President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Are you appointed by Jesus to decide who is and who isn’t a Christian?
No I’m just telling you he is lying. That’s it. It’s that simple. He makes up fake Bible verses when asked lol

But you're a pathological liar, a Marxist, and an Atheist. It would be stupid to listen to you.
Funny, that’s a pretty accurate description of how I see you... sub Marxist with douche bag but the rest is spot on

Comrade traitor, if I were a pathological liar, I'd be you're best bud. You scumbag Stalinists love lying.

So fuckwad, what are these fake verses that you vermin are lying about? Oh, and I'm not an atheist, I don't have enough faith for that shit.
I haven’t lied about a thing. I’d challenge you to quote me and show where I lied but I know you wont do it. I on the other hand will back up my claims and point to the easy and obviously lies you just told by calling me a Stalinist and a liar. Neither of which is true and neither of which you can prove.

it’s too easy to own you. Thank you thank you. I do accept tips.

I'd say the same to you, fuckwad. Show where I have lied? Ever?

Still, where are these fake verses from Trump that you jumped in on? Isn't that a lie? Aren't you bearing false witness because you have such hatred that you seek to damage the president regardless of all else?
I literally just showed two of your lies. Try and keep up sonnyboy.

I don’t know anything about verses. I Haven’t said anything about them.

You literally did not, fucking liar. Every indication is you are a Stalinist. Nothing on this forum disputes that you are Marxist totalitarian dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of basic human dignity and civil liberties.

You're an evil pile of shit, you know it, I know it, the board knows it.
Oops you just lied again. All you have to do is scroll up and see where I literally pointed out two of your lies 1. You called me a liar (post one of my lies to prove me wrong, you can’t) 2. You called me a Stalinist. Not true

your on a roll. Got any more lies you wanna fling out there. They are very easy to point out
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

In your case, it wouldn't matter. You don't understand what the Bible represents anyway.

And you do, comrade traitor?

"And the LORD sayith, go forth and breaketh the windows of the white muthafuckas and stealith the TV's "

Proverbs 15 King James Version (KJV)
15 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.


What does this have to do with your slander against the president?

Exodus 23:1-2

“You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice;


You don't want to get into Trump bearing a false report do you? I didn't think even you would be that dumb.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.

Why do you care so much?
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Are you appointed by Jesus to decide who is and who isn’t a Christian?
No I’m just telling you he is lying. That’s it. It’s that simple. He makes up fake Bible verses when asked lol

But you're a pathological liar, a Marxist, and an Atheist. It would be stupid to listen to you.
Funny, that’s a pretty accurate description of how I see you... sub Marxist with douche bag but the rest is spot on

Comrade traitor, if I were a pathological liar, I'd be you're best bud. You scumbag Stalinists love lying.

So fuckwad, what are these fake verses that you vermin are lying about? Oh, and I'm not an atheist, I don't have enough faith for that shit.
I haven’t lied about a thing. I’d challenge you to quote me and show where I lied but I know you wont do it. I on the other hand will back up my claims and point to the easy and obviously lies you just told by calling me a Stalinist and a liar. Neither of which is true and neither of which you can prove.

it’s too easy to own you. Thank you thank you. I do accept tips.

I'd say the same to you, fuckwad. Show where I have lied? Ever?

Still, where are these fake verses from Trump that you jumped in on? Isn't that a lie? Aren't you bearing false witness because you have such hatred that you seek to damage the president regardless of all else?
I literally just showed two of your lies. Try and keep up sonnyboy.

I don’t know anything about verses. I Haven’t said anything about them.

You literally did not, fucking liar. Every indication is you are a Stalinist. Nothing on this forum disputes that you are Marxist totalitarian dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of basic human dignity and civil liberties.

You're an evil pile of shit, you know it, I know it, the board knows it.
Oops you just lied again. All you have to do is scroll up and see where I literally pointed out two of your lies 1. You called me a liar (post one of my lies to prove me wrong, you can’t) 2. You called me a Stalinist. Not true

your on a roll. Got any more lies you wanna fling out there. They are very easy to point out

Whoops, you're lying again. You slandered me, that isn't showing any lies.

Hey, you're a fucking evil pile of shit, a pathological liar - a democrat.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

In your case, it wouldn't matter. You don't understand what the Bible represents anyway.

And you do, comrade traitor?

"And the LORD sayith, go forth and breaketh the windows of the white muthafuckas and stealith the TV's "

Proverbs 15 King James Version (KJV)
15 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.


What does this have to do with your slander against the president?

Exodus 23:1-2

“You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice;


You don't want to get into Trump bearing a false report do you? I didn't think even you would be that dumb.

We're talking about you, you lying fuck.

Why do you think it's okay to lie about Trump? The "cause?"
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Are you appointed by Jesus to decide who is and who isn’t a Christian?
No I’m just telling you he is lying. That’s it. It’s that simple. He makes up fake Bible verses when asked lol

But you're a pathological liar, a Marxist, and an Atheist. It would be stupid to listen to you.
Funny, that’s a pretty accurate description of how I see you... sub Marxist with douche bag but the rest is spot on

Comrade traitor, if I were a pathological liar, I'd be you're best bud. You scumbag Stalinists love lying.

So fuckwad, what are these fake verses that you vermin are lying about? Oh, and I'm not an atheist, I don't have enough faith for that shit.
I haven’t lied about a thing. I’d challenge you to quote me and show where I lied but I know you wont do it. I on the other hand will back up my claims and point to the easy and obviously lies you just told by calling me a Stalinist and a liar. Neither of which is true and neither of which you can prove.

it’s too easy to own you. Thank you thank you. I do accept tips.

I'd say the same to you, fuckwad. Show where I have lied? Ever?

Still, where are these fake verses from Trump that you jumped in on? Isn't that a lie? Aren't you bearing false witness because you have such hatred that you seek to damage the president regardless of all else?
I literally just showed two of your lies. Try and keep up sonnyboy.

I don’t know anything about verses. I Haven’t said anything about them.

You literally did not, fucking liar. Every indication is you are a Stalinist. Nothing on this forum disputes that you are Marxist totalitarian dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of basic human dignity and civil liberties.

You're an evil pile of shit, you know it, I know it, the board knows it.
Oops you just lied again. All you have to do is scroll up and see where I literally pointed out two of your lies 1. You called me a liar (post one of my lies to prove me wrong, you can’t) 2. You called me a Stalinist. Not true

your on a roll. Got any more lies you wanna fling out there. They are very easy to point out

Whoops, you're lying again. You slandered me, that isn't showing any lies.

Hey, you're a fucking evil pile of shit, a pathological liar - a democrat.
Don’t get mad because I’m owning you. I’d think you’d be used to it by now. I did call you a douche bag, thats my opinion as I had stated. You still have failed to call out anything I’ve lied about, while I’ve called out three of yours in this conversation alone.

Slade 3 - Douchebag 0
One more piece of crazy in a time we need calm. sorry the last time Trump was near that church was the day he was sworn in.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.

Why do you care so much?

I literally just told you.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

In your case, it wouldn't matter. You don't understand what the Bible represents anyway.

And you do, comrade traitor?

"And the LORD sayith, go forth and breaketh the windows of the white muthafuckas and stealith the TV's "

Proverbs 15 King James Version (KJV)
15 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.


What does this have to do with your slander against the president?

Exodus 23:1-2

“You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not follow the masses in doing evil, nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after a multitude in order to pervert justice;


You don't want to get into Trump bearing a false report do you? I didn't think even you would be that dumb.

We're talking about you, you lying fuck.

Why do you think it's okay to lie about Trump? The "cause?"

There are thousands of demonstrable lies that that obese orange fool has told. Nothing you can say to change that, dumb ass.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.

Why do you care so much?

I literally just told you.

Stop caring and you'll be happier.
Trump will pay for this brazen and empty posturing. Even many white Evangelical Christians can see his impiety. Just as the head of that Church — who also leads other Congregations in the area — denounced him in no uncertain terms, many others now see Trump for the posturing bully and phony that he is.

Trump’s fanatic supporters here defend his colossal hypocrisy, and of course his using police to clear the way with smoke bombs, as well as his not bothering even to consult with Church leaders or meet with its Congregation. They act cute (“What book should he have brought to a Church?”) or else they act stupid, because they know this was a stupendous PR flub. And also because their own souls are empty and craven.

Of course not all Trump supporters are craven and immoral, just as not all Democrats are “libtards” or “traitors.” But for those who critically support Trump, it is getting more and more difficult to overlook his profound flaws in character and judgement.
You make a good point

It shows how clueless Trump is in trying desperately to show his leadership. He somehow thought it was a good idea.

He is paying a political price
Trump is much better when he insults and bullies and gets down and dirty. He couldn’t do that here with a Bible in his hand. So he just looked stupid. At the Evangelical mass meetings he reads a prepared script.

Maybe Trump will get better at this religious stuff. He could always study some “fire and brimstone” preachers and start denouncing Democrats as ... “Satanists.” :eek:
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.

Why do you care so much?

I literally just told you.

Stop caring and you'll be happier.

Stop talking and we'll all be happier.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Are you appointed by Jesus to decide who is and who isn’t a Christian?
No I’m just telling you he is lying. That’s it. It’s that simple. He makes up fake Bible verses when asked lol

But you're a pathological liar, a Marxist, and an Atheist. It would be stupid to listen to you.
Funny, that’s a pretty accurate description of how I see you... sub Marxist with douche bag but the rest is spot on

Comrade traitor, if I were a pathological liar, I'd be you're best bud. You scumbag Stalinists love lying.

So fuckwad, what are these fake verses that you vermin are lying about? Oh, and I'm not an atheist, I don't have enough faith for that shit.
I haven’t lied about a thing. I’d challenge you to quote me and show where I lied but I know you wont do it. I on the other hand will back up my claims and point to the easy and obviously lies you just told by calling me a Stalinist and a liar. Neither of which is true and neither of which you can prove.

it’s too easy to own you. Thank you thank you. I do accept tips.

I'd say the same to you, fuckwad. Show where I have lied? Ever?

Still, where are these fake verses from Trump that you jumped in on? Isn't that a lie? Aren't you bearing false witness because you have such hatred that you seek to damage the president regardless of all else?
I literally just showed two of your lies. Try and keep up sonnyboy.

I don’t know anything about verses. I Haven’t said anything about them.

You literally did not, fucking liar. Every indication is you are a Stalinist. Nothing on this forum disputes that you are Marxist totalitarian dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of basic human dignity and civil liberties.

You're an evil pile of shit, you know it, I know it, the board knows it.
Oops you just lied again. All you have to do is scroll up and see where I literally pointed out two of your lies 1. You called me a liar (post one of my lies to prove me wrong, you can’t) 2. You called me a Stalinist. Not true

your on a roll. Got any more lies you wanna fling out there. They are very easy to point out

Whoops, you're lying again. You slandered me, that isn't showing any lies.

Hey, you're a fucking evil pile of shit, a pathological liar - a democrat.
Don’t get mad because I’m owning you. I’d think you’d be used to it by now. I did call you a douche bag, thats my opinion as I had stated. You still have failed to call out anything I’ve lied about, while I’ve called out three of yours in this conversation alone.

Slade 3 - Douchebag 0

Oh, izatrite? :lmao:

And tell me sploogy, just exactly how you are "pwning" me?

You're a moron utterly devoid of fact and without a shred of integrity, but hey - Orange Man Bad, amirite?
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.

Why do you care so much?

I literally just told you.

Stop caring and you'll be happier.

Stop talking and we'll all be happier.

No, you won't.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
I don't understand.

I've got lots of books at home.

Next time I go to church, which book should I bring?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think some of them are saying that it's kinda disingenuous, he doesn't actually read the bible.

Which, (while I hate to agree with them) is a reasonable position. :dunno:

How do you know Trump doesn't read the Bible?

I don't. But I believe he's a fraud that doesn't read. I have respect for people of faith. I hate that he's trying to con them into thinking he's one of them.

Why do you care so much?

I literally just told you.

You communists are so "literal."

Also SO DUMB....
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Are you appointed by Jesus to decide who is and who isn’t a Christian?
No I’m just telling you he is lying. That’s it. It’s that simple. He makes up fake Bible verses when asked lol

But you're a pathological liar, a Marxist, and an Atheist. It would be stupid to listen to you.
Funny, that’s a pretty accurate description of how I see you... sub Marxist with douche bag but the rest is spot on

Comrade traitor, if I were a pathological liar, I'd be you're best bud. You scumbag Stalinists love lying.

So fuckwad, what are these fake verses that you vermin are lying about? Oh, and I'm not an atheist, I don't have enough faith for that shit.
I haven’t lied about a thing. I’d challenge you to quote me and show where I lied but I know you wont do it. I on the other hand will back up my claims and point to the easy and obviously lies you just told by calling me a Stalinist and a liar. Neither of which is true and neither of which you can prove.

it’s too easy to own you. Thank you thank you. I do accept tips.

I'd say the same to you, fuckwad. Show where I have lied? Ever?

Still, where are these fake verses from Trump that you jumped in on? Isn't that a lie? Aren't you bearing false witness because you have such hatred that you seek to damage the president regardless of all else?
I literally just showed two of your lies. Try and keep up sonnyboy.

I don’t know anything about verses. I Haven’t said anything about them.

You literally did not, fucking liar. Every indication is you are a Stalinist. Nothing on this forum disputes that you are Marxist totalitarian dedicated to the utter and complete destruction of basic human dignity and civil liberties.

You're an evil pile of shit, you know it, I know it, the board knows it.
Oops you just lied again. All you have to do is scroll up and see where I literally pointed out two of your lies 1. You called me a liar (post one of my lies to prove me wrong, you can’t) 2. You called me a Stalinist. Not true

your on a roll. Got any more lies you wanna fling out there. They are very easy to point out

Whoops, you're lying again. You slandered me, that isn't showing any lies.

Hey, you're a fucking evil pile of shit, a pathological liar - a democrat.
Don’t get mad because I’m owning you. I’d think you’d be used to it by now. I did call you a douche bag, thats my opinion as I had stated. You still have failed to call out anything I’ve lied about, while I’ve called out three of yours in this conversation alone.

Slade 3 - Douchebag 0

Oh, izatrite? :lmao:

And tell me sploogy, just exactly how you are "pwning" me?

You're a moron utterly devoid of fact and without a shred of integrity, but hey - Orange Man Bad, amirite?

Sad that you don't even recognize how silly you sound, but everybody else does. As it turns out, that orange fool is bad after all.

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