President Obama's Unpopularity - What Does It REALLY Mean?

I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

The fact that you're using "republican" and "conservative" interchangeably shows how clueless you are. Few conservatives would hold Bush up as a "great" president - admittedly at the present time with the worst president in US history, maybe a few might get nostalgic ......
Just because folks are not thrilled with Obama's proformance doesn't mean that they support his opponents.
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

I think you were listening to the wrong voices.

Bush caught hell from everyone.

All we've been hearing is that Bush was the worst President in our history.

Obama is catching hell from the media because they finally realize that he's a fake. He doesn't have any answers, only excuses.

They want someone who acts like he's in control but instead Obama gives them a whiner with no direction.
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I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

Bush's "unpopularity" was a 28% approval rating....
Obama just sucks as POTUS.

Being an eloquent speaker can carry you only so far. After a while you have to be POTUS. He just sucks at it.

Unless a miracle occurs and the economy takes off like a rocket I doubt he will get that second term he's looking for. Hallelujah.
Bush was unpopular becuase of policy and following his own instincts to be a leader.

Obama is unpopular due to lack of policy and leadership. he is quite obviously wrapped up in his re-election and not willing to lead at a time when we need him to.
Just because folks are not thrilled with Obama's proformance doesn't mean that they support his opponents.

Obama won becuase he campaigned against "a failed President" evne though that "failed President" wasnt running. (and wasnt a failure in my eyes)

Obamas opponent will truly be able to run against a failed President. With the right campaign team, Obamas opponent will my opinion.
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

The fact that you're using "republican" and "conservative" interchangeably shows how clueless you are. Few conservatives would hold Bush up as a "great" president - admittedly at the present time with the worst president in US history, maybe a few might get nostalgic ......

Bush was not a great President in my eyes. But he was a great leader. The media would Bash him and he would not waver. The speaker would bash him and he would not compromise her integrity by responding. The majority leader would bash him and he would show respect and not respond.
He did not blame anyone. He took the heat. The buck stopped with him.
He was a great leader.
His suggested policies such as Amnesty.....and TARP.....they were issues for me....and why I say he was not a great President. He was a good President at a time when we needed a good President. He was a greta leader at a time when we needed a great leader.
All the major cable news networks still support Obama and the A.P. might as well be on the payroll so when the left admits that Barry's popularity is slipping it really means that things are pretty bad for the former community activist.
Cons apparently preferred W, the draft dodging coward, who got us into two unfunded wars, and Medicare D, also unfunded.
I had no idea that BOOOOOOOOOSH! was on the ballot for a third term.
All the major cable news networks still support Obama and the A.P. might as well be on the payroll so when the left admits that Barry's popularity is slipping it really means that things are pretty bad for the former community activist.
Cons apparently preferred W, the draft dodging coward, who got us into two unfunded wars, and Medicare D, also unfunded.
I had no idea that BOOOOOOOOOSH! was on the ballot for a third term.

He already was......the last election.
He will now be on the ballot for a fourth time.
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

I think you were listening to the wrong voices.

Bush caught hell from everyone.

All we've been hearing is that Bush was the worst President in our history.

Obama is catching hell from the media because they finally realize that he's a fake. He doesn't have any answers, only excuses.

They want someone who acts like he's in control but instead Obama gives them a whiner with no direction.

I would agree with those saying that Bush was the worst president in US History. Sutpid is not necessarily dangerous. Powerful is not necessarily dangerous. Stupid AND Powerful is definitely dangerous. That was Bush.
He lied a lot. He ignored his advisors a lot. Then when the sh*t hit the fan, he blamed everyone but himself - a lot. He was a weak little piece of sh*t. We lost more generals and director level intel officers under Bush than anyone since Nixon, because the little runt would ask for the resignation of anyone who didn't tell him exactly what he wanted to hear.

So fine. Obama seems to be doing his best to tie Bush for Crappiest President in History. He walked into a situation that was clearly an economic crisis. So what did he do? Repeated Bush's bailouts multiplied. Then he spent the first 18 months of his presidency focused on what? The economy? Nope. Jobs? Nope. A POS health care plan that was so bad, not one Dem would even admit they voted for it, in the mid-terms. What an idiot.

Obviously, I'm neither Dem nor Repub. Just no kool-aid in my glass. So here's the thing that annoys me most abaout Obama and those who STILL support him: Yes, Bush left a mess behind but get a clue folks. He's been gone a long time now. When is it going to stop being Bush's fault????
If the jobs , economy , gas prices, food prices ect doesn't approve by Nov 2012 . We can pretty much say he is going to be a one term president. Everything he says he is going to do doesn't get done and the stuff he does do makes us weaker (ie apologizing to people in the middle east). The first election so many voted because he was the first "black" president and I do believe a lot of people voted for him just for that. They did not research him and the media made him to be a super star. But in truth he was very unqualified for this job. He was over his head. Plus the lies he has said over and over like all those shovel ready jobs that did not exist, the non war in Libya just to name a few . This time around he can not campaign on his record so this is going to be a big mud slinging campaign. He is going to see how much dirt he can get on the candidate. I hate the negative campaigns and so does a lot of America so my hope is they tune him out and vote for another candidate.
I get the idea that President Obama is VERY unpopular right about now. People are calling him a "lame duck" president, a "liar" and a host of other, very nasty names. Even the so-called "liberal media" seems to be down on him. As for Fox News, well, that goes without saying.

But wait a minute - I seem to remember when George W. Bush was unpopular as well. And what did we get from the Republican Noise Machine while all that was going on? "Unpopularity is the sign of a strong president. He may be unpopular now, but that is just strong leadership. History will be kind to President Bush. Ultimately, he will go down as one of our greatest presidents."

Remember that one, cons?

OK - that being the case . . . .

Apples and oranges

Bush actually made decisions and lead the way.
Obama blames other for being in his way.

But here's something I have never heard before; Some on the left want to put up a challenger to obama. :eek:

It's not a sign that he's not left enough, it's a sign that he sucks b/c he can't lead.

Lack of expirience will do that to you.
I Apples and oranges

Bush actually made decisions and lead the way.
Obama blames other for being in his way.

But here's something I have never heard before; Some on the left want to put up a challenger to obama. :eek:

It's not a sign that he's not left enough, it's a sign that he sucks b/c he can't lead.

Lack of expirience will do that to you.

Bush made decisions. Bad ones. And lies too. Bad ones. And he was the BIGGEST blamer in U.S. History.

This message brought to you by someone who thinks Obama sucks donkey dung....
No doubt that Jimmy Carter is now in the midst of his second term.

The tanning booth didn't do much to conceal his approach to destroying this country.

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