President Trump CRUSHES Obama in First Four Months Comparison

Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
Bwahahaha! Barack Insane Obama handed President Trump the only 8 years without a single instance 3% or more growth in GDP, the most Americans ever on food stamps, the biggest national debt in U.S. history, the most amount of people out of the labor force ever, and a nation universally hated by the globe. Trump was handed a bicycle with two flat tires and no seat. He went and built it into a Cadillac himself. If we continue with true conservative policy, he will turn it into a Rolls Royce.
Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
Bwahahaha! Barack Insane Obama handed President Trump the only 8 years without a single instance 3% or more growth in GDP, the most Americans ever on food stamps, the biggest national debt in U.S. history, the most amount of people out of the labor force ever, and a nation universally hated by the globe. Trump was handed a bicycle with two flat tires and no seat. He went and built it into a Cadillac himself. If we continue with true conservative policy, he will turn it into a Rolls Royce.
8 years of 0.0 job growth,,,,what about the millions who lost their jobs in those 8 years of hell?
Trump has fully exposed the Democratic Party and the MSM as fully colluding imbeciles and gutless whiners not worthy of respect or serious consideration in any form..... I consider that a huge win, maybe the top one.
Trump makes Obama look like Alfred E Newman

"Trump’s approval rating falling to 36 percent. That’s both the lowest of his presidency and lower than President Barack Obama’s approval rating ever sank in eight years of Gallup’s tracking poll".
Trump’s first 100 days: A big failure, and a new low in the polls

Rexx, as real life demonstrates, you are simply a low value poster.
These the same polls that said Clinton would win in a landslide?

Your response follows that ill-informed level of Cult Trumpsters. Man, you people are so easily manipulated.
Now again, look look at the real world, instead of your world of ignorance.

National Polling Accurately Nails Popular Vote
by Frank Newport
This was a complex election since Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and Donald Trump won the Electoral College. In terms of forecasting, being "right" means two different things, depending on whether you were estimating the former or the latter.
Many people most likely assume that any poll at the national level is forecasting the Electoral College outcome, which is actually not the case. National horse race polls predict the national horse race -- the popular vote. Given that in two of the last five elections the popular vote winner did not win the Electoral College (and the presidency), the distinction between national horse race polls and efforts to predict the Electoral College becomes more significant.
In terms of predicting the national popular vote outcome, the national polls did remarkably well in 2016. As was the case in 2012, the Democratic candidate's popular vote margin is growing as vote counting continues in the weeks after Election Day. As of this writing, Clinton is ahead of Trump by 1.5 percentage points (48.1% to 46.6%), representing the fact that she has received over 2 million more votes than Trump. The margin could grow to two points. Clinton will, therefore, win the popular vote by a larger margin than was the case for Al Gore over George W. Bush in 2000, Richard Nixon over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and John F. Kennedy over Richard Nixon in 1960. Clinton will have won by a greater popular vote margin than two other candidates who won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College (Gore and Grover Cleveland in 1888), as well as five other candidates who won on both measures (Nixon, Kennedy, Cleveland in 1884, James Garfield in 1880 and James Polk in 1844).
The average "gap" estimate on the national popular vote as calculated by RealClear Politics prior to the election was 3.3 points. This means the national popular vote estimate will end up being significantly closer to the actual result than was the case in 2012, and well within the margin of error.
National Polling Accurately Nails Popular Vote

Now I know this is going to be over your pointy head, but again, the Cult Trumpster, is dead wrong thanks to their gullibility
Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
Bwahahaha! Barack Insane Obama handed President Trump the only 8 years without a single instance 3% or more growth in GDP, the most Americans ever on food stamps, the biggest national debt in U.S. history, the most amount of people out of the labor force ever, and a nation universally hated by the globe. Trump was handed a bicycle with two flat tires and no seat. He went and built it into a Cadillac himself. If we continue with true conservative policy, he will turn it into a Rolls Royce.
You moron Trump was handed 75 straight months of triple digit job gains and a record stock market Trump and republicans are FOS Now your pos has made enemies of SKorea Canada and Mexico as well as MOST American voters
Trump has fully exposed the Democratic Party and the MSM as fully colluding imbeciles and gutless whiners not worthy of respect or serious consideration in any form..... I consider that a huge win, maybe the top one.
Trump makes Obama look like Alfred E Newman

"Trump’s approval rating falling to 36 percent. That’s both the lowest of his presidency and lower than President Barack Obama’s approval rating ever sank in eight years of Gallup’s tracking poll".
Trump’s first 100 days: A big failure, and a new low in the polls

Rexx, as real life demonstrates, you are simply a low value poster.
How's them polls working for Clinton WINNING the election? LMAO...idiots.

You should never ASSume, as I stated repeatedly, I did not vote for either Trump or Clinton. I voted for Evan McMuuen. I refused to vote for two of the worse presidential candidates, in the history of America. Both have shown since the election, by their actions and deeds, I was 100% right.
LOL you voted for the cuckservative candidate! ROFLMAO...the one the polls said would win Utah or come in a CLOSE 2nd and actually got his ass kicked....ROFLMAO.
Oh, I knew he wasn't going to win but at least I had high enough standards not to vote for Trump or Clinton.
Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
Bwahahaha! Barack Insane Obama handed President Trump the only 8 years without a single instance 3% or more growth in GDP, the most Americans ever on food stamps, the biggest national debt in U.S. history, the most amount of people out of the labor force ever, and a nation universally hated by the globe. Trump was handed a bicycle with two flat tires and no seat. He went and built it into a Cadillac himself. If we continue with true conservative policy, he will turn it into a Rolls Royce.
8 years of 0.0 job growth,,,,what about the millions who lost their jobs in those 8 years of hell?

Trump has fully exposed the Democratic Party and the MSM as fully colluding imbeciles and gutless whiners not worthy of respect or serious consideration in any form..... I consider that a huge win, maybe the top one.
Trump makes Obama look like Alfred E Newman

"Trump’s approval rating falling to 36 percent. That’s both the lowest of his presidency and lower than President Barack Obama’s approval rating ever sank in eight years of Gallup’s tracking poll".
Trump’s first 100 days: A big failure, and a new low in the polls

Rexx, as real life demonstrates, you are simply a low value poster.
How's them polls working for Clinton WINNING the election? LMAO...idiots.

You should never ASSume, as I stated repeatedly, I did not vote for either Trump or Clinton. I voted for Evan McMuuen. I refused to vote for two of the worse presidential candidates, in the history of America. Both have shown since the election, by their actions and deeds, I was 100% right.
LOL you voted for the cuckservative candidate! ROFLMAO...the one the polls said would win Utah or come in a CLOSE 2nd and actually got his ass kicked....ROFLMAO.

Man, you truly are one stupid fuck.
Obama inherited the worse economic downturn since the Great Depression.
Trump should be kissing Obama's ass considering what he inherited, an economy on the upswing.
Okay, per OP we have a benchmark to evaluate Trump's performance over the next 8 years.
The S&P 500 over the course of their administrations:

Bill Clinton, market up 264%
George Bush, market down 30.6%
Barack Obama, market up 235% (16.4% annualized)
Donald Trump, market off to a good start. I hope for the best but I caution it is a marathon, not a sprint.

Inside The Obama Stock Market's 235% Return
Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
Bwahahaha! Barack Insane Obama handed President Trump the only 8 years without a single instance 3% or more growth in GDP, the most Americans ever on food stamps, the biggest national debt in U.S. history, the most amount of people out of the labor force ever, and a nation universally hated by the globe. Trump was handed a bicycle with two flat tires and no seat. He went and built it into a Cadillac himself. If we continue with true conservative policy, he will turn it into a Rolls Royce.
8 years of 0.0 job growth,,,,what about the millions who lost their jobs in those 8 years of hell?

Trump makes Obama look like Alfred E Newman

"Trump’s approval rating falling to 36 percent. That’s both the lowest of his presidency and lower than President Barack Obama’s approval rating ever sank in eight years of Gallup’s tracking poll".
Trump’s first 100 days: A big failure, and a new low in the polls

Rexx, as real life demonstrates, you are simply a low value poster.
How's them polls working for Clinton WINNING the election? LMAO...idiots.

You should never ASSume, as I stated repeatedly, I did not vote for either Trump or Clinton. I voted for Evan McMuuen. I refused to vote for two of the worse presidential candidates, in the history of America. Both have shown since the election, by their actions and deeds, I was 100% right.
LOL you voted for the cuckservative candidate! ROFLMAO...the one the polls said would win Utah or come in a CLOSE 2nd and actually got his ass kicked....ROFLMAO.

Man, you truly are one stupid fuck.
Obama inherited the worse economic downturn since the Great Depression.
Trump should be kissing Obama's ass considering what he inherited, an economy on the upswing.
Indeed he did,and he made it worse....the JOBS he created were fast food crap which is why they are all hiring now because under President Trump REAL jobs are hiring again and everyone is leaving the fast food crap behind.

Yeah right dude
I sure am right!
No you're not. After what Bush and the GOP left Obama, Obama was a miracle worker.
Obama was indeed a miracle worker.....At destroying the country along with its founding principles.


Yeah right dude
I sure am right!
No you're not. After what Bush and the GOP left Obama, Obama was a miracle worker.
Retard alert the Republicans did not control Congress for 4 of the years Bush was President and the 4 they did control only had 51 Senators. Congress was controlled for the 2years before Obama took officer by democrats. Democrats that refused to do anything about the coming housing crash, in fact just a month or so before the big Crash they were on national TV explaining that the Housing market was sound and the only danger was to listen to Bush as he ask for more control over the market.

Yeah right dude
I sure am right!
No you're not. After what Bush and the GOP left Obama, Obama was a miracle worker.
Retard alert the Republicans did not control Congress for 4 of the years Bush was President and the 4 they did control only had 51 Senators. Congress was controlled for the 2years before Obama took officer by democrats. Democrats that refused to do anything about the coming housing crash, in fact just a month or so before the big Crash they were on national TV explaining that the Housing market was sound and the only danger was to listen to Bush as he ask for more control over the market.
So true!
this time in 2009, unemployed men were jumping to thier deaths from thier second story home windows

Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
What a crock of SHIT, oshitass inherited a nearly won war in Iraq, a rapidly expanding area of control in the middle east, an already UP and working department of homeland security, AND a recession caused by HE and HIS FRIENDS intimidation, and extortion of the mortgage loan industry to force them to make high risk loans to unqualified buyers. He also inherited a much safer and more stable country that what he passed to Trump. Lies are all you liberal ants have to post and they are all worn out because they have been disproved a million times with FACTS liltimmyboohoo.
this time in 2009, unemployed men were jumping to thier deaths from thier second story home windows

Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.

Only problem is the Cadillac didn't run, had major dents, had been rear ended 20 times (approx., don't recall how many foreign countries Obama visited), and Michelle planted a vegetable garden in the back seat.
You do know America first is the WWII USA nazi party name? Jealous about his 3 wives, vagina bragging grabbing?
What a guy

So what is your point??? Hussein was the leader of Iraqs name and the middle name of the shit in a suit we had in power for eight worthless destructive years too. SO WHAT?
Your response follows that ill-informed level of Cult Trumpsters. Man, you people are so easily manipulated.
Now again, look look at the real world, instead of your world of ignorance.

National Polling Accurately Nails Popular Vote
by Frank Newport
This was a complex election since Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and Donald Trump won the Electoral College. In terms of forecasting, being "right" means two different things, depending on whether you were estimating the former or the latter.
Many people most likely assume that any poll at the national level is forecasting the Electoral College outcome, which is actually not the case. National horse race polls predict the national horse race -- the popular vote. Given that in two of the last five elections the popular vote winner did not win the Electoral College (and the presidency), the distinction between national horse race polls and efforts to predict the Electoral College becomes more significant.
In terms of predicting the national popular vote outcome, the national polls did remarkably well in 2016. As was the case in 2012, the Democratic candidate's popular vote margin is growing as vote counting continues in the weeks after Election Day. As of this writing, Clinton is ahead of Trump by 1.5 percentage points (48.1% to 46.6%), representing the fact that she has received over 2 million more votes than Trump. The margin could grow to two points. Clinton will, therefore, win the popular vote by a larger margin than was the case for Al Gore over George W. Bush in 2000, Richard Nixon over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and John F. Kennedy over Richard Nixon in 1960. Clinton will have won by a greater popular vote margin than two other candidates who won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College (Gore and Grover Cleveland in 1888), as well as five other candidates who won on both measures (Nixon, Kennedy, Cleveland in 1884, James Garfield in 1880 and James Polk in 1844).
The average "gap" estimate on the national popular vote as calculated by RealClear Politics prior to the election was 3.3 points. This means the national popular vote estimate will end up being significantly closer to the actual result than was the case in 2012, and well within the margin of error.
National Polling Accurately Nails Popular Vote

Now I know this is going to be over your pointy head, but again, the Cult Trumpster, is dead wrong thanks to their gullibility

HAHAAHAHAHAHA, you are so full of shit it is flowing out of your hair. The polls, and the mainstream media were putting out a clinton electoral landslide. SO you are wrong on your entire central idea. The fact is that Clinton only won the popular by a margin of votes that was less than her margin in california. This country is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST STATE.

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