President Obama nominates Loretta Lynch as next Attorney General

Think about this: Suppose we had a white AG who was very highly influential with the President, and an activist for his/her agenda in office. Then the white AG decides to resign after a long tenure.

The proposed replacement is a sorority sister from the same school at the same time of the white AG's wife (or fraternity brother of a white female AG's husband).

Don't you think there would be cries about all kinds of elitism? Buddy politics?

How's it different?
who cares anymore what that man does or nominates?

Well, the hundreds of Mexican citizens, and the 2 federal agents killed in eric "Americans are cowards" holder Fast and Furious screw up probably would say it is kind of important when this idiot appoints idiots to run the government agencies....that's one point....
Why, because she is black?

No, because I am sure when you dig into her background you will find another corrupt, incompetent, left wing, racist, anti-American....that is how she will resemble eric holder....

In other words - you find her guilty without a hearing. Your racist ignorance is disgusting.

No kidding, but now you're talking about 90% of this board.

She has great cred. Harvard and Harvard. And if she's US Attorney for Brooklyn and Queens, etc., holy cow, get back. That ain't exactly Dumbfuckistan. She can handle the job.

"""Lynch was born in Greensboro, North Carolina on May 21, 1959. Her mother was a school librarian and her father was a Baptist minister.[3][4] As a child, she spent hours with her father, watching court proceedings in the courthouse of Durham, North Carolina. Her early fascination with court proceedings was compounded by stories of her grandfather, also a pastor, who devised his own version of theUnderground Railroad, in the 1930s. He helped people flee to the north to escape persecution under the Jim Crow laws of the time.[5]

She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and American literature from Harvard College in 1981[6] and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School in 1984.[7]"""

But it's cronyism even if it's Harvard. In fact, let's have some office holders who didn't go to an Ivy League school for a change. You know, one can get a good education elsewhere.

Elitism sucks. And Democrats are becoming the worst at it.
She has no Washington experience. IT is the classic case of picking someone not really qualified because then you own them. In this case Lynch will probably be compliant in shredding documents and stonewalling investigations.
Heck she already has proven herself and adept race baiter. What more could you want??
a black "civil rights" advocate with ties to Al Sharpton. imagine that. how unique and unusual.

another anti white to replace Eric (I am the atty gen. but I'm a black man) Holder in the "justice" dept.
Loretta Lynch Seen As Strong Civil Rights Defender

WASHINGTON (AP) — Loretta Lynch was a federal prosecutor in New York when she encountered an astonishing case of police brutality: the broomstick sodomy of a Haitian immigrant in a precinct bathroom.

The 1997 assault on Abner Louima set off street protests, frayed race relations and led to one of the most important federal civil rights cases of the past two decades — with Lynch a key part of the team that prosecuted officers accused in the beating or of covering it up.

President Barack Obama's nomination of Lynch to be attorney general comes as the department she would take over continues to investigate the police shooting of an unarmed black 18-year-old in Ferguson, Missouri and seems partly intended to convey the message that police misconduct and civil rights will remain a principal focus even after the departure of Eric Holder.

Loretta Lynch Seen As Strong Civil Rights Defender

Lynch is strong on civil rights and highly qualified to be the new U.S. Attorney General.
Sorry, Rabbi, your race-baiting hatred isn't worth 33+ minutes of my life. Why do so many Jews hate black people?
Sorry, Rabbi, your race-baiting hatred isn't worth 33+ minutes of my life. Why do so many Jews hate black people?
Your accusations of racism are funny. You throw it anyone who doesnt buy your bullshit. Take a look at 30min mark where she thinks voting laws are there to restrict blacks from voting. If that were the case they've been a huge failure because more blacks hav voted since the laws were enacted than before.
In the span of three posts, you have mentioned homosexual oral sex three separate times, are you trying to come out on the internet??

What has that got to do with you being a fake ambulance chasing racist??

And what have you done throughout this entire thread? Nothing but insult other posters. You have made absolutely NO points at all. Pathetic.
ah we have some butt hurt douche bag retardomark whining

The whining is proving you an idiot, must hurt; shittydude.

must suck to be an OBAMA FLUFFER in this day and age

Tell us why you need to refer to your sexual proclivities, what's the relevance??

what are you-15?

and racist is a term guilty white liberals or stupid blacks use when they are outmatched intellectually (which is always)

To sum it up.
You are a closeted gay guy too scared to come out the closet.
Posted on a topic you know jack shit about.
Love to make reference to men giving other men blow jobs.
Is too stupid to know what a racist is.
Is too stupid to know he's a racist.
Is jealous that a Black female is professionally leaving him in the dust.
Was stupid enough to name himself, shittydude.

What is this? Someone should really report you. Nice and typical liberal trashiness.
Loretta Lynch is a progressive. Of course the Obama administration would choose her. He isn't going to choose a conservative republican, that's for sure. It would be nice if we had more middle of the road people to choose from but it seems as if all politicians lean either one way or the other. :rolleyes-41: It's tiresome to have to deal with either one extreme or the other.
Sorry, Rabbi, your race-baiting hatred isn't worth 33+ minutes of my life. Why do so many Jews hate black people?

Are you serious? You can't be serious with the above statement! :lol: You accuse another poster of race baiting and yet you say "why do so many Jews hate black people?" You liberals are pathetic.

Well, apparently it's a fact. Google it...

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