President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself

He’s trolling, you can’t take what he says seriously or you’re going to have an aneurysm

He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?
Generally, a person has to be found guilty of something before they can be pardoned. However, Ford set a precedent by pardoning Nixon before there were any indictments against Nixon and certainly before Nixon was found guilty of anything. This was considered to be highly unusual, but it did server to stop any further investigations and any possible indictments.

Based on this, and quite hypothetically, if Mueller's report contained information that could lead to other investigations and a possible indictment of Trump (remembering that DOJ rules forbid Mueller from indicting a sitting president), Trump could pardon himself - but probably only for actions that he took while President.

That would guarantee that he not be further investigated and brought up on criminal charges.

It would do nothing to stop his impeachment and removal from office.

Also, giving himself a broad pardon could be viewed as an admission of guilt and would probably be used as evidence in an impeachment trial.

He would basically be hanging himself.

I doubt the USSC would agree with you. The US has never had an Emperor....that is what Rudy and trump are alluding to.

The Law is what the so called president says it is. That is Authoritarianism..

Maybe the meeting with Kim will be trump's first lesson on how to be a Dictator?
He’s trolling, you can’t take what he says seriously or you’re going to have an aneurysm

He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!
He’s trolling, you can’t take what he says seriously or you’re going to have an aneurysm

He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

Stay tuned....
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump never stated that he thinks that he can pardon himself, you stupid ass. One of his former lawyers made the statement in a letter sent to the witch hunter. You worthless leftist traitors will post anything to demean Trump. Suck it, fool. Trump ain't going anywhere for the next seven years.
Here ya go.

Donald J. Trump


As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

7:35 AM - Jun 4, 2018
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Next time check facts before you make a fool of yourself.
then the OP should have used that. Do you understand how the board works? The OP sets the thread, if the OP is wrong, it's wrong. No where in the link provided did trump make such a statement. Just can't write something and not expect to be challenged.
The op included the lawyers quotes representing tRump.
no he didn't. he wasn't representing anyone. He was talking with an individual. when he represents trump, it will be in a courtroom.
That's nice honey. You run along now, the adults are talking.
It's an interesting theory, I don't see it happening though. As far a obstruction goes, the only way I can see a president could be charged for obstruction, after impeachment and removal or resignation, would be for destruction of evidence. It won't fly if he simply exercises his Article 2 authority to direct federal law enforcement the way he sees fit. Nixon could have been charged for obstruction after he resigned, for destruction of evidence.

Authority or no directing the closure of a federal investigation into himself is obstructing justice. It's the intent that matters.
how you figure? you're just a parrot right now. Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey stated so under oath. oops. There is also a letter by Rosenstein recommending to fire the dope.
Lol, it's hilarious when a tRumkin calls someone else a parrot.

You probably can't even see the irony in what you just said can you?
so you came up with "trumpkin" on your own and are not parroting a common stereotype?
He’s trolling, you can’t take what he says seriously or you’re going to have an aneurysm

He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

It speaks to a degree of desperation...

I think the screws are tightening on him and his criminal the pressure increases...the desperate tweets and comments will increase.
Generally, a person has to be found guilty of something before they can be pardoned. However, Ford set a precedent by pardoning Nixon before there were any indictments against Nixon and certainly before Nixon was found guilty of anything. This was considered to be highly unusual, but it did server to stop any further investigations and any possible indictments.

Based on this, and quite hypothetically, if Mueller's report contained information that could lead to other investigations and a possible indictment of Trump (remembering that DOJ rules forbid Mueller from indicting a sitting president), Trump could pardon himself - but probably only for actions that he took while President.

That would guarantee that he not be further investigated and brought up on criminal charges.

It would do nothing to stop his impeachment and removal from office.

Also, giving himself a broad pardon could be viewed as an admission of guilt and would probably be used as evidence in an impeachment trial.

He would basically be hanging himself.

I doubt the USSC would agree with you. The US has never had an Emperor....that is what Rudy and trump are alluding to.

The Law is what the so called president says it is. That is Authoritarianism..

Maybe the meeting with Kim will be trump's first lesson on how to be a Dictator?

So, if Trump 'pardoned' himself, which no one could stop him from doing, and he was later removed from office, you believe that the pardon would be ignored and any investigations, indictments & criminal prosecutions would just go on?

One of the founding principal of this nation is the peaceful transition of power. Once a President was criminally prosecuted after leaving office, it would undermine that principal. I doubt that would happen - even if he did not pardon himself.

I'd think that Trump would be a total fool to issue himself a pardon - it would guarantee that he'd be removed from office.

He'd probably get Pence to pardon him after he resigns - like Nixon did.
He’s trolling, you can’t take what he says seriously or you’re going to have an aneurysm

He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."
He’s trolling, you can’t take what he says seriously or you’re going to have an aneurysm

He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

Stay tuned....

Nice answer.
No matter what you RWers thunk....trump is not the law....he is not the truth....

Good grief....the man is hardly literate. He talks about the constitution....REALLY? I would be shocked if he knew how to spell Constitution....
He is supposed to be the President....what the President says matters. He is not trolling. He and his demented attorney are serious.

Rudy has finally lost his mind...

Giuliani: Under constitution, Trump could shoot Comey and not be indicted

Yup....trump can commit murder and no one can touch him. Maybe he and Kim have a lot in common.

If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.
If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.
Which then raises the question ... could the next president rescind such a pardon?
thread from the person that doesn't even know what the Vatican Wall looks like.......
I am more than ready for a new major party.
I agree. I am tired of zealots of both major parties pushing further to the extremes. Both exhibit the desire to infringe on individual rights in their own way. Self serving carrer elitists pandering to their respective bases with simplistic soundbites .
Half the population doesn't bother and feel neither party is representative.
I know you don't care for Trump, but my vote for him was a protest vote as Both parties despised him and i despise both parties..
I am more than ready for a new major party.
I agree. I am tired of zealots of both major parties pushing further to the extremes. Both exhibit the desire to infringe on individual rights in their own way. Self serving carrer elitists pandering to their respective bases with simplistic soundbites .
Half the population doesn't bother and feel neither party is representative.
I know you don't care for Trump, but my vote for him was a protest vote as Both parties despised him and i despise both parties..
That's the stupidest reason to vote for someone I've ever heard. Except I didn't vote for B. Clinton because he looked like a Ken doll. Okay, I admit it.
If that’s the case he should shoot comey. Just get over it, this guy is unorthodox. In some ways it’s refreshing

Yes....I think he should. I want him to test Rudy's theory. Let's see what the cops do after he fires the gun...Yeah....please Donnie. Go shoot Comey.

Evidently....trump is aware that Mueller has something damaging on him. He is flailing like a mad man.

I really think he is close to losing his mind.

Really? How so?

By having his lawyers declare that he can pardon himself! That's politically as 'flailing like a madman' as you can get!

Here are Alan Dershowitz's comments on the subject:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

Of course he can pardon himself. He can have the papers drawn up and sign them. He can get on national T.V. and announce his pardon of himself the same way Ford pardoned Nixon. Nobody can stop him.

Since it would be an admission of guilt, it would almost guarantee his removal from office. It would set a historical precedent for blatant stupidity!

But, would anybody respect that pardon?

If he were removed from office, most likely Pence would pardon him - or declare that Trump's pardon was valid.

If he were not removed from office, then the pardon would probably stop any further investigation.

But I couldn't imagine him being stupid enough to do it.

With the outrageous tweets and acts that trump has made over his time in office....NOTHING that he does surprises me....NOTHING!

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