans 1 inch close to coming home.

This is all about SERIOUS 'CYA' & 'Damage Control'.....with is worth less that turtle s
Did you all see that reporterette....she just accepted that the airport was secure because Joe said it most certainly is not...the tarmac may be but look at the fucking gates Joe....

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