President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself

All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
Mueller sent Trumps legal team a list of questions he wanted answer. You're not keeping up.
Mueller's questions for Trump: Read the full list
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
It's Mueller's fault he hasn't read the answers.

You didn't read your link.

Fox News has obtained the full list of questions developed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, in anticipation of a possible interview with President Trump.

Your prior post, alleging written answers provided by Trump, was your invention.

Just for ha's, when do you think President Hush Money will answer those questions (written down by Trump's lawyers in a phone conversation)?
You missed the second link.
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
Not Trump's fault Mueller refuses to read the answers.
Mueller wants Trump's answers, not his lawyers'.

Asking if Mueller would accept written answers isn't the same as submitting answers, as slyhunter would have us believe.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump has nothing to hide you have to be guilty of something before you pardon yourself

How 'bout hush money? You can pay that and still have nothing to hide, right?
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump never stated that he thinks that he can pardon himself, you stupid ass. One of his former lawyers made the statement in a letter sent to the witch hunter. You worthless leftist traitors will post anything to demean Trump. Suck it, fool. Trump ain't going anywhere for the next seven years.
Here ya go.

Donald J. Trump


As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

7:35 AM - Jun 4, 2018
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Next time check facts before you make a fool of yourself.

HA! You think at some point Trumpsters will get sick of being made to look like total assholes by their dear leader?
They are made in his image, and as such will support his point of view. I think only a few really believe he is not guilty, all of them try to defend him though.

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.
Which then raises the question ... could the next president rescind such a pardon?

If it has been delivered, no.
Says who? That too has never been tested.

Silly far left drone does not want to look it up!

They like to post debunked material and then expect others to prove them wrong!

Generally, no. Other than not applying to impeachments, a pardon is pretty far reaching, according to the Supreme Court:

“The Constitution provides that the President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

The power thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment. This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.

According to Julian Epstein, chief Democrat minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee in 2000, it is legal to rescind a pardon if it hasn’t been delivered yet:

President Bush actually has the legal ability to rescind these pardons if they haven't been delivered. Ulysses Grant rescinded pardons that were given out by President Johnson in the latter -- 1870...
That is an interesting point, because if they are challenged in court right away, it could take the pardons a long time to be delivered.
I can't see congress putting up with any president establishing the precedent that he has such absolute power.

They already have, maobama said he didn't have the constitutional authority to do DACA 23 times. Yet he did it and congress didn't do shit.

I can't see congress putting up with any president establishing the precedent that he has such absolute power.

They already have, maobama said he didn't have the constitutional authority to do DACA 23 times. Yet he did it and congress didn't do shit.

That worthless Bunch will never do anything to hurt them self
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

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The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

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The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.
The problem isn’t really the EC; the problem is the people’s failure to use Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution – if the states elect an idiot as president (as in 2000 and 2016), then the people use the impeachment process to remove that idiot from office, correcting the mistake made by the states.

The Framers afforded the people the process and means by which to reflect their will, but the people are too ignorant and stupid to understand how to use the Constitutional tools the Framers provided.
I am more than ready for a new major party.

I am the same way, I am tired of both, they are the rich, working for the rich, they don't give a damn about working Americans.
Repubs seem to only want to help the rich and dems seem way too worried about illegals, criminals, and transgenders. I would like a party for real people. We need a strong middle class again!
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

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The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
I can't see congress putting up with any president establishing the precedent that he has such absolute power.

They already have, maobama said he didn't have the constitutional authority to do DACA 23 times. Yet he did it and congress didn't do shit.


Comparing executive orders and presidential pardons is like comparing apples to oranges. GOP could have easily taken Obama's DACA order to court but they were divided and didn't want to touch the issue with a 10 foot pole. Compare it to how Democrats were more united and took Trump's far more legal travel ban to court. Eventually it took a group of states giving Trump an ultimatum to end DACA by threatening lawsuit on a certain date which I don't recall.
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

Sent from my iPhone using

The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
Guns are not your enemy. Get use to it.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

You're a nut job. This is really what you spend your nights dreaming about? Have you ever heard of girls?
I am more than ready for a new major party.
I agree. I am tired of zealots of both major parties pushing further to the extremes. Both exhibit the desire to infringe on individual rights in their own way. Self serving carrer elitists pandering to their respective bases with simplistic soundbites .
Half the population doesn't bother and feel neither party is representative.
I know you don't care for Trump, but my vote for him was a protest vote as Both parties despised him and i despise both parties..
That's the stupidest reason to vote for someone I've ever heard. Except I didn't vote for B. Clinton because he looked like a Ken doll. Okay, I admit it.
Really think here. Trump essentially WAS the third party candidate.
Not to mention, you need to throw a damn monkey wrench into the crap system, and what happened?
The elite's who were damn glad to take his money then couldn't install their damn annoited queen and are still not accepting reality. Trump was no Republican either.

BTW. A protest vote is not stupid. What the hell do you think a third party vote is then, in an entrenched corrupt two party system?
What is stupid is 150 million folks, give or take, who don't vote at all. Talk to them.
Last edited:
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

Sent from my iPhone using

The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
Guns are not your enemy. Get use to it.

No, they aren't. I cherish mine. The enemy is the NRA gun nutters who are afraid of responsible and sensible gun controls.
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

Sent from my iPhone using

The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
Guns are not your enemy. Get use to it.

It's it classically funny though that a supposed Indian, Pocahontas wants the American government to take his guns away? He obviously hasn't read much history
It's an interesting theory, I don't see it happening though. As far a obstruction goes, the only way I can see a president could be charged for obstruction, after impeachment and removal or resignation, would be for destruction of evidence. It won't fly if he simply exercises his Article 2 authority to direct federal law enforcement the way he sees fit. Nixon could have been charged for obstruction after he resigned, for destruction of evidence.

Authority or no directing the closure of a federal investigation into himself is obstructing justice. It's the intent that matters.

How many times do you have to be told, the president is NOT a TARGET of the investigation. He can legally direct the DOJ to do any damn thing he wants. All federal law enforcement authority is derived from him.

You just keep on believing that.......
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

Sent from my iPhone using

The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
Guns are not your enemy. Get use to it.

No, they aren't. I cherish mine. The enemy is the NRA gun nutters who are afraid of responsible and sensible gun controls.

You think "responsible and sensible gun controls" means any gun controls our oppressive government wants to impose, Pocahontas.

How's trusting our government worked out for Indians? I don't mean you, I mean real ones ...

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