President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21

Fuckin Dumbass !!!
I didn't ask if Trump was certified the winner. I asked if he won the election, as in getting more votes.

Apparently you believe the democrats managed to pull off the biggest secret plot in history. And not leave a single clue.
Fuckin Dumbass !!!
I didn't ask if Trump was certified the winner. I asked if he won the election, as in getting more votes.

Apparently you believe the democrats managed to pull off the biggest secret plot in history. And not leave a single clue.
My comment was claer.

You want me to type it again real slow for you.
I heard Adolf Trump's revenge tour was a real hoot. How did he get there - in Dumb Funk One? So funny...
I heard Adolf Trump's revenge tour was a real hoot. How did he get there - in Dumb Funk One? So funny...
Biden doesn't do rallies.

Who mentioned Biden? Are you confused?
Hey dumbass ....

I was mocking you.

So you say. Well, sparky, first of all you broke USMB rules by starting this Adolf Trump thread with only a video and no personal content. Then you just keep flaming and trolling.
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How about support for the US Constitution.
You know that the original constitution supported, protected and defended slavery.
You stupid Leftist fuck ......

The US Constitution also has provision to change under amendments.

You know (or NOT) like the 13th Amendment that was ratified 156 years ago.

There is no place in America for you sick racist fucks.
This is a bullshit list gleaned off a campaign website.
Link us to it.
What are you asking me for? You're the one who put it up!
ASSHOLE. If you can't link to where it came from, how do you know it's fake from a campaign website?

Pulling out of the PCA, pulling out of the Iran deal, etc, etc..... A lot of what was done above weakened us.
Purely YOUR opinion.

Yeah but it didn't have to be nearly as bad as it was.
You don't know that any more than you know Trump "didn't care." Wow.

Trump has no little pep rallies.
He can fill an arena. How many time do you have to be told the ability to do this doesn't translate into VOTER popularity?
Repeating an obviously stupid lie doesn't make it true.

The CDC has revealed that 95% of them actually died of other things. Did you miss that thread as well?
Over 600K dead.
They died of COVID genius. If they didn't get COVID, all but a few would still be alive. LOL....sheesh.
The CDC disagrees with you. The CDC says they were old people who died of other things and also happened to have Covid. They were dying and at best, Covid made it just happen a little sooner, meantime, annual national death rates are no higher in 2020 than any other year. Covid actually PREVENTED a lot of deaths because so many people simply stopped going out doing things. In fact, hospitals were incentivized to report deaths as Covid because they got a big kickback.

No lockdowns or limited lockdowns would have been necessary if Trump had just taken the virus seriously.
WHAT A CROCK. Unbelievable how you LIE to yourself about something you can't possibly know because it never happened before and you have no prior event to compare it to. Even in the face of what other countries went through and still are. Just what do you think Joe Biden would have done that would have saved us over and above the lockdowns, masks and distancing we were already doing? You're such an unbelievable partisan idiot. Other countries did all that AND the lockdowns, far more stringent than us, and they still had horrific deaths. My friend in Spain tells me how they had to run and hide from street gangs of roving police who would catch, beat and arrest you if they even caught you outside on the street! And STILL, Spain suffered horribly.

Can't insult that which cannot be insulted. You aren't smart enough..or witty enough.
You were at least half right. I can't be insulted, . . . . by you. I'd have to have a little respect for you first.

So you say. Well, sparky, first of all you broke USMB rules by starting this Adolf Trump thread with only a video and no personal content. Then you just keep flaming and trolling.
Go find your Safe Space Snowflake ...

The pony rides are about to start.
You know that the original constitution supported, protected and defended slavery.
You stupid Leftist fuck ......

The US Constitution also has provision to change under amendments.
Just because it can be fixed, doesn't mean you can ignore it started out broken.

Would you buy a new car with a dent in it, but the dealer promises to get it fixed before delivering it.
In fact, hospitals were incentivized to report deaths as Covid because they got a big kickback.

You know that's a lie.

Fact check: We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.

All other procedures do not get additional reinbursement.

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