President Trump asks, where is the outrage over black on white crime

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.
Well let's get some facts straight first off
1. I DESPISE Trump and won't be voting for him or Pence or anyone for that matter in November
2. NS Germany had war declared on THEM not the other way around and there was no holocaust, again do you not do much reading? Goodness.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.
Well let's get some facts straight first off
1. I DESPISE Trump and won't be voting for him or Pence or anyone for that matter in November
2. NS Germany had war declared on THEM not the other way around and there was no holocaust, again do you not do much reading? Goodness.

No Holocaust?

Wow; like all blob supporters you’re dumb.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.
Well let's get some facts straight first off
1. I DESPISE Trump and won't be voting for him or Pence or anyone for that matter in November
2. NS Germany had war declared on THEM not the other way around and there was no holocaust, again do you not do much reading? Goodness.

No Holocaust?

Wow; like all blob supporters you’re dumb.
Like all leftist anti white racists you're reading skills are SEVERELY lacking.
Has anyone asked the blob about his solution? Oh yeah, he doesn’t have one.
So what is your solution?

Do you have one?
It’s not my job to come up with solutions. Governmental leaders do that. You know...elected officials like your blob.
if you're not even going to come up with idea to try and improve and only serve to sit and bitch then you are the gnat flying around a pigs ass that is always annoying always there but never useful.

we're all needing to change things to make it better for all of us. you want to sit and swim in your own bullshit and play with your angerboner in front us of.

always there. always annoying but never useful. way to go dude.

Again, elected officials like your blob are the ones who are paid to come up with solutions. What is his plan by the way. Take his dick out of your mouth for a few seconds and ask him.
and you are a worthless fucknugget in search of a pigs ass to cling to.

got it. we all have our roles in life; glad we established yours.
So your blob has no solutions. Tell us something we didn’t know.

All you have is your anger. You are more angry now than you were under Obama.

I’m sure the blob loves the undercarriage support you’re providing. Its the role you chose in life.

However angry we are, at least WE aren't burning down cities and killing people over it.

Seriously, what's it like to be the worst example of a lifeform on the planet?
Has anyone asked the blob about his solution? Oh yeah, he doesn’t have one.
What was the Progs solution again? Oh that's right, they don't have one. Just the tried and true blame someone else attacks that history since the beginning of time has found so inviting. Since the mid 1960's our nation has ben over backwards on inclusions. We have weakened ourselves incredibly and that tells you where we were coming from at that time. But we do not have as much play the next few decades. Everything costs massive amount of resources. I will give you two solutions.....Social welfare reforms. And toughen the public schools up. It won't be that nice for some in the beginning. But it will make many more successful and the economy will grow as the government really does get smaller.

Meanwhile back in reality the blob has taken responsibility for exactly nothing.

Meanwhile, back in the REAL reality, the turd (that'd be you) continues to blame others for her own evil.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.

More moral judgment from the poster child for amoral evil.

And you wonder why I say that you continue to be worse than Trump in every way, both real and invented in your feverish, sociopathic imagination.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.

More moral judgment from the poster child for amoral evil.

And you wonder why I say that you continue to be worse than Trump in every way, both real and invented in your feverish, sociopathic imagination.

I suppose you don’t think the Holocaust happened either? That’s what your new buddy Preacher thinks.

How bout it Smoky? Wanna tell us how much you like the Nazis too?

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.

More moral judgment from the poster child for amoral evil.

And you wonder why I say that you continue to be worse than Trump in every way, both real and invented in your feverish, sociopathic imagination.

I suppose you don’t think the Holocaust happened either? That’s what your new buddy Preacher thinks.

How bout it Smoky? Wanna tell us how much you like the Nazis too?
Just because we BOTH hate you anti white racists destruction of the country doesn't make us friends or pals or anything else. I take full responsibility for my words and they are MINE and MINE alone. I agree with leftists on a few things I agree with conservatives on a few things doesn't make me friends with EITHER side. PERIOD.
Good for President Trump to bring this up. This is a paramount issue that must be dealt with. He recognizes we have a problem in America as violent black savages (Democrat pets) are randomly attacking and killing White Americans of European heritage on a daily basis.

Trump should look at the FBI statistics on black/white crime.

Advances? Seems like you want to start a Fourth Reich
I would love to and that's where this is heading BUT you anti white racists don't comprehend that because that's what happens when you ignore,burn down,tear down and censor history. So please keep it up. Its only helping my cause.

Thanks for the honesty. When are you going to start opening up the concentration camps? Will Geo Group run those too?
Don't think there will be a need for any camps TBH. Those that won't fight will probably flee the country. Those that fight well, no quarter given.


As stated, sounds like Nazi Germany. And you want to bring that society here.

Where is the societal advancement?
You obviously have never read a lot about National Socialist Germany I can see. Even their enemies admit they made MANY MANY advances on MANY fronts. Go read about it. Especially in the medical field. Oh and no not giving quarter isn't what NS Germany did its just that in a war I don't expect quarter to be given to my side and so the other side shouldn't expect it either.

And killed millions and millions of innocent people with industrialized murder. But I guess you’re okay with that sort of thing.

And people wonder why I say blob supporters crave violence.

More moral judgment from the poster child for amoral evil.

And you wonder why I say that you continue to be worse than Trump in every way, both real and invented in your feverish, sociopathic imagination.

I suppose you don’t think the Holocaust happened either? That’s what your new buddy Preacher thinks.

How bout it Smoky? Wanna tell us how much you like the Nazis too?
Just because we BOTH hate you anti white racists destruction of the country doesn't make us friends or pals or anything else. I take full responsibility for my words and they are MINE and MINE alone. I agree with leftists on a few things I agree with conservatives on a few things doesn't make me friends with EITHER side. PERIOD.

I was wondering if the grotesque bitch shared your love of the Nazis and Holocaust denial. You blob supporters have weird allegiances and clearly hate America. You remember all those Americans the Nazis killed right? Or did that not happen either?
Proven over & over again how useless the 2nd amendment has been at saving this country.

Proving over and over how dumb the left is. How in the hell do gun free zones prove the 2nd amendment useless?

Pretty good I'd say, 200+ years and counting. Is there another country you can point to that's existed longer?
The country you stole gun technology from, China is thousands of years older than the USA!
Has anyone asked the blob about his solution? Oh yeah, he doesn’t have one.
So what is your solution?

Do you have one?
It’s not my job to come up with solutions. Governmental leaders do that. You know...elected officials like your blob.
if you're not even going to come up with idea to try and improve and only serve to sit and bitch then you are the gnat flying around a pigs ass that is always annoying always there but never useful.

we're all needing to change things to make it better for all of us. you want to sit and swim in your own bullshit and play with your angerboner in front us of.

always there. always annoying but never useful. way to go dude.

Pot . . . kettle . . . black.

Where are your suggestions on how to improve things. Liberals communists. Liberals hate law and order. Liberals need to be eliminated. Those are not solutions.
bitch - bitch - bitch.

you seem to pull the same limited ass thinking on the right and demonize them all so i don't wanna hear it when your big ass mother fucking turd falls over on you.
Proven over & over again how useless the 2nd amendment has been at saving this country.

Proving over and over how dumb the left is. How in the hell do gun free zones prove the 2nd amendment useless?

Pretty good I'd say, 200+ years and counting. Is there another country you can point to that's existed longer?
The country you stole gun technology from, China is thousands of years older than the USA!

Modern China (1949–Now)

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has entered a Communist era of stability, with the Reform and Opening Up policy of 1978 bringing in China's phenomenal economic growth.

History of China, China dynasties. Discover the 5,000 ...


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