President-elect Joe Biden is planning executive orders that would sweepingly reverse Trump's biggest policies

Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
My views on the matter are irrelevant.
Truest thing you’ve ever said on this forum.

I'm just pointing out yet another glaring leftist hypocrisy.

I can understand why you're feeling your toes stepped on. But you can't.


And SO many more.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Yes, Trump's been hypocritical about EOs.

I'm not sure why you believe that negates your hypocrisy, but I understand you'll grasp at anything, no matter how pathetic.

Trump and everyone who went along with that hypocrisy, including you.

Please point out your non-existing posts criticizing Dear Leader for his XOs.

Again...and I'll type s l o w l y for views are irrelevant. I'm pointing out the left's hypocrisy on EOs.

And as desperate as you are to deflect, it shows you're well aware of your hypocrisy.

Your views are not irrelevant here on US Messageboard where your blatant hypocrisy is on full display, and I presume you want other members to take what you post seriously.

Now go find those posts, boy!

Goodness! Barking orders as if you think you have any authority!

How's that working out for you?

Exposing your hypocrisy and making you look like a fool is working out very well for me in this thread.

You ran from Biden’s obvious landslide.
You ran from your hypocrisy on Executive Orders.
You ran from “illegals are voting”.
You ran from thugs trying to intimidate ballot counters.

Yes. It’s working out VERY well for me in this thread. :auiqs.jpg:
So the question is........what did the Trump supporters get after 4 years of Trump.

No Hillary. I will most certainly give them that one.

A few new miles of new wall.

That's about it.

Trump like Obama before him could have made some real differences but both blew it.
You forgot 3 conservative justices, That was the sole reason I voted for him first time.

People have pinned their hopes on this for decades with little actual change.

50 years later abortion is still legal and will remain legal and despite having what was supposed to be a liberal court the Democrats were able to do nothing about guns.
I would rather have Constitutionalists as justices than liberal justices. At least I know the Constitution will remain intact.

Like when they ruled the government can take your property and give it to a private developer?
Not every republican president picked Constitutionalists, Trump did.
No, he picked activist judges who look for technicalities to overthrow the will of the people.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Not really. I don't operate on emotion like you leftists. I got along well under the Obama clusterfuck, I'll do okay under Harris/Biden.

And you? You'll blame every Harris/Biden fuckup on Trump, just like you'll be told to do.
Your complete lack of a counter to what I posted is your cowardly way of saying “yes - Biden has a landslide”.

I’ll take it. Like I said, a rough and sad 8 years for you.
Naaah, I'll be fine. You, however, are going to be in deep shit when the Holiday Inn on the frontage road closes down because Biden's economy sucks and they lock up the Tiki Room. There won't be anybody who wants to hear your Gino Vanelli covers and nobody will have an extra fiver to put in your tip jar.
I win again! :auiqs.jpg:

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...
So much for being a President for “all Americans”.

That didn’t last long.

Yep by abolishing EOs that wasn't for all Americans, just to please far right white people.
We are 50 states , I don't think someone in oklahoma runs around doing a hoola dance eating cocoanuts every day
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden also has 51 percent of the vote
Something Trump could never dream of
I keep seeing numbers out there. But it's just the media. It's not official.

Wrong again
The numbers are officially released results. The media just reports them.

It’s like a Football team that is ahead 46-3 with 38 seconds left In the game. The game is not officially over but there is no path to victory for the team with 3.
The Chicago Democrat machine is smiling
All good Americans are smiling today. Most through their hangovers. :laugh:
They're dancing in the streets
And your here on a Sunday morning?
I’m at work on a Sunday morning. Taking care of those COVID patients that the president says don’t exist.
Wait a minute - wingnuts PROMISED that the day after Biden won Covid would disappear!
No. It’s a shit show right now. Be safe.
Well, I believe in science and wear a mask and practice social distancing. You know, like an informed adult.
And your here on a Sunday morning?
I’m at work on a Sunday morning. Taking care of those COVID patients that the president says don’t exist.
Wait a minute - wingnuts PROMISED that the day after Biden won Covid would disappear!
No. It’s a shit show right now. Be safe.
Well, I believe in science and wear a mask and practice social distancing. You know, like an informed adult.
do you wear one when you are in your car?.....

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...
That Biden (actually, Harris) would reverse all of Trumps Executive Orders, is no surprise. What's idiotic is that the only Muslim nations Trump banned travel from, were those that Obama intended to ban travel from, as radical/violent Islamists in those particular nations, had access to government documents, including passports. Once Islamists from those nations are allowed in, expect a surge in Islamic Terrorist Attacks, to which, the Harris-Biden administration will just give the same idiotic response to all terrorist attacks as Europe does: "We stand united and not afraid!" Meanwhile, the non-believers will be killed off, bit by bit.

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...
So much for being a President for “all Americans”.

That didn’t last long.
Yeah, it's Obama2.0....It's my way or the highway.
You mean when McConnell said he'd help make Obama a 1 term president ? Obama could get nothing past the Repub senate

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...

Way to unite! No way did I believe he was a uniter that he claimed to be. At least one lie already exposed.
And your here on a Sunday morning?
I’m at work on a Sunday morning. Taking care of those COVID patients that the president says don’t exist.
Wait a minute - wingnuts PROMISED that the day after Biden won Covid would disappear!
No. It’s a shit show right now. Be safe.
Well, I believe in science and wear a mask and practice social distancing. You know, like an informed adult.
What I find very strange is that the lefties think that there is enough money from the rich to support their
new agenda without being taxed themselves.
Where did the money come from for Trump’s agenda?
Your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Will all be speaking spanish and living in huts , eating grass I assume
I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish.

Do not understand Spanish language much easier in the English language.
Spanish is easier, and I am uneducated?
Well, I believe in science and wear a mask and practice social distancing. You know, like an informed adult.
We need more informed adults. It would also be nice if the president didn’t demonize healthcare providers. His supporters are listening.
Most people in here, myself included, don't make $400,000 and above, so our taxes wouldn't go up under Biden, so its funny to see middle class rightwingers fighting for the super rich, but I let lemmings fall off the cliff
The super rich support Biden. See...Google,Microsoft,Amazon,Disney, Netflix,Twitter,Facebook,big Pharma,All the major media outlets,Hollywood,The NFL,NBA. Clearly you have been separated from reality.

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