President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself


find the thread all the rest have been merged into.
Oh my Trump makes a tweet and the far left goes nuts!

Nothing new about this!

Gee nothing could happen all day long and the far left will still go nuts, just because Trump is in the White House.

See Obama acted like a dictator and the far left was ok with it.
I can't see congress putting up with any president establishing the precedent that he has such absolute power.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

But read into what Trump is saying, he is assuming he wouldn't be impeached. A man actually believes he can do anything he likes and his political party will do nothing.

A man that is above and answers to no law is a dictator, or emperor. Would any American say that any person in the US should be above the law? That this conversation is even taking place is the canary in the mine. People don't grasp the moment of danger democracy in America is at.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

So you ADMIT that the smoke screen of claiming Trump would be indicted over the Russian thing is , well, a LIE? A sitting President can not be tried in open court.
I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

I can't think of any reason Trump would need to pardon himself, nor can I think of a legitimate reason he would not answer questions from the Special Counsel.
No reason the answers he already gave, in writing, shouldn't suffice then.

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
Mueller sent Trumps legal team a list of questions he wanted answer. You're not keeping up.
Mueller's questions for Trump: Read the full list
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
It's Mueller's fault he hasn't read the answers.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

I can't think of any reason Trump would need to pardon himself, nor can I think of a legitimate reason he would not answer questions from the Special Counsel.
No reason the answers he already gave, in writing, shouldn't suffice then.

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
Mueller sent Trumps legal team a list of questions he wanted answer. You're not keeping up.
Mueller's questions for Trump: Read the full list
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
It's Mueller's fault he hasn't read the answers.

You didn't read your link.

Fox News has obtained the full list of questions developed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, in anticipation of a possible interview with President Trump.

Your prior post, alleging written answers provided by Trump, was your invention.

Just for ha's, when do you think President Hush Money will answer those questions (written down by Trump's lawyers in a phone conversation)?

Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Gee, why would an innocent person need a pardon?
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Gee, why would an innocent person need a pardon?

You can't really consider yourself above the law without the ability to pardon yourself.
The Kochs are opening up a campaign against Trump's tariffs, with a million to start. The Kochs are also more or less social libertarians too, and they are not bigots, say whatever you will about them. They tend to look out for themselves a little too much for my tastes. But a Reagan would not be out of place.

I really think Trump's nativist shtick is pretty much just shit for the Trumpbots to eat up. Yeah he's a racist, but ... what's new? I'll be surprised if he really ignites a trade war with the EU and Canada. If he does, then the gop in in for a shakeup.
As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

No reason the answers he already gave, in writing, shouldn't suffice then.

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
Mueller sent Trumps legal team a list of questions he wanted answer. You're not keeping up.
Mueller's questions for Trump: Read the full list
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
It's Mueller's fault he hasn't read the answers.

You didn't read your link.

Fox News has obtained the full list of questions developed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, in anticipation of a possible interview with President Trump.

Your prior post, alleging written answers provided by Trump, was your invention.

Just for ha's, when do you think President Hush Money will answer those questions (written down by Trump's lawyers in a phone conversation)?

You missed the second link.
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
Not Trump's fault Mueller refuses to read the answers.
It's an interesting theory, I don't see it happening though. As far a obstruction goes, the only way I can see a president could be charged for obstruction, after impeachment and removal or resignation, would be for destruction of evidence. It won't fly if he simply exercises his Article 2 authority to direct federal law enforcement the way he sees fit. Nixon could have been charged for obstruction after he resigned, for destruction of evidence.

Authority or no directing the closure of a federal investigation into himself is obstructing justice. It's the intent that matters.

How many times do you have to be told, the president is NOT a TARGET of the investigation. He can legally direct the DOJ to do any damn thing he wants. All federal law enforcement authority is derived from him.

Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

But read into what Trump is saying, he is assuming he wouldn't be impeached. A man actually believes he can do anything he likes and his political party will do nothing.

A man that is above and answers to no law is a dictator, or emperor. Would any American say that any person in the US should be above the law? That this conversation is even taking place is the canary in the mine. People don't grasp the moment of danger democracy in America is at.
I've heard a lot of people here argue what they think the Founding Fathers meant when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, or the 1st, etc.
I know this for sure: They had NO INTENTION of giving the President the power of a king. There are three branches of government with checks and balances and oversight built in for a reason. They knew a President could do wrong, which is why Congress has the power to impeach.
I don't think we should give Trump the power of a king, either.
The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
Mueller sent Trumps legal team a list of questions he wanted answer. You're not keeping up.
Mueller's questions for Trump: Read the full list
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
It's Mueller's fault he hasn't read the answers.

You didn't read your link.

Fox News has obtained the full list of questions developed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, in anticipation of a possible interview with President Trump.

Your prior post, alleging written answers provided by Trump, was your invention.

Just for ha's, when do you think President Hush Money will answer those questions (written down by Trump's lawyers in a phone conversation)?
You missed the second link.
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
Not Trump's fault Mueller refuses to read the answers.
Mueller wants Trump's answers, not his lawyers'.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Trump has nothing to hide you have to be guilty of something before you pardon yourself
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Why would you even say that unless he knows he will need to be pardoned one day? My guess is he is guilty of something from campaign or since taking office.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Pence would pardon him, like Ford pardoned Nixon. Of course it end his career.
If Pence is directly implicated in some of the crimes of his boss...actually I'm not sure how this would work, but it could pose some problems.
The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
Mueller sent Trumps legal team a list of questions he wanted answer. You're not keeping up.
Mueller's questions for Trump: Read the full list
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
It's Mueller's fault he hasn't read the answers.

You didn't read your link.

Fox News has obtained the full list of questions developed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, in anticipation of a possible interview with President Trump.

Your prior post, alleging written answers provided by Trump, was your invention.

Just for ha's, when do you think President Hush Money will answer those questions (written down by Trump's lawyers in a phone conversation)?
You missed the second link.
Mueller refuses to let Trump send in written answers to interview questions: report
Not Trump's fault Mueller refuses to read the answers.

What makes you think Trump submitted answers?

I didn't skip the second link.

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