President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21

I think the election was fraudlent, stolen.
Of course you do, because of your double digit IQ.
Actually it shows how the Trump supporters are true lemming. They would follow Trump off a cliff, and can't think on their own. They all repeat the idea the election was stolen, but none of them can put forth any kind of theory of how it was done, or who carried it out.

If Trump was a magician, they would believe he could really cut the lady in half.
Screw you brain dead Biden supporter. You are a true lemming if you believe that idiot was really elected. But then you believe anything CNN tells you.
CRT needs to be banned .
Such is the authoritarian right – compel conformity, punish dissent.

‘Banning’ CRT of course would violate the First Amendment, not that conservatives care about that, given their contempt for the Constitution.
It's not the right that cancels anyone who doesn't conform, no, indeed it is the Marxist far left Democrats who march in lock step and repeat group think. CRT itself is authoritarian and racist you idiots will believe anything.
CRT needs to be banned .
What is it in CRT that you object to?
It's something discussed in law school, how the laws or the culture can have racial biases. Like how the original constitution excluded all blacks and their descendants from it's protections.

Amen! That is something NaziCons will never comprehend. I also refer to CRT as institutional racism. It started in the U.S. Constitution and has permeated its way throughout American history. It's a fact. It is real.
CRT needs to be banned .
Such is the authoritarian right – compel conformity, punish dissent.

‘Banning’ CRT of course would violate the First Amendment, not that conservatives care about that, given their contempt for the Constitution.
It's not the right that cancels anyone who doesn't conform, no, indeed it is the Marxist far left Democrats who march in lock step and repeat group think. CRT itself is authoritarian and racist you idiots will believe anything.

Why is the right trying to "cancel" voters and turn America into a Republican autocracy?

Only stupid shits believe so called 'fact checkers.'

So instead you turn to a "commentary" site for information?

No I do my own research. I don't believe any 'fact checker' because most are from the lamestream media. You can tell because any article or any one who supports Trump is always bashed by them and social media. Google does not offer a balanced search. You're just a lazy TDSer.

The only hospital code with additional reimbursement is ventilator.
It quoted the doctor you numbskull. He is more qualified than any fact checker. I went to CDS and actually read doctors' guidelines for filling out death certs. If Covid is present in a patient at death it is a Covid death. It doesn't mean the patient actually died of Covid. Also even your 'fact checker' admitted that they do get paid more for so-called 'covid deaths' just not as much as claimed which is nothing but a bunch of wiggle words to convince idiots like you they are giving you the 'facts' and preserving the Donald Trump hatred their Democrat masters demand.
The only hospital code with additional reimbursement is ventilator.
It quoted the doctor you numbskull. He is more qualified than any fact checker. I went to CDS and actually read doctors' guidelines for filling out death certs. If Covid is present in a patient at death it is a Covid death. It doesn't mean the patient actually died of Covid. Also even your 'fact checker' admitted that they do get paid more for so-called 'covid deaths' just not as much as claimed which is nothing but a bunch of wiggle words to convince idiots like you they are giving you the 'facts' and preserving the Donald Trump hatred their Democrat masters demand.
Let me record your quote: A doctor is more qualified than any fact checker.

I'll remember that when you take exception to what Dr. Faucci says, after all, he's a doctor, and knows more than any fact checker.

The only hospital code with additional reimbursement is ventilator.
It quoted the doctor you numbskull. He is more qualified than any fact checker. I went to CDS and actually read doctors' guidelines for filling out death certs. If Covid is present in a patient at death it is a Covid death. It doesn't mean the patient actually died of Covid. Also even your 'fact checker' admitted that they do get paid more for so-called 'covid deaths' just not as much as claimed which is nothing but a bunch of wiggle words to convince idiots like you they are giving you the 'facts' and preserving the Donald Trump hatred their Democrat masters demand.
Let me record your quote: A doctor is more qualified than any fact checker.

I'll remember that when you take exception to what Dr. Faucci says, after all, he's a doctor, and knows more than any fact checker.

You know when a medication causes harm?
After paid off MDs say it's safe.
So I watched the Trump rally on OAN.

I find myself comparing Biden and Trump.

Trump is full of energy, animated and is the Energizer Bunny Rabbit. Joe is the Walking Dead.

While President Trump was often obnoxious. Biden as President is far different. Biden appears lost in space and often is simply not there. Biden is not obnoxious but instead passive.

The political establishment in the Swamp hated Trump as they really didn’t own him and he was unpredictable. Trump was like a lose cannon rolling around on the deck of a sailing ship.

Biden is a long term Swamp Critter but he is not his own man. Someone is pulling his strings and he is a puppet.

When Trump was President like it or not he was President. With Biden nobody really knows who is President and that bothers me.

I personally suspect the Deep State is running this nation once again.
CRT needs to be banned .
Such is the authoritarian right – compel conformity, punish dissent.

‘Banning’ CRT of course would violate the First Amendment, not that conservatives care about that, given their contempt for the Constitution.
It's not the right that cancels anyone who doesn't conform, no, indeed it is the Marxist far left Democrats who march in lock step and repeat group think. CRT itself is authoritarian and racist you idiots will believe anything.
It’s one of your fellow rightists who wants to ‘ban’ CRT, in violation of the First Amendment – perfectly consistent with the authoritarianism conservatives crave.
Liberals lost any sense of proportion when they compared the Jan 6th riot to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

It was not the end of the world as we Know it.

Joe would have put a large rally asleep or got lost so badly that everybody would have known he was in the early stages of dementia.

Of course that assumes he would have been able to attract enough people to be considered a large rally.

The current aging Joe Biden lacks the ability to generate enthusiasm if he ever really had that ability to begin with.

If Joe had hosted a large rally I could have recorded it and watched it when I was having difficulty going to sleep.
CRT needs to be banned .
Such is the authoritarian right – compel conformity, punish dissent.

‘Banning’ CRT of course would violate the First Amendment, not that conservatives care about that, given their contempt for the Constitution.
It's not the right that cancels anyone who doesn't conform, no, indeed it is the Marxist far left Democrats who march in lock step and repeat group think. CRT itself is authoritarian and racist you idiots will believe anything.
It’s one of your fellow rightists who wants to ‘ban’ CRT, in violation of the First Amendment – perfectly consistent with the authoritarianism conservatives crave.
CRT is racist pure and simple. CRT should be thought of as akin to the 'N' word. So, take your sanctimonious crap and shove it. I hope even the letters or mere mention of CRT is banished the same way as the "N' word is. You are such a Marxist tool, did you know that?
Liberals lost any sense of proportion when they compared the Jan 6th riot to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

It was not the end of the world as we Know it.

Yes but, that is what they have portrayed it to be in the Democrat party which is linked to the mainstream media. They create these fantasy stories all the time, push them and if enough low information people read the same story over and over it suddenly becomes a media 'truth' Goebbles did the same thing in Nazi Germany.
So I watched the Trump rally on OAN.

I find myself comparing Biden and Trump.

Trump is full of energy, animated and is the Energizer Bunny Rabbit. Joe is the Walking Dead.

While President Trump was often obnoxious. Biden as President is far different. Biden appears lost in space and often is simply not there. Biden is not obnoxious but instead passive.

The political establishment in the Swamp hated Trump as they really didn’t own him and he was unpredictable. Trump was like a lose cannon rolling around on the deck of a sailing ship.

Biden is a long term Swamp Critter but he is not his own man. Someone is pulling his strings and he is a puppet.

When Trump was President like it or not he was President. With Biden nobody really knows who is President and that bothers me.

I personally suspect the Deep State is running this nation once again.

Yep. It was a good week for Trump capped off by another lifeless rally in OH spewing the same old, same old....:)

(BTW, it wasn't a good week for him)
Joe would have put a large rally asleep or got lost so badly that everybody would have known he was in the early stages of dementia.

Of course that assumes he would have been able to attract enough people to be considered a large rally.

The current aging Joe Biden lacks the ability to generate enthusiasm if he ever really had that ability to begin with.

If Joe had hosted a large rally I could have recorded it and watched it when I was having difficulty going to sleep.

Joe's President. He's busy doing his job.
Trump on the other hand..isn't President. He was never interested in the job.

Again, the ability to draw a crowd or pack a pep rally is no indicator of voter popularity.
In fact, hospitals were incentivized to report deaths as Covid because they got a big kickback.

You know that's a lie.

Fact check: We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.

All other procedures do not get additional reinbursement.
Only stupid shits believe so called 'fact checkers.'

Why bother? Trump is a well established liar and complainer.
Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 9.39.48 AM.png

The Loser's inability to honestly confront loss with dignity is like a recurrent case of hemorrhoids.

Watch the rally.
Same old crap.

At least the Cry Baby Sore Loser is into recycling.

... Trump revisited some of the false claims familiar from his fruitless challenges of President Joe Biden’s election victory. “On the evening of Nov. 3 the election was over and then all of a sudden things started closing down all over,” he said of election night. “We took a massive victory, they (?) did, into something that should never be allowed!”
In fact, Trump was describing a legitimate vote counting process that saw Biden take the lead as the night wore on, as Democratic-leaning cities in key states and results from mail-in ballots were reported. Trump administration election officials and top election officials in Republican-led states affirmed the validity of the election outcome.
In another echo of the past, the crowd chanted “Lock her up!” at the mention of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat he defeated in 2016.
Still no evidence of the imaginary vast, nationwide, bipartisan conspiracy to steal a "Landslide!" from a candidate who had relentlessly negative approval numbers from the public throughout his four years, nor the mention of a single suspect among all the imaginary masterminds, collaborators, and operatives, Republicans as well as Democrats, who pulled off the dastardly caper.

How did the Loser fail to bray that he would make Mexico pay for the pep rally?

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