President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself

Someone brought up earlier in the thread that if Trump were impeached, he'd no longer be president, and would not be able to give himself a pardon.

However..................Pence could pardon Trump if he's kicked out of office, but I don't really think that Pence would be interested in doing that because it would be political suicide.

Political suicide as Gerald Ford found out.
Someone brought up earlier in the thread that if Trump were impeached, he'd no longer be president, and would not be able to give himself a pardon.

However..................Pence could pardon Trump if he's kicked out of office, but I don't really think that Pence would be interested in doing that because it would be political suicide.

No...he would have to be removed from office. Impeachment does not remove him from being president.

I think this is going to turn out bad for trump....his family ....and the country. I think it will be a surprise ending that none of us ever dreamed of.

You know, when I was active duty, there was an admiral named Boorda who had managed to buck up through the enlisted and officer ranks all the way to CNO. And, because he demonstrated that it could be done, the Navy came up with a program called Seaman to Admiral program.

He did really good, and was pretty well respected until someone started to question a V for valor on two of his awards. The pressure of being CNO, combined with this scandal made him commit suicide at 56.

Now, we already know that Trump doesn't do very well with pressure or bad press, and here lately, he's been looking pretty stressed in his body language. Combine that with being president, the Stormy D. case, Mueller and the Russian investigation and all the other crap he's gotta deal with, I'm thinking that the surprise ending might be that he simply quits, or, if Melania leaves him, he might check out permanently.
You think "responsible and sensible gun controls" means any gun controls our oppressive government wants to impose, Pocahontas.

How's trusting our government worked out for Indians? I don't mean you, I mean real ones ...

You really are as dumb as they come...aren't you?

The content of your post contradicts the point in your post pictures...maybe next time.

Last time you showed me pictures, they were all of your navel, so pass

Try to overcome you gay fantasies...

You thought your pictures of your navel were hot? Wow, now I think you're more creepy than I thought before
Someone brought up earlier in the thread that if Trump were impeached, he'd no longer be president, and would not be able to give himself a pardon.

However..................Pence could pardon Trump if he's kicked out of office, but I don't really think that Pence would be interested in doing that because it would be political suicide.

No...he would have to be removed from office. Impeachment does not remove him from being president.

I think this is going to turn out bad for trump....his family ....and the country. I think it will be a surprise ending that none of us ever dreamed of.

You know, when I was active duty, there was an admiral named Boorda who had managed to buck up through the enlisted and officer ranks all the way to CNO. And, because he demonstrated that it could be done, the Navy came up with a program called Seaman to Admiral program.

He did really good, and was pretty well respected until someone started to question a V for valor on two of his awards. The pressure of being CNO, combined with this scandal made him commit suicide at 56.

Now, we already know that Trump doesn't do very well with pressure or bad press, and here lately, he's been looking pretty stressed in his body language. Combine that with being president, the Stormy D. case, Mueller and the Russian investigation and all the other crap he's gotta deal with, I'm thinking that the surprise ending might be that he simply quits, or, if Melania leaves him, he might check out permanently.

I tend to agree. He seems to getting more and unstable every day. Maybe they need to bring Stormy in once or twice a week to relieve him....I mean...she has already been paid.
The Kochs are opening up a campaign against Trump's tariffs, with a million to start. The Kochs are also more or less social libertarians too, and they are not bigots, say whatever you will about them. They tend to look out for themselves a little too much for my tastes. But a Reagan would not be out of place.

I really think Trump's nativist shtick is pretty much just shit for the Trumpbots to eat up. Yeah he's a racist, but ... what's new? I'll be surprised if he really ignites a trade war with the EU and Canada. If he does, then the gop in in for a shakeup.

The Kochs really have landed themselves in this.

They're the ones trying to change politics, change how people see things, and the result of this was Trump. Now Trump does what they don't like.
Rudy G is suffering dementia

Nixon thought the same thing
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
No, the claim is that Trump can pardon himself now, for any future crimes he may be charged with.

It's uncharted waters but leaves one scratching their head why he would even suggest something so ludicrous?

Imagine what happens. Trump does this.

Then you get a real Hitler of a president in the future.

He pardons himself and all his team on day one for all future crimes and then sets about doing as he pleases.

There's no way in hell this is what the Founding Fathers intended with the pardon ability.
I love how President Donald J. Trump drives you liberals nuts....

Are we having fun or what.....

Trump just keeps spanking liberal ass.
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.
Pardoning yourself tells us three things: Trump is guilty for one, of obstructing justice and conspiring against the U.S., while having Giuliani entertain the idea that he could be pardoned. Two, we know this, because now Giuliani and Trump are peddling the idea that Trump cannot be indicted or subpoeaned by Mueller, while bracing for bad news in this investigation. They wouldn't be entertaining that notion if they knew Trump wasn't guilty. Remember when Trump said there was no collusion or obstruction? We'll, there was, and there is. And third, it tells us that Giuliani and Trump believe Trump is above the law. Can any man show me in the Constitution where anyone is above the law.

And by the way, your pitiful excuses about everyone is picking on Trump. :puke: Save it. The truth has been revealed about Trump, his criminal congress, and his complicit base. No one wants to hear your sad stories about proven liars and criminals.

You yourself would have never created this thread had you not known he was guilty.

Hey Dumb Ass....

Despite all your liberal bull shit you

have no proof Trump is guilty of anything….

Trump is sticking it all up your liberal asses….

I love watching Trump bitch slapping you libtards

Day in and Day out…

Life is sooooo goooood with Trump..
Yes, we should just ignore the fact that we have a mentally incompetent idiot in the Oval Office.

This is why the world is laughing at us (US). You RWNJ's are making the entire country look like a bunch of uneducated backwoods banjo picking cousin marrying toothless knuckle dragging rednecks.

This is the main reason we need to get rid of the electoral college. Why do stupid people have their vote counted 2, 3 or 4 times when they can't count past 20 without taking off their shoes?

Sent from my iPhone using

The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
Guns are not your enemy. Get use to it.

No, they aren't. I cherish mine. The enemy is the NRA gun nutters who are afraid of responsible and sensible gun controls.

You think "responsible and sensible gun controls" means any gun controls our oppressive government wants to impose, Pocahontas.

How's trusting our government worked out for Indians? I don't mean you, I mean real ones ...
The one vote concept is a long as the EC is around.

I agree! The EC is as obsolete as the 2nd Amendment. Both are fossils of the past.
Guns are not your enemy. Get use to it.

No, they aren't. I cherish mine. The enemy is the NRA gun nutters who are afraid of responsible and sensible gun controls.

You think "responsible and sensible gun controls" means any gun controls our oppressive government wants to impose, Pocahontas.

How's trusting our government worked out for Indians? I don't mean you, I mean real ones ...

Besides being inane, what does that have to do with the discussion?

And it is inane. The President can protect themselves from a crime, they cannot protect themselves from impeachment. You don't grasp what that means, do you? Be honest

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