President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List

In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.

In 19 months, he is probably the only president to have had 100% party, media and government scrutiny of not just every aspect of his job performance, but his business and private life going back many years including personal relationships down to checking his underpants for wet stains. While the government interviewed Hillary without even recording the conversations, allowed those under investigation to also represent her, helped her destroy her own evidence and wrote/drew conclusions favorable to her before the investigations were even finished including the AG meeting in secret with the husband of the investigatee WHILE she was still being investigated (not to mention the investigator FBI Director Comey make wholesale conclusions on the PROSECUTABILITY of the case (not even within his purview), they were breaking down doors, raiding homes and seizing private property in Trump's case (though it is SUPPOSED to be about Russia and the election). WE can only guess what they would have found had Hillary and Obama ever been subjected to HALF that scrutiny (and don't even try to claim that simple senate questioning about job details even comes close).
Half the scrutiny...

Sorry Turd, but

Number of Special Prosecutors commissioned in Benghazi Investigation? ZERO.
Number of Special Prosecutors commissioned in Email Investigation? ZERO.
Number of Hillary offices broken into? ZERO.
Number of computers seized? ZERO.
Number of other people in Hillary cases seriously investigated? ZERO.
How many other people are involved in those 23 "Trump" indictments?
How many of them actually involve Trump? ZERO.

So you think Hillary beating every one of those investigations is a blight on her and not the GOP that tried dozens of times over the last 30 years and failed every single time?

No, it is a testament to what corruption there is in our justice system and how far you can go with it when you are both a clever very careful lawyer and have deep ties in with those who are supposed to be policing you.
Obama weaponized our intelligence assets aginast a political opponent.

No scandals during the Obama administration.

This a great pro-Trump reference site about many aspects of Trump's presidency.

MAGA pill really?
All these accomplishments are zero-effort unilateral decisions. Or stuff thats just happening without any action from Trump.
But god help us when the bubble from tax cuts crashes while the trade war kicks in.
/——/ buttsore Libs will never give Trump credit. You think things would be the same or better with Hildabeast in the White House?
In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.
/——/ Are you responsible for felonies your landscaper committed a decade before you hired him?
In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.
/——/ Are you responsible for felonies your landscaper committed a decade before you hired him?

Pubs are, Dems not.

Feinsteins driver for 20years was a Chinese spy?

What the faaaaaaaa?

The FBI didn’t “spy” on Feinstein when they found out, they told her.
Each one of those accomplishments is linked.

I’m sure we will have liberals in here soon who will say they are lies or aren’t really accomplishments or try to discredit them somehow.

My personal favorite is more tax revenue with lower tax rates and 16,000 less federal workers. Now we just need another zero on that number and we will be getting somewhere!
/——/ I wonder if Hildabeast had won and had the same accomplishments, would the libtards dismiss them and say she was riding on Obozo’s accomplishments? I know, dumb question because Libtards want America to slowly decline into the abyss of Euro Socialism.
Each one of those accomplishments is linked.

I’m sure we will have liberals in here soon who will say they are lies or aren’t really accomplishments or try to discredit them somehow.

My personal favorite is more tax revenue with lower tax rates and 16,000 less federal workers. Now we just need another zero on that number and we will be getting somewhere!
/——/ I wonder if Hildabeast had won and had the same accomplishments, would the libtards dismiss them and say she was riding on Obozo’s accomplishments? I know, dumb question because Libtards want America to slowly decline into the abyss of Euro Socialism.

It’s interesting that most of our liberal friends won’t touch this thread and take those accomplishments to task.
In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.

I guess you would rather go back to the days of a flat or declining economy under a President whereby no matter how much mounting evidence of wrongdoings by their hires, no guilty pleas or convictions.
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I see where AT&T is laying off and outsourcing even with record profits. Wonder what the republican lickspittles on this thread have to say about that. Probably, 'George Soros' or 'Obama did it too'! or some such crap they've been programmed to say.

'They're liquidating us': AT&T continues layoffs and outsourcing despite profits

If you don’t like how AT&T is running their business, use someone else.

They are free to run their business how they see fit, as long as it’s within the law. Consumers are free to not use them.

A much shorter version.
I love this list it’s hilarious.
He’s either taking credit for stuff Obama did or he’s tearing something down.
He’s proud of dirty air and dirty water.
Nothing on infrastructure.
And what happened to that fantastic healthcare?

One thing Republicans are really proud of. Trump and the Republicans are slowly getting rid of American exports on the Russian mafia .
They hope by the midterms to leave this country completely exposed to Russian criminals.
Looks like they’re right on schedule.
This asswipe keep pushing his buushit propaganda the mulatto was exactly that a half wit and half white ....he was lucky to have half black in him so he could get all that AA shit!, or he would have just been another wannabe!

Oh? What “AA shit” did Obama get?
He repealed Obamacare
Built a wall and had Mexico pay for it
Balanced the budget
Locked up HIllary
Released his taxes he didn’t

Wall is not needed and just enforcing the laws will do...

The ACA should have never been passed and the GOP should dust off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and just pass it.

When has either political party ever been serious about the Budget?

Releasing His Taxes is voluntary, so no he does not need to show you his earnings!

Locking up Hillary will happen right after Bush is sent to the Hague, Cheney give back that heart, and I wake up with Ana De Armas and she stays sexy and 30 until the end of time, which mean never happening...
In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.

In 19 months, he is probably the only president to have had 100% party, media and government scrutiny of not just every aspect of his job performance, but his business and private life going back many years including personal relationships down to checking his underpants for wet stains. While the government interviewed Hillary without even recording the conversations, allowed those under investigation to also represent her, helped her destroy her own evidence and wrote/drew conclusions favorable to her before the investigations were even finished including the AG meeting in secret with the husband of the investigatee WHILE she was still being investigated (not to mention the investigator FBI Director Comey make wholesale conclusions on the PROSECUTABILITY of the case (not even within his purview), they were breaking down doors, raiding homes and seizing private property in Trump's case (though it is SUPPOSED to be about Russia and the election). WE can only guess what they would have found had Hillary and Obama ever been subjected to HALF that scrutiny (and don't even try to claim that simple senate questioning about job details even comes close).
Half the scrutiny...

Sorry Turd, but

Number of Special Prosecutors commissioned in Benghazi Investigation? ZERO.
Number of Special Prosecutors commissioned in Email Investigation? ZERO.
Number of Hillary offices broken into? ZERO.
Number of computers seized? ZERO.
Number of other people in Hillary cases seriously investigated? ZERO.
How many other people are involved in those 23 "Trump" indictments?
How many of them actually involve Trump? ZERO.

So you think Hillary beating every one of those investigations is a blight on her and not the GOP that tried dozens of times over the last 30 years and failed every single time?

No, it is a testament to what corruption there is in our justice system and how far you can go with it when you are both a clever very careful lawyer and have deep ties in with those who are supposed to be policing you.

^^^ a rightard calling the GOP corrupt because in 30 years, they couldn’t find proof that Hillary ever broke the law.

In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.
/——/ Are you responsible for felonies your landscaper committed a decade before you hired him?
I wouldn’t hire him to start with....these were not landscapers...this after saying “I hire the best people”
In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.

He promised to clean up the Swamp.

There are a lot more to arrest.
In 19 months; he's had 5 people plead guilty to felonies that he hired. I think he's probably the only President to have accomplished that.
/——/ Are you responsible for felonies your landscaper committed a decade before you hired him?
I wouldn’t hire him to start with....these were not landscapers...this after saying “I hire the best people”
/——/ No reasonable person would expect a president to do the extensive background ananl examine that the DOJ can do. And that explains your position.
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