President Obama: What Makes Us America

See, Blind Boo's naturaly defense mechanism will kick in and he will misinterpret, distort, mock or otherwise dismiss what you say because he cannot win on the merits and cannot admit that fact.
The fact is Iraq was doing relatively well when Bush left office. Infrastructure was rebuilding. Oil was starting to flow. The country had had 2 free and fair elections--more than Democrats have allowed here.
And everyone told Obama, if you pull out and wash your hands we'll back there within 10 yers.
And voila, exactly what happened.

With thousand of troops still patrolling the cities and the Sunnis being paid off in the West, why wouldn't it be?
So you admit that Obama was correct: When we left Iraq it was a relatively peaceful place. Once Obama ordered total withdrawal, it all went to hell, which is what many predicted.

You mean when Obama followed the Bush Bug Out Plan?

Except the debacle was predicted as far back as 2002 when it became apparent that the invasion of Iraq was the plan.
So Obama was too stupid to understand his own advisors telling him he needed to renegotiate the SOFA to allow American troops, that Obama was too stupid to work around the situation to guarantee stability, that Obama was too stupid to understand the situation and react to it over 6 years?
Yeah you're probaby right with that one.
See, Blind Boo's naturaly defense mechanism will kick in and he will misinterpret, distort, mock or otherwise dismiss what you say because he cannot win on the merits and cannot admit that fact.
The fact is Iraq was doing relatively well when Bush left office. Infrastructure was rebuilding. Oil was starting to flow. The country had had 2 free and fair elections--more than Democrats have allowed here.
And everyone told Obama, if you pull out and wash your hands we'll back there within 10 yers.
And voila, exactly what happened.

With thousand of troops still patrolling the cities and the Sunnis being paid off in the West, why wouldn't it be?
So you admit that Obama was correct: When we left Iraq it was a relatively peaceful place. Once Obama ordered total withdrawal, it all went to hell, which is what many predicted.

And the idiot Texan picks up Samson's fumble and tries for the score!
If you can't follow the conversation and offer informed opinion, shut up and let the grownups talk.

You are a grown-up?
USMB nutters would be served well if they sought out real understanding instead of always looking for a "gotchya" moment. The past matters.....the present is only the present for a moment in time. Things happen.....then other things happen.....things change.

When you look for simple solutions to complex problems......and then bitch and moan every time shit isn't are probably a USMB nutter.

What are you babbling about?

"gotchya moment?" The entire interview?

"Nutter's" like Steve Kroft on 60 minutes?

No. Nutters like you. Not the entire interview. The part you started the thread with. That's what you wanted to discuss. You think you caught Obama saying that Bush did a great job in Iraq. That's what you want to discuss. You thought you found a "gotchya". You started this thread thinking you'd back someone into a corner. You thought you'd catch someone admitting that Obama fucked up the great job that bush did in Iraq.

That's lame and stupid. You fail.

Um did I say that Obama said Bush did a great job?


I said "It sounds like Bush did good:" It is an OPINION, based on Obama's description of Iraq after "we left."

Try again moron.

Yes. I'm a moron for figuring out what you tried to say with the OP. If that isn't what you were trying to say.......maybe you should be more clear. Look at what Rabbi just posted. How did this thread come to that point?

Try harder.

Be more clear?

I said "It sounds like Bush did good:" It is an OPINION, based on Obama's description of Iraq after "we left."

How much simpler could I possibly make it for you?

Get your nurse to spoon feed you between your absurdly foolish posts

You are still trying. And still failing.

What do you think Obama would say if he were asked if Bush did a good job or a bad job in respect to Iraq?

Answer honestly and and blow your own thread up.
.....And that opportunity was squandered over the course of five years or so because the prime minister, Maliki, was much more interested in consolidating his Shiite base and very suspicious of the Sunnis and the Kurds, who make up the other two-thirds of the country. So what you did not see was a government that had built a sense of national unity. And if you don't have...

Steve Kroft: Or an army.

President Obama: Or an army that feels committed to the nation as opposed to a particular sect.........

Look more like a flawed strategy(nation building) to me.
That is because you cannot see beyond your ideology. Bush left a stable Iraq, and a real leader would have negotiated the Status of Force's agreement to have kept the country stable for the next 20 years. A real leader would have listened to the advice of experts in this arena and would have acted appropriately to ensure that further crisis would have been averted. To simplify it for you, ISIS would have been averted for decades, if not forever.

Instead, we elected an incompetent administrator who couldn't even properly administer a per-planned withdraw of our military from a stable theater.

It's your ideology that prevents the truth from entering into your realm of perception. What you're really saying is that President Bush was not a real leader! President Bush negotiated and signed the SOFA that called for the withdrawal of all our troops from Iraq by 2012, in 2008. Why did he do that?
See, Blind Boo's naturaly defense mechanism will kick in and he will misinterpret, distort, mock or otherwise dismiss what you say because he cannot win on the merits and cannot admit that fact.
The fact is Iraq was doing relatively well when Bush left office. Infrastructure was rebuilding. Oil was starting to flow. The country had had 2 free and fair elections--more than Democrats have allowed here.
And everyone told Obama, if you pull out and wash your hands we'll back there within 10 yers.
And voila, exactly what happened.

With thousand of troops still patrolling the cities and the Sunnis being paid off in the West, why wouldn't it be?
So you admit that Obama was correct: When we left Iraq it was a relatively peaceful place. Once Obama ordered total withdrawal, it all went to hell, which is what many predicted.

You mean when Obama followed the Bush Bug Out Plan?

Except the debacle was predicted as far back as 2002 when it became apparent that the invasion of Iraq was the plan.
So Obama was too stupid to understand his own advisors telling him he needed to renegotiate the SOFA to allow American troops, that Obama was too stupid to work around the situation to guarantee stability, that Obama was too stupid to understand the situation and react to it over 6 years?
Yeah you're probaby right with that one.

Well no, in reality President Obama was always open to a residual force in Iraq. The Left was very critical of that too. But like President Bush he was not incline to leave them there subject to Iraqi laws and courts.
See, Blind Boo's naturaly defense mechanism will kick in and he will misinterpret, distort, mock or otherwise dismiss what you say because he cannot win on the merits and cannot admit that fact.
The fact is Iraq was doing relatively well when Bush left office. Infrastructure was rebuilding. Oil was starting to flow. The country had had 2 free and fair elections--more than Democrats have allowed here.
And everyone told Obama, if you pull out and wash your hands we'll back there within 10 yers.
And voila, exactly what happened.

With thousand of troops still patrolling the cities and the Sunnis being paid off in the West, why wouldn't it be?
So you admit that Obama was correct: When we left Iraq it was a relatively peaceful place. Once Obama ordered total withdrawal, it all went to hell, which is what many predicted.

You mean when Obama followed the Bush Bug Out Plan?

Except the debacle was predicted as far back as 2002 when it became apparent that the invasion of Iraq was the plan.
So Obama was too stupid to understand his own advisors telling him he needed to renegotiate the SOFA to allow American troops, that Obama was too stupid to work around the situation to guarantee stability, that Obama was too stupid to understand the situation and react to it over 6 years?
Yeah you're probaby right with that one.

Here is the exchange Kroft had with Obama:

Steve Kroft: What? How did they end up where they are in control of so much territory? Was that a complete surprise to you?
President Obama: Well I think, our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper, has acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.

Steve Kroft: I mean, he didn't say that, just say that, we underestimated ISIL. He said, we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the Iraqi army, to fight.
President Obama: That's true. That's absolutely true. And I...
Steve Kroft: And these are the people that we're now expecting to carry on the fight?


Steve did a great job.
See, Blind Boo's naturaly defense mechanism will kick in and he will misinterpret, distort, mock or otherwise dismiss what you say because he cannot win on the merits and cannot admit that fact.
The fact is Iraq was doing relatively well when Bush left office. Infrastructure was rebuilding. Oil was starting to flow. The country had had 2 free and fair elections--more than Democrats have allowed here.
And everyone told Obama, if you pull out and wash your hands we'll back there within 10 yers.
And voila, exactly what happened.

With thousand of troops still patrolling the cities and the Sunnis being paid off in the West, why wouldn't it be?
So you admit that Obama was correct: When we left Iraq it was a relatively peaceful place. Once Obama ordered total withdrawal, it all went to hell, which is what many predicted.

You mean when Obama followed the Bush Bug Out Plan?

Except the debacle was predicted as far back as 2002 when it became apparent that the invasion of Iraq was the plan.
So Obama was too stupid to understand his own advisors telling him he needed to renegotiate the SOFA to allow American troops, that Obama was too stupid to work around the situation to guarantee stability, that Obama was too stupid to understand the situation and react to it over 6 years?
Yeah you're probaby right with that one.

Well no, in reality President Obama was always open to a residual force in Iraq. The Left was very critical of that too. But like President Bush he was not incline to leave them there subject to Iraqi laws and courts.

Oddly, he omitted your "reality" from the entire interview with 60 minutes.

You wouldn't happen to have a reference upon which to support, "in reality President Obama was always open to a residual force in Iraq?"

Should be an easy quote to find on your planet or should I say, "your realm of perception."

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