President has been and is reaching out to Republicans: another con lie exposed as bs

Yep, just another part of Maobamas marketing campaign, he'll go in make his demands, republicans will say no, then he will fly around the country for another 2 weeks complaining how the republicans aren't playing nice. He plans on doing this over and over for the next 2 years, hoping to get a dem house in 2015. All he will see is his approval ratings continue to slip and he will eventually start compromising in an attempt to salvage his legacy.
I wonder how the President's critics now that he is showing 'leadership' with Congressional members? :lol:

Facing political gridlock and mounting questions on the credibility of his administration’s sequester warnings, President Obama is going around Republican leaders in a bid to connect with rank-and-file lawmakers who’ve worked with Democrats in the past.

The lines of communication between the White House and GOP leaders are not closed. Obama plans to visit Capitol Hill next week to meet with leaders from both chambers.

But the White House confirmed that it has called together a dinner meeting Wednesday evening with several rank-and-file Senate Republicans. The meeting, days in the making, will be held on neutral territory – a downtown Washington hotel – though the snowstorm blowing through D.C. could postpone the rendezvous

FOX News
President has been and is reaching out to Republicans: another con lie exposed as bs

Obama to dine and meet with Republicans
exposing the conservative rants about Obama not willing to compromise or meet with Congress

Obama is also expected to speak to the Senate Democratic caucus next week.

In addition, the office of House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, announced that Obama has requested a meeting with House Republican members as well. In an e-mail to GOP members, Boehner chief of staff Mike Sommers said Obama "has requested the opportunity to visit with our conference sometime next week to discuss various policy matters, and we are currently working to schedule that meeting. More details to follow."


Over the weekend, Obama called a string of Republican senators about an alternative debt reduction plan that would include more targeted cuts and new tax revenues to be derived by eliminating loopholes that benefit the wealthy.

"The president is engaging with lawmakers of both parties and will continue to do so," said White House spokesman Jay Carney. "He stood before you, I believe it was Friday, and talked about the need for bipartisan work on common ground when it comes to reducing our deficit."

Some Republicans senators or their aides have confirmed they received calls from Obama, including Bob Corker of Tennessee, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Rob Portman of Ohio and Susan Collins of Maine.
President needs a photo op eh? Shame he wont talk with Republicans in good faith.
Republican Leader and Senator Bitchy Mitch McConnell: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
Yep, and the bitch obamaturd was re-elected by the bitches in this country.
when juvenile haters are all the conservatives have left to field in a debate?

time for the ref to stop the game

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