President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself

President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.

And right on cue the Russian trolls are here to reinforce Trump’s lies from yesterday and promote the idea that Putin’s puppet is legally untouchable.

The President of the United States is the servant of the people, not their overlord. This isn’t a dictatorship.
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.

And right on cue the Russian trolls are here to reinforce Trump’s lies from yesterday and promote the idea that Putin’s puppet is legally untouchable.

The President of the United States is the servant of the people, not their overlord. This isn’t a dictatorship.

if called...president did Pardon himself....which he may do because he will have to....then the country is no better than NK or Iran. We would be a Dictatorship.

The question is...."Why is trump becoming so unhinged?" I think the pressure is really getting to him. Look for him to become more dark orange as the days go by....until.....zing....he is gone.
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.

And right on cue the Russian trolls are here to reinforce Trump’s lies from yesterday and promote the idea that Putin’s puppet is legally untouchable.

The President of the United States is the servant of the people, not their overlord. This isn’t a dictatorship.
well you keep promoting the lie he worked with the russians and is putins puppet, so what do you expect?
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.

And right on cue the Russian trolls are here to reinforce Trump’s lies from yesterday and promote the idea that Putin’s puppet is legally untouchable.

The President of the United States is the servant of the people, not their overlord. This isn’t a dictatorship.
well you keep promoting the lie he worked with the russians and is putins puppet, so what do you expect?

His entire family worked with the Russian and they all denied even having contact with them until the free media caught them all in a lie. He was the leader and he gave the orders. Do you really think Junior met with a Russian attorney without running and telling his father? Really? You really think Junior has that many brain cells?
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.

And right on cue the Russian trolls are here to reinforce Trump’s lies from yesterday and promote the idea that Putin’s puppet is legally untouchable.

The President of the United States is the servant of the people, not their overlord. This isn’t a dictatorship.
well you keep promoting the lie he worked with the russians and is putins puppet, so what do you expect?

If it’s all a lie, why would Trump be dangling pardons to everyone who’s been charged? Why have there been so many charges? And guilty pleas?

If Trump isn’t Putin’s bitch, why hasn’t he imposed sanctions imposed by Congress. Why is he inviting the head of the KGB to Washington? Why did he give Putin a free hand in the Crimea, and Syria? Why did he throw your NATO allies under the bus?

Last but not least, why does Trump act so guilty? Why is he shitting his pants on Twitter every day? Why is he doing stupid and outrageous things to distract us from the Mueller Investigation.

Nothing screams “Guilty!!” as loud as Trump’s own behaviour makes him look.
Pardons wont stop impeachment!

Once impeached he can't pardon anyone!
I’m guessing he would issue pardons to everyone involved if the day ever comes when the House draws up articles of impeachment.
Pardons wont stop impeachment!

Once impeached he can't pardon anyone!
I’m guessing he would issue pardons to everyone involved if the day ever comes when the House draws up articles of impeachment.

That’s why Cohen is being investigated under New York State law. Trump can only pardon federal crimes. He has no power to pardon state convictions. New York is also looking to file state charges against Manafort so that even if Trump tried to pardon him, he’s still going to jail.
That’s why Cohen is being investigated under New York State law. Trump can only pardon federal crimes. He has no power to pardon state convictions. New York is also looking to file state charges against Manafort so that even if Trump tried to pardon him, he’s still going to jail.
And here was me thinking that the DA's only charged people based on criminal conduct and the demands of law, not political contortions.
That’s why Cohen is being investigated under New York State law. Trump can only pardon federal crimes. He has no power to pardon state convictions. New York is also looking to file state charges against Manafort so that even if Trump tried to pardon him, he’s still going to jail.
And here was me thinking that the DA's only charged people based on criminal conduct and the demands of law, not political contortions.

Make no mistake, they are being charged for criminal conduct, but where there are a broad range of charges possible, as in the case of both Manafort and Cohen who have long played fast and loose with the law, the IRS, and lax oversight, its generally accepted to let the feds lay charges because the criminals will get the most jail time for federal charges.

When the President is offering pardons before sentencing, aside from the obvious obstruction of justice, in order to obstruct the obstructor, the charges that will result in the most jail time for the accused are state charges.

If justice is to be served, these assholes MUST be punished for their treason.
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.
Pardoning yourself tells us three things: Trump is guilty for one, of obstructing justice and conspiring against the U.S., while having Giuliani entertain the idea that he could be pardoned. Two, we know this, because now Giuliani and Trump are peddling the idea that Trump cannot be indicted or subpoeaned by Mueller, while bracing for bad news in this investigation. They wouldn't be entertaining that notion if they knew Trump wasn't guilty. Remember when Trump said there was no collusion or obstruction? We'll, there was, and there is. And third, it tells us that Giuliani and Trump believe Trump is above the law. Can any man show me in the Constitution where anyone is above the law.

And by the way, your pitiful excuses about everyone is picking on Trump. :puke: Save it. The truth has been revealed about Trump, his criminal congress, and his complicit base. No one wants to hear your sad stories about proven liars and criminals.

You yourself would have never created this thread had you not known he was guilty.

Hey Dumb Ass....

Despite all your liberal bull shit you

have no proof Trump is guilty of anything….

Trump is sticking it all up your liberal asses….

I love watching Trump bitch slapping you libtards

Day in and Day out…

Life is sooooo goooood with Trump..
Yea, real good! Two trillion added to the debt that Trump ran on. Winning bigley right? :auiqs.jpg:

And of course there is the proven evidence of guilt that Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to use data supplied by Wikileaks and the Russians that they originally denied. Otherwise known as a conspiracy, proving this was an illegal election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.
Pardoning yourself tells us three things: Trump is guilty for one, of obstructing justice and conspiring against the U.S., while having Giuliani entertain the idea that he could be pardoned. Two, we know this, because now Giuliani and Trump are peddling the idea that Trump cannot be indicted or subpoeaned by Mueller, while bracing for bad news in this investigation. They wouldn't be entertaining that notion if they knew Trump wasn't guilty. Remember when Trump said there was no collusion or obstruction? We'll, there was, and there is. And third, it tells us that Giuliani and Trump believe Trump is above the law. Can any man show me in the Constitution where anyone is above the law.

And by the way, your pitiful excuses about everyone is picking on Trump. :puke: Save it. The truth has been revealed about Trump, his criminal congress, and his complicit base. No one wants to hear your sad stories about proven liars and criminals.

You yourself would have never created this thread had you not known he was guilty.

Hey Dumb Ass....

Despite all your liberal bull shit you

have no proof Trump is guilty of anything….

Trump is sticking it all up your liberal asses….

I love watching Trump bitch slapping you libtards

Day in and Day out…

Life is sooooo goooood with Trump..
Yea, real good! Two trillion added to the debt that Trump ran on. Winning bigley right? :auiqs.jpg:

And of course there is the proven evidence of guilt that Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to use data supplied by Wikileaks and the Russians that they originally denied. Otherwise known as a conspiracy, proving this was an illegal election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

MSNBC, lol! Thank you for the laugh!
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.
Pardoning yourself tells us three things: Trump is guilty for one, of obstructing justice and conspiring against the U.S., while having Giuliani entertain the idea that he could be pardoned. Two, we know this, because now Giuliani and Trump are peddling the idea that Trump cannot be indicted or subpoeaned by Mueller, while bracing for bad news in this investigation. They wouldn't be entertaining that notion if they knew Trump wasn't guilty. Remember when Trump said there was no collusion or obstruction? We'll, there was, and there is. And third, it tells us that Giuliani and Trump believe Trump is above the law. Can any man show me in the Constitution where anyone is above the law.

And by the way, your pitiful excuses about everyone is picking on Trump. :puke: Save it. The truth has been revealed about Trump, his criminal congress, and his complicit base. No one wants to hear your sad stories about proven liars and criminals.

You yourself would have never created this thread had you not known he was guilty.

Hey Dumb Ass....

Despite all your liberal bull shit you

have no proof Trump is guilty of anything….

Trump is sticking it all up your liberal asses….

I love watching Trump bitch slapping you libtards

Day in and Day out…

Life is sooooo goooood with Trump..
Yea, real good! Two trillion added to the debt that Trump ran on. Winning bigley right? :auiqs.jpg:

And of course there is the proven evidence of guilt that Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to use data supplied by Wikileaks and the Russians that they originally denied. Otherwise known as a conspiracy, proving this was an illegal election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

Dumb Shit...

maxine low IQ waters bragged about obongo doing the same and more.

Suck on that...
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.
Pardoning yourself tells us three things: Trump is guilty for one, of obstructing justice and conspiring against the U.S., while having Giuliani entertain the idea that he could be pardoned. Two, we know this, because now Giuliani and Trump are peddling the idea that Trump cannot be indicted or subpoeaned by Mueller, while bracing for bad news in this investigation. They wouldn't be entertaining that notion if they knew Trump wasn't guilty. Remember when Trump said there was no collusion or obstruction? We'll, there was, and there is. And third, it tells us that Giuliani and Trump believe Trump is above the law. Can any man show me in the Constitution where anyone is above the law.

And by the way, your pitiful excuses about everyone is picking on Trump. :puke: Save it. The truth has been revealed about Trump, his criminal congress, and his complicit base. No one wants to hear your sad stories about proven liars and criminals.

You yourself would have never created this thread had you not known he was guilty.

Hey Dumb Ass....

Despite all your liberal bull shit you

have no proof Trump is guilty of anything….

Trump is sticking it all up your liberal asses….

I love watching Trump bitch slapping you libtards

Day in and Day out…

Life is sooooo goooood with Trump..
Yea, real good! Two trillion added to the debt that Trump ran on. Winning bigley right? :auiqs.jpg:

And of course there is the proven evidence of guilt that Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to use data supplied by Wikileaks and the Russians that they originally denied. Otherwise known as a conspiracy, proving this was an illegal election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

Dumb Shit...

maxine low IQ waters bragged about obongo doing the same and more.

Suck on that...
And guess who is the retard who voted for the two trillion dollar increase in the debt who believed that the other retard wasn't going to raise it? :auiqs.jpg:Damn you folks are stupid.
President Trump 'probably does' have the power to pardon himself: Giuliani
In an interview Sunday with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Rudy Giuliani discussed special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the president may have tried to obstruct justice in the probe of Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

omg the Trump haters are going to be in a real rabid dog motion today all these things coming out about the most hated human in their book.
Funny how these same hypocrites preach love and tolerance yet they are the same pukes who spit on ppl, and attack others who support Trump they prove who the liars are in society.
Pardoning yourself tells us three things: Trump is guilty for one, of obstructing justice and conspiring against the U.S., while having Giuliani entertain the idea that he could be pardoned. Two, we know this, because now Giuliani and Trump are peddling the idea that Trump cannot be indicted or subpoeaned by Mueller, while bracing for bad news in this investigation. They wouldn't be entertaining that notion if they knew Trump wasn't guilty. Remember when Trump said there was no collusion or obstruction? We'll, there was, and there is. And third, it tells us that Giuliani and Trump believe Trump is above the law. Can any man show me in the Constitution where anyone is above the law.

And by the way, your pitiful excuses about everyone is picking on Trump. :puke: Save it. The truth has been revealed about Trump, his criminal congress, and his complicit base. No one wants to hear your sad stories about proven liars and criminals.

You yourself would have never created this thread had you not known he was guilty.

Hey Dumb Ass....

Despite all your liberal bull shit you

have no proof Trump is guilty of anything….

Trump is sticking it all up your liberal asses….

I love watching Trump bitch slapping you libtards

Day in and Day out…

Life is sooooo goooood with Trump..
Yea, real good! Two trillion added to the debt that Trump ran on. Winning bigley right? :auiqs.jpg:

And of course there is the proven evidence of guilt that Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to use data supplied by Wikileaks and the Russians that they originally denied. Otherwise known as a conspiracy, proving this was an illegal election; New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

MSNBC, lol! Thank you for the laugh!
Thank you for the concession.

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