President Trump and First Lady Christmas Message

This brought tears to my eyes. How can they steal an election from a good man? It's a shame. Bastard communist Democrats. They are destroying our nation.

LOL. He's reading off a teleprompter...he wouldn't know the story of Jesus if it ran up and stuck its fingers up his butt!
Too bad he didn't really give a shit about the pandemic or its spread. He might still be President.
But he's more than willing to stand up and take credit for the vaccine.

No one stole anything. The voters kicked this POS to curb because he blew the response to the pandemic.
Good riddance to bad garbage. We saved our country. :)

Reading off a teleprompter....WTF do you think Biden has been doing for the last 12 months, dumbass.

Difference between Trump and Biden is that the latter has intelligence and the capability to deliver a message..and not look like he's stilted and got Melania's hand shoved up his keister.
I thought the debates would have clued you into that. I realize your devotion to his lordship knows no bounds but you have to admit in a formal presentation..Trump sucks. Why do you
think he likes his pep rallies? Answer..he can riff. And you lemmings lap it all up. :)

Yep, more like Jill's hand, AOC's hand, Bernie's hand, Pelosi's hand and Schumer's hand shoved up his keister. Oops, that would be Dr. Jill's hand.

Well you just keep up with the butthurt. :) It brings a smile to my face. Biden will be a huge upgrade in the Oval Office.
Bottom line here is Trump and his trophy wife put this stilted Christmas message together so he could take credit for the the pandemic that he helped doing nothing.
Instead of doing his job and signing the two important bills in front of him, he threw a hissy fit, got on a plane, and went to Florida to sulk about his loss and golf. But he's largely been absent since
he LOST the election.

Pretty difficult to figure out why you're so ficken upset. That he has a trophy wife or that Biden has so many hands up his rear.
This brought tears to my eyes. How can they steal an election from a good man? It's a shame. Bastard communist Democrats. They are destroying our nation.

LOL. He's reading off a teleprompter...he wouldn't know the story of Jesus if it ran up and stuck its fingers up his butt!
Too bad he didn't really give a shit about the pandemic or its spread. He might still be President.
But he's more than willing to stand up and take credit for the vaccine.

No one stole anything. The voters kicked this POS to curb because he blew the response to the pandemic.
Good riddance to bad garbage. We saved our country. :)

Reading off a teleprompter....WTF do you think Biden has been doing for the last 12 months, dumbass.

Difference between Trump and Biden is that the latter has intelligence and the capability to deliver a message..and not look like he's stilted and got Melania's hand shoved up his keister.
I thought the debates would have clued you into that. I realize your devotion to his lordship knows no bounds but you have to admit in a formal presentation..Trump sucks. Why do you
think he likes his pep rallies? Answer..he can riff. And you lemmings lap it all up. :)

Yep, more like Jill's hand, AOC's hand, Bernie's hand, Pelosi's hand and Schumer's hand shoved up his keister. Oops, that would be Dr. Jill's hand.

Well you just keep up with the butthurt. :) It brings a smile to my face. Biden will be a huge upgrade in the Oval Office.
Bottom line here is Trump and his trophy wife put this stilted Christmas message together so he could take credit for the the pandemic that he helped doing nothing.
Instead of doing his job and signing the two important bills in front of him, he threw a hissy fit, got on a plane, and went to Florida to sulk about his loss and golf. But he's largely been absent since
he LOST the election.

Pretty difficult to figure out why you're so ficken upset. That he has a trophy wife or that Biden has so many hands up his rear.

I'm not upset at all. Trump lost. Biden won. Win-win. Trump's all done on 1/20/2021. I don't care what he does after that day.
You and I both know that trophy hasn't given him anything in years. :) Not after where it's been rumored he's been.
This brought tears to my eyes. How can they steal an election from a good man? It's a shame. Bastard communist Democrats. They are destroying our nation.

LOL. He's reading off a teleprompter...he wouldn't know the story of Jesus if it ran up and stuck its fingers up his butt!
Too bad he didn't really give a shit about the pandemic or its spread. He might still be President.
But he's more than willing to stand up and take credit for the vaccine.

No one stole anything. The voters kicked this POS to curb because he blew the response to the pandemic.
Good riddance to bad garbage. We saved our country. :)

Reading off a teleprompter....WTF do you think Biden has been doing for the last 12 months, dumbass.

Difference between Trump and Biden is that the latter has intelligence and the capability to deliver a message..and not look like he's stilted and got Melania's hand shoved up his keister.
I thought the debates would have clued you into that. I realize your devotion to his lordship knows no bounds but you have to admit in a formal presentation..Trump sucks. Why do you
think he likes his pep rallies? Answer..he can riff. And you lemmings lap it all up. :)

Yep, more like Jill's hand, AOC's hand, Bernie's hand, Pelosi's hand and Schumer's hand shoved up his keister. Oops, that would be Dr. Jill's hand.

Well you just keep up with the butthurt. :) It brings a smile to my face. Biden will be a huge upgrade in the Oval Office.
Bottom line here is Trump and his trophy wife put this stilted Christmas message together so he could take credit for the the pandemic that he helped doing nothing.
Instead of doing his job and signing the two important bills in front of him, he threw a hissy fit, got on a plane, and went to Florida to sulk about his loss and golf. But he's largely been absent since
he LOST the election.

Pretty difficult to figure out why you're so ficken upset. That he has a trophy wife or that Biden has so many hands up his rear.

I'm not upset at all. Trump lost. Biden won. Win-win. Trump's all done on 1/20/2021. I don't care what he does after that day.
You and I both know that trophy hasn't given him anything in years. :) Not after where it's been rumored he's been.

Gee, did I fail to mention I really don't care if you're butt-hurt.
This brought tears to my eyes. How can they steal an election from a good man? It's a shame. Bastard communist Democrats. They are destroying our nation.

I always knew the swamp would strike back. Trump caught them sleeping in 2016 this time they had the media rigging and election fraud ready to deny him a 2nd term at all costs.
Hope you know many needing covid relief , getting evicted ,hungry That is my New Years wish for you blues

$600 isn't relief it's an insult.
tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.

Cult of personality is a very weird thing. Donald announces to the world that if he loses, the election was rigged. They actually bought it. I greatly admired Obama Still do. But don't recall him bringing me to tears with a possible exception of this.

This brought tears to my eyes. How can they steal an election from a good man? It's a shame. Bastard communist Democrats. They are destroying our nation.

Oh, come on man you know you were playing with little bushie and when you saw trump you cried from the first ejaculation you've had in years. Just tell the truth don't be embarrassed there are many on your side that happened to watching the video.
tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.

Cult of personality is a very weird thing. Donald announces to the world that if he loses, the election was rigged. They actually bought it. I greatly admired Obama Still do. But don't recall him bringing me to tears with a possible exception of this.

They have this much love for a "man" who has never stopped launching nasty, childish personal attacks and insults at any one who questioned him, and who stabbed anyone in the back who was not loyal to him. That's an awful, hateful, spiteful person.

Obviously they try to deflect to Obama, but they know that the two men couldn't be more different. That must mean they know that their adoration for a damaged child like him says a lot about them.
tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.
tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.

Cult of personality is a very weird thing. Donald announces to the world that if he loses, the election was rigged. They actually bought it. I greatly admired Obama Still do. But don't recall him bringing me to tears with a possible exception of this.

They have this much love for a "man" who has never stopped launching nasty, childish personal attacks and insults at any one who questioned him, and who stabbed anyone in the back who was not loyal to him. That's an awful, hateful, spiteful person.

Obviously they try to deflect to Obama, but they know that the two men couldn't be more different. That must mean they know that their adoration for a damaged child like him says a lot about them.

To think I thought this guy was off his rocker:
tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.

Cult of personality is a very weird thing. Donald announces to the world that if he loses, the election was rigged. They actually bought it. I greatly admired Obama Still do. But don't recall him bringing me to tears with a possible exception of this.

They have this much love for a "man" who has never stopped launching nasty, childish personal attacks and insults at any one who questioned him, and who stabbed anyone in the back who was not loyal to him. That's an awful, hateful, spiteful person.

Obviously they try to deflect to Obama, but they know that the two men couldn't be more different. That must mean they know that their adoration for a damaged child like him says a lot about them.

His touching Christmas Eve musings. I'll bet he refuses to sign the bill and shuts down the government. Like a petulant child, by God he'll make those nasty Republicans, nasty Democrats and the rest of the country pay!

tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.

Cult of personality is a very weird thing. Donald announces to the world that if he loses, the election was rigged. They actually bought it. I greatly admired Obama Still do. But don't recall him bringing me to tears with a possible exception of this.

They have this much love for a "man" who has never stopped launching nasty, childish personal attacks and insults at any one who questioned him, and who stabbed anyone in the back who was not loyal to him. That's an awful, hateful, spiteful person.

Obviously they try to deflect to Obama, but they know that the two men couldn't be more different. That must mean they know that their adoration for a damaged child like him says a lot about them.

His touching Christmas Eve musings. I'll bet he refuses to sign the bill and shuts down the government. Like a petulant child, by God he'll make those nasty Republicans, nasty Democrats and the rest of the country pay!

I am thinking all the hoopla he has created over the past days and since the bill was flown to him yesterday in Florida he might just sign it today and say it's his Christmas gift, but then again I doubt that happens.
I am thinking all the hoopla he has created over the past days and since the bill was flown to him yesterday in Florida he might just sign it today and say it's his Christmas gift, but then again I doubt that happens.

If he signs it, he will likely delay the mailing of checks so that he can put his signature on the memo line again along with some lame watermark.

tears to your eyes like a onion! You guys are funny with your trUmp love ❤
I'll never understand this stuff. This intense emotional attachment for a person they don't even personally know is inexplicable.
Prog voters make gods of their politicians. They do no wrong and push "Democracy" as their agenda while destroying the constitution in the process. The Republican party is not conservative today. And has not been for a long time. There are conservatives in office though. Once we learned to print fiat money with no consequences, the game was over. The controls of gold and silver kept a Republic. Tyranny is as old as the earth. And it is getting closer to our time to experience it.
This brought tears to my eyes. How can they steal an election from a good man? It's a shame. Bastard communist Democrats. They are destroying our nation.

I always knew the swamp would strike back. Trump caught them sleeping in 2016 this time they had the media rigging and election fraud ready to deny him a 2nd term at all costs.
Hope you know many needing covid relief , getting evicted ,hungry That is my New Years wish for you blues

$600 isn't relief it's an insult.
so how come republicans turn down trumps $2000?

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