President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself

The far left will always vote far left no matter what they say here.

They voted for Hillary, even knowing how horrid of a candidate she was.

They could have very easily voted for someone not of the two parties, yet still went in the booth and voted as their rich white far left masters commanded them to do so.

The far left has only two choices, vote far left or not at all.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

The Democrat coup attempt has failed, so now the Left Wingers have become even crazier.
Oh right Trump says something batshit crazy and rational people react normally to it and somehow that means Trump is a victim.

Are you incapable of thinking for yourself?
Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.
Which then raises the question ... could the next president rescind such a pardon?

If it has been delivered, no.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

The Democrat coup attempt has failed, so now the Left Wingers have become even crazier.
Oh right Trump says something batshit crazy and rational people react normally to it and somehow that means Trump is a victim.

Are you incapable of thinking for yourself?

You think the left's reactions to Trump have been rational?
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

The Democrat coup attempt has failed, so now the Left Wingers have become even crazier.
Oh right Trump says something batshit crazy and rational people react normally to it and somehow that means Trump is a victim.

Are you incapable of thinking for yourself?

You think the left's reactions to Trump have been rational?
Fucking of course. He is a 70 year old 6th grader. How you pretend otherwise blows my mind.
You lefties had no problem not holding Obama or anyone in his administration accountable for their actions on anything. Not sure why you are whining about this now.

I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

I can't think of any reason Trump would need to pardon himself, nor can I think of a legitimate reason he would not answer questions from the Special Counsel.
No reason the answers he already gave, in writing, shouldn't suffice then.

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.
I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

I can't think of any reason Trump would need to pardon himself, nor can I think of a legitimate reason he would not answer questions from the Special Counsel.
No reason the answers he already gave, in writing, shouldn't suffice then.

What answers, in writing, has Trump given in response to questions from the Special Counsel?
All of them. Not Trumps fault Mueller hasn't leaked them yet.

That's funny. There's no indication Mueller has asked Trump any questions, or that his lawyers will allow him to be interviewed. Of course, I know you're just passing gas - same as Trump when he said he was eager to be interviewed, under oath, by the Special Counsel. That was a good one, wasn't it? There were 2 or 3 people in WV who briefly believed it. No kidding.

Just another trump lie. Another day...another lie...or two....or seven....depending on how often he speaks.
Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.
Which then raises the question ... could the next president rescind such a pardon?

If it has been delivered, no.
Says who? That too has never been tested.
Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says
But, Donald, why even bring it up if you’re innocent?

Donald: “I have the absolute right to pardon myself”

President Donald Trump asserted Monday that he has the right to pardon himself but suggested that he won't use that power, adding that the special counsel investigation is "unconstitutional."

"As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!" the President tweeted.
Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says

Trump could tweet out "what a gorgeous day" and a new shitstorm would be triggered.
Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says

When he stops lying which will be....Never...
By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.
Which then raises the question ... could the next president rescind such a pardon?

If it has been delivered, no.
Says who? That too has never been tested.

Silly far left drone does not want to look it up!

They like to post debunked material and then expect others to prove them wrong!

Generally, no. Other than not applying to impeachments, a pardon is pretty far reaching, according to the Supreme Court:

“The Constitution provides that the President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of impeachment."

The power thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment. This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.

According to Julian Epstein, chief Democrat minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee in 2000, it is legal to rescind a pardon if it hasn’t been delivered yet:

President Bush actually has the legal ability to rescind these pardons if they haven't been delivered. Ulysses Grant rescinded pardons that were given out by President Johnson in the latter -- 1870...
By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says

When he stops lying which will be....Never...

Just like obama never stopped lying, Trump will never stop lying, so just sit back and enjoy life instead of making yourself crazy
Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says
lord i can't WINNER that one enough.
everyone wants a third party to step up - everyone has their own ideas of what it would take to get their vote - nobody can come up with a candidate that would generate enough votes for a majority victory and oust either of the two parties we have today.

carnival barkers with super pac $ please report ...

oh, wait ...............
By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says

When he stops lying which will be....Never...

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says

When he stops lying which will be....Never...

Just like obama never stopped lying, Trump will never stop lying, so just sit back and enjoy life instead of making yourself crazy

I fear that boat has sailed...
By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

So maybe you should stop making threads about everything he says

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Uhm, you do realize you didn't type anything, right?
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

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