President Trump CRUSHES Obama in First Four Months Comparison

Why do you keep quoting this Dad2three left-wing imbecile thread, it's boring me, much like this thread.. :wtf:

Sorry Bubs didn't know you were brain dead, as I said that was my old thread. Sorry you'll stick to Barney Frank and the GSE's did it meme that should've died a decade ago but you righties LOVE a good lie :(

So you ruined your reputation as Dad2three and came back as a puny koch .. :laugh:

Good Luck .. catch you later..
Looking back over the past 4 months vs the last 8 years, it seems as though there was a strange vacancy in the White House which has now been filled by a great man. The facts of the last 4 months progress is clear, we are truly headed to making America great again.

In other words - Adolf Trump is riding the President Obama economy. Just like Bush rode the Clinton economy until he fucked it up.
Why do you keep quoting this Dad2three left-wing imbecile thread, it's boring me, much like this thread.. :wtf:

Sorry Bubs didn't know you were brain dead, as I said that was my old thread. Sorry you'll stick to Barney Frank and the GSE's did it meme that should've died a decade ago but you righties LOVE a good lie :(

So you ruined your reputation as Dad2three and came back as a puny koch .. :laugh:

Good Luck .. catch you later..

Your ad homs and inability to factually counter my arguments noted Bubs
Why do you keep quoting this Dad2three left-wing imbecile thread, it's boring me, much like this thread.. :wtf:

Sorry Bubs didn't know you were brain dead, as I said that was my old thread. Sorry you'll stick to Barney Frank and the GSE's did it meme that should've died a decade ago but you righties LOVE a good lie :(

So you ruined your reputation as Dad2three and came back as a puny koch .. :laugh:

Good Luck .. catch you later..

Your ad homs and inability to factually counter my arguments noted Bubs

It's not so much that I can't factually counter your arguments as what's the point of wasting my time, basically, you're a brick through a windshield and you lack a sense of humor btw.
Why do you keep quoting this Dad2three left-wing imbecile thread, it's boring me, much like this thread.. :wtf:

Sorry Bubs didn't know you were brain dead, as I said that was my old thread. Sorry you'll stick to Barney Frank and the GSE's did it meme that should've died a decade ago but you righties LOVE a good lie :(

So you ruined your reputation as Dad2three and came back as a puny koch .. :laugh:

Good Luck .. catch you later..

Your ad homs and inability to factually counter my arguments noted Bubs

It's not so much that I can't factually counter your arguments as what's the point of wasting my time, basically, you're a brick through a windshield and you lack a sense of humor btw.

Sure, MUST be BJ Bill's fault


Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Quoting a website to support biased rigged posts only proves how hopeless you have become. ALL POLLS ARE TAINTED.
So scientific polls = bad
Pulling numbers out of your ass = good
Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating of 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Real Clear Politics is not a trusted site. Their polls were wrong during the election.
wasnt an ABC poll off by 14 points once ???
As opposed to your made up numbers which are 25 points off :lol:
Trump has fully exposed the Democratic Party and the MSM as fully colluding imbeciles and gutless whiners not worthy of respect or serious consideration in any form..... I consider that a huge win, maybe the top one.
Trump makes Obama look like Alfred E Newman

"Trump’s approval rating falling to 36 percent. That’s both the lowest of his presidency and lower than President Barack Obama’s approval rating ever sank in eight years of Gallup’s tracking poll".
Trump’s first 100 days: A big failure, and a new low in the polls

Rexx, as real life demonstrates, you are simply a low value poster.
How's them polls working for Clinton WINNING the election? LMAO...idiots.

Polls were right.... They had her 2.5% above and she won the popular vote by 2%...
Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Quoting a website to support biased rigged posts only proves how hopeless you have become. ALL POLLS ARE TAINTED.

Look a step away from Reality:

You are using Gateway Pundit as a source while objecting to RCP....

You are going to take the fall hard...
Why do you keep quoting this Dad2three left-wing imbecile thread, it's boring me, much like this thread.. :wtf:

Sorry Bubs didn't know you were brain dead, as I said that was my old thread. Sorry you'll stick to Barney Frank and the GSE's did it meme that should've died a decade ago but you righties LOVE a good lie :(

So you ruined your reputation as Dad2three and came back as a puny koch .. :laugh:

Good Luck .. catch you later..

Your ad homs and inability to factually counter my arguments noted Bubs

It's not so much that I can't factually counter your arguments as what's the point of wasting my time, basically, you're a brick through a windshield and you lack a sense of humor btw.

Sure, MUST be BJ Bill's fault



Post # 72 .. Butterfingers Barney kinda missed it most other Democrats according to you and he's in the legislative branch ... you know the ones that make laws, waste money and supposedly protect citizens.
this time in 2009, unemployed men were jumping to thier deaths from thier second story home windows

Obama inherited a shit show from W . Trump was given the keys to a Cadillac.
I love how all Obama's failures are said to be because of Congress but NONE of the problems when Bush was President were because of the Democratic Congress. Funny how that works.

Wait wtf? Where in the post you just quoted anything was said about Congress?

NOWHERE, you just don't have a fucking reply.

It's true, Obama inherited Great Recession and handed off stable, growing economy. You may as well come to terms with these inconvenient facts.
Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Quoting a website to support biased rigged posts only proves how hopeless you have become. ALL POLLS ARE TAINTED.

Look a step away from Reality:

You are using Gateway Pundit as a source while objecting to RCP....

You are going to take the fall hard...
Why do you clowns make a statement about "what I am using" when you have no idea what i do? I don't believe any media. Chalk you up as just another liar.
Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Quoting a website to support biased rigged posts only proves how hopeless you have become. ALL POLLS ARE TAINTED.
So scientific polls = bad
Pulling numbers out of your ass = good
So liar, what numbers did I pull? Show us all where these "numbers" you say I have are?
Trump has fully exposed the Democratic Party and the MSM as fully colluding imbeciles and gutless whiners not worthy of respect or serious consideration in any form..... I consider that a huge win, maybe the top one.
He has exposed people like you as imbeciles.
Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Quoting a website to support biased rigged posts only proves how hopeless you have become. ALL POLLS ARE TAINTED.
So scientific polls = bad
Pulling numbers out of your ass = good
So liar, what numbers did I pull? Show us all where these "numbers" you say I have are?
Well, ass clown, you don't believe poll numbers, and you defended Rexx Taylor 's made up numbers; so, one can only assume that you believe Trump has an approval rating of 70%
Trump started off with a 55% approval,,now he's pushing 70. {well thanks to Maxine Waters being the spokeswoman for all democrats}

You're a lying and/or delusional sack of shit.

Trump has an average approval rating of 41.1, and an average disapproval rating 53.6 according to Real Clear Politics
Quoting a website to support biased rigged posts only proves how hopeless you have become. ALL POLLS ARE TAINTED.
So scientific polls = bad
Pulling numbers out of your ass = good
So liar, what numbers did I pull? Show us all where these "numbers" you say I have are?
Well, ass clown, you don't believe poll numbers, and you defended Rexx Taylor 's made up numbers; so, one can only assume that you believe Trump has an approval rating of 70%
Still not going to show me what numbers you claim I "pulled out of my ass"? Why is that? Why do you make a nebulous claim with nothing to base it on, then make an even bigger fool of yourself, by coming up with some other claim that I did something you still know nothing about? I believe any polls. This last election has proven they are all rigged. What I do believe is that Trump is more popular than you liars say.

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