President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Wellington, OH - 6/26/21

CRT needs to be banned .
What is it in CRT that you object to?
Judging entire groups of society based solely on the color of their skin.

You know .... the very kind of Racism Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out against in his "I have a Dream" speech.

I am sure you are not aware of this lil' fact but, America has been pushing back against Racist like you since it's Founding.
Joe would have put a large rally asleep or got lost so badly that everybody would have known he was in the early stages of dementia.

Of course that assumes he would have been able to attract enough people to be considered a large rally.

The current aging Joe Biden lacks the ability to generate enthusiasm if he ever really had that ability to begin with.

If Joe had hosted a large rally I could have recorded it and watched it when I was having difficulty going to sleep.
How often did trump mention Ashli Babbitt? And did he encourage people to take "his" vaccine?
CRT needs to be banned .
What is it in CRT that you object to?
Judging entire groups of society based solely on the color of their skin.

You know .... the very kind of Racism Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out against in his "I have a Dream" speech.

I am sure you are not aware of this lil' fact but, America has been pushing back against Racist like you since it's Founding.
How often did trump mention the woman who got killed in his name at the Capitol on Jan 6th?
CRT needs to be banned .
What is it in CRT that you object to?
It's something discussed in law school, how the laws or the culture can have racial biases. Like how the original constitution excluded all blacks and their descendants from it's protections.
Let me tell you what CRT really is.

It's an evil Leftist racist dream that does nothing but, expose just how racist the American Left is.

And, do not think America isn't see this.
Trump endorsed Mark Miller over incumbent Anthony Gonzales at the rally yesterday.

Gonzales was one of the 10 Republicans that voted to impeach the President.

Gonzales will be unseated.

This will be another victory for America and one that the Left will have no clue about.

Congrats early to Mark Miller for unseating another traitor "Republican" .
CRT needs to be banned .
What is it in CRT that you object to?
It's something discussed in law school, how the laws or the culture can have racial biases. Like how the original constitution excluded all blacks and their descendants from it's protections.
Let me tell you what CRT really is.

It's an evil Leftist racist dream that does nothing but, expose just how racist the American Left is.

And, do not think America isn't see this.
You say that but where in the actual curriculum does it say those things? Give us some examples from it.
Trump endorsed Mark Miller over incumbent Anthony Gonzales at the rally yesterday.

Gonzales was one of the 10 Republicans that voted to impeach the President.

Gonzales will be unseated.

This will be another victory for America and one that the Left will have no clue about.

Congrats early to Mark Miller for unseating another traitor "Republican" .
Did he say why he supports Miller over the Republican incumbent? Seems counter-productive for the party he is a part of.
Trump endorsed Mark Miller over incumbent Anthony Gonzales at the rally yesterday.

Gonzales was one of the 10 Republicans that voted to impeach the President.

Gonzales will be unseated.

This will be another victory for America and one that the Left will have no clue about.

Congrats early to Mark Miller for unseating another traitor "Republican" .
Did he say why he supports Miller over the Republican incumbent? Seems counter-productive for the party he is a part of.
Watch the speech for yourself you no information Leftist dumbass.
Trump endorsed Mark Miller over incumbent Anthony Gonzales at the rally yesterday.

Gonzales was one of the 10 Republicans that voted to impeach the President.

Gonzales will be unseated.

This will be another victory for America and one that the Left will have no clue about.

Congrats early to Mark Miller for unseating another traitor "Republican" .
Did he say why he supports Miller over the Republican incumbent? Seems counter-productive for the party he is a part of.
Watch the speech for yourself you no information Leftist dumbass.
So you really didn't watch it yourself. I'm not seemed like you were posting so much that you couldn't do that AND watch the speech at the same time, what with your double digit IQ.
Sure Joe is doing his job. Like your typical democrat President he is busy screwing everything up.
If Joe Biden ever holds a rally he will not be able to get a crowd the size that Trump got on Saturday in Ohio. Joe would be lucky to get a crowd a quarter of that size.

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The Loser's inability to honestly confront loss with dignity is like a recurrent case of hemorrhoids.

Watch the rally.
Same old crap.

At least the Cry Baby Sore Loser is into recycling.

... Trump revisited some of the false claims familiar from his fruitless challenges of President Joe Biden’s election victory. “On the evening of Nov. 3 the election was over and then all of a sudden things started closing down all over,” he said of election night. “We took a massive victory, they (?) did, into something that should never be allowed!”
In fact, Trump was describing a legitimate vote counting process that saw Biden take the lead as the night wore on, as Democratic-leaning cities in key states and results from mail-in ballots were reported. Trump administration election officials and top election officials in Republican-led states affirmed the validity of the election outcome.
In another echo of the past, the crowd chanted “Lock her up!” at the mention of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat he defeated in 2016.

Still no evidence of the imaginary vast, nationwide, bipartisan conspiracy to steal a "Landslide!" from a candidate who had relentlessly negative approval numbers from the public throughout his four years, nor the mention of a single suspect among all the imaginary masterminds, collaborators, and operatives, Republicans as well as Democrats, who pulled off the dastardly caper.

How did the Loser fail to bray that he would make Mexico pay for the pep rally?

Excellent post!!!
CRT needs to be banned .
What is it in CRT that you object to?
It's something discussed in law school, how the laws or the culture can have racial biases. Like how the original constitution excluded all blacks and their descendants from it's protections.
Let me tell you what CRT really is.

It's an evil Leftist racist dream that does nothing but, expose just how racist the American Left is.

And, do not think America isn't see this.
What’s wrong bro… why you getting all cancel culture with this?! I thought y’all stood for free expression, the open discussion and debate of ideas. Why the change? You getting woke?

Information is like kryptonite to Leftist.
Trump's butt barnacles mistake their master's lies for "information."

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Trump’s “big lie” that he lost the 2020 US election because of voter fraud is “a bit like WWF”, Mitt Romney said on Sunday, referring to the gaudy and artificial world of professional wrestling, an arena in which Trump starred before entering politics...
“It’s entertaining,” said the Utah senator and 2012 Republican presidential nominee. “But it’s not real.”
... Romney was asked about former attorney general William Barr’s assertion to the Atlantic on Sunday that Trump’s claims were always

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Romney also said Trump’s lie “is surely being used around the world to minimize the support for democracy”.
“If the autocratic nations can point to the United States,” he said, “which is the birthplace really of this modern democracy, and can say, ‘Look, they can’t even run an election there that’s not fraudulent … that obviously is having an impact on on the cause of democracy and freedom around the world.”
But in the US, Romney insisted, “it’s pretty clear. The election was fair. It wasn’t the outcome that Trump wanted, but let’s move on.”

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