President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Also, how is it fair to let the people on the witch-hunt to speak freely, and then prevent Trump from defending himself?

The Deep State Dems are fully aware that Americans do not want more of Biden’s destructive policies and prefer Trump, but they have no interest in letting Americans choose their president. What we see here is massive voter suppression.

Dummy when can Trump get prosecuted for law breaking?

It’s not when he is President.
It’s not when he is running for President, which almost as soon as he stops being president.
It’s not when he is President again.

So WHEN? When can Trump face good faith prosecution for law breaking?
I think you are missing a point yourself here.

Trump's popularity isn't achieved despite his lack of decorum. He's popular because he lacks decorum.

It's why demagoguery works. Instead of couching your style of communication in order to minimize friction. The intent is to maximize friction in order to appeal to emotion.

It comes across as "genuine", and is the very core of his appeal. It's ludicrous to think that a polite Trump would get more votes because of decorum and that his "policies" would win the day. Trump would be perceived as simply another politician, a politician with extremely limited communication skills to boot.
Does Trumps lack of decorum grow on people?
Are his antics encouraging more people to vote for him?
Do they expand his base?
Does Trumps lack of decorum grow on people?
Not so much grow as becoming more acceptable and easier to defend.

The more you put yourself into a position to defend positions that are morally questionable, the easier it becomes to do so in future. Both practically and morally.

No one likes to think of themselves as the bad guy, so you rationalize. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. Until a point where you completely shifted your position.
Are his antics encouraging more people to vote for him?
Sure, up to a point. It's a function of discontentment. The worse you perceive the situation to be, the more susceptible you are to extreme positions.

Trump for all his faults is an absolute master at stirring up discontentment.

By the way. Don't fool yourself. Democrats can fall in that trap too. My worst fear is that at a certain point the malignancy of Trump will illicit an equally malignant response. Not a perceived one but an actual one.
Do you weigh in daily? Or just can’t bring yourself to step up any more?

Poor baby! Me thinks you must be projecting your own situation.....? Have you thought about going on Ozempic to lose some of the weight?
I do understand that, and I can see that he is playing to a rage that is deeper and more intense that I can grasp. OR, that his primitive style of communication fits that rage.
Trump's success is directly linked to the level of rage. A rage that has kept him competitive long after events and scandals that would sink any traditional politician.

To these references to 'rage', there is a recent book out that speaks to that issue....or at least an aspect of it.

It is this book:

"This book about Trump voters goes for the jugular​

In ‘White Rural Rage,’ Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman examine why so many remain loyal to a party that does little to help them"​

"It’s not that the authors discredit legitimate grievances. They dutifully document how the country — the modern world — has abandoned rural America. People who live there are demonstrably worse off than their urban and suburban cousins. Good health care, good jobs, good schools and even good WiFi are scarce; drug addiction, gun suicide and crime are plentiful (yes, Oklahoma does have a higher rate of violent crime than New York or California). But what Schaller and Waldman also document, scrupulously, is how much outsize power rural White voters have but squander on “culture war trinkets.” Wyoming has two senators for not quite 600,000 people; California’s two serve around 39 million. With the way our democracy is set up — not just its lopsided Senate but also its thumb-on-the-scale electoral college — rural Americans could be its biggest beneficiaries, if not its drivers. They are not. They are not even its biggest fans, in Schaller and Waldman’s telling."


White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy Hardcover – February 27, 2024

by Tom Schaller (Author), Paul Waldman (Author)
3.4 3.4 out of 5 stars 252 ratings

Amazon product ASIN 0593729145

See all formats and editions
You keep counting the same people

MAGA loves it when Trump acts up or is prosecuted
You are not going to get any more moderates or liberals to vote for Trump because he is prosecuted
If they see it as being a political hit job, they will. Democrats are not known for knowing how far to push.

To these references to 'rage', there is a recent book out that speaks to that issue....or at least an aspect of it.

It is this book:

"This book about Trump voters goes for the jugular​

In ‘White Rural Rage,’ Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman examine why so many remain loyal to a party that does little to help them"​

"It’s not that the authors discredit legitimate grievances. They dutifully document how the country — the modern world — has abandoned rural America. People who live there are demonstrably worse off than their urban and suburban cousins. Good health care, good jobs, good schools and even good WiFi are scarce; drug addiction, gun suicide and crime are plentiful (yes, Oklahoma does have a higher rate of violent crime than New York or California). But what Schaller and Waldman also document, scrupulously, is how much outsize power rural White voters have but squander on “culture war trinkets.” Wyoming has two senators for not quite 600,000 people; California’s two serve around 39 million. With the way our democracy is set up — not just its lopsided Senate but also its thumb-on-the-scale electoral college — rural Americans could be its biggest beneficiaries, if not its drivers. They are not. They are not even its biggest fans, in Schaller and Waldman’s telling."


White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy Hardcover – February 27, 2024

by Tom Schaller (Author), Paul Waldman (Author)
3.4 3.4 out of 5 stars 252 ratings

Amazon product ASIN 0593729145

See all formats and editions
I might very well be biased here -- I was in "the media" for about 20 years in a former life -- but I think people like this miss fully half of the story. That's not to say that they're wrong, but they keep missing a very important driver.

Personally, I see several grievances (and we all have them) existing on the Right with which I agree. But they just go too damn far, by MILES. What has driven them over the edge is the 24/7/365 barrage of hyperbole, mis-information and mal-information that they have been getting from the voices they trust. This started with Limbaugh, continued with his myriad radio copycats, and then exploded with Fox News and the internet. They are fully consumed by the "alternate universe".

I think the media is largely missing the toxic and inflammatory combination of (a) reasonable grievance, (b) cynical, opportunistic misinformation and (c) the resulting rage that created this and keeps it going.
Not so much grow as becoming more acceptable and easier to defend. The more you put yourself into a position to defend positions that are morally questionable, the easier it becomes to do so in future. Both practically and morally.
Which is the much discussed "normalization" of Don Trump's level of demeanor and crudeness. a legitimate fear, that that coarseness will more widely infect our social contracts.

I have a foot in rural America with our farms. I have a foot in urban America with our pied-à-terre in a large city. I spend maybe 70% of my time at the farms, the rest I enjoy the city-life of culture, and ready access to perceived needs. In short, I hear from, live with, and thoroughly enjoy the habitants of both worlds. They are different and they perceive some thing differently. ALL have one disgruntlement or another. But, my rural neighbors....good, honest, helpful, earnest people......hold more noticeable aggrievements towards societal elements. Meaning, minorities, immigrants, taxes, perceived "big government", and so on. There is, in my view, a very real 'chip-on-their-shoulder- vibe to many of them. That doesn't mean they are unpleasant to be around, or act like Don Trump (very very few of them speak in the manner he does). Nor is that to say my city neighbors are all Mr.Rogers-types.

But, I can confirm that in my generalized and admittedly soda-straw view of the rural citizens around my Midwest grain farms, well, most definitely have a less optimistic view of America than my urban neighbors.
If they see it as being a political hit job, they will. Democrats are not known for knowing how far to push.
These trials will be brutal for Trump
Not just the evidence but testimony from key staff

Right before the election
These trials will be brutal for Trump
Not just the evidence but testimony from key staff

Right before the election
Make him a martyr and publicly dance with glee at everything you think damages him. What could possibly go wrong?
Make him a martyr and publicly dance with glee at everything you think damages him. What could possibly go wrong?

Not the type of publicity Trump needs

Damning testimony day after day and Trumps childlike tantrums in court.

You want to run on that?
According to Trump America is a shithole with a disastrous economy, a crumbling infrastructure, declining wealth, a military on the decline, a vindictive government that's not functioning, a Constitution that has provisions needing to be overturned, and allies not worth having.

He's convinced half the country this is true.

What America is has nothing to do with how Trump supporters perceive it.
True, though there are serious doubts about those supporting the "other side". Illusion versus truth is often a challenge for our race.
Not the type of publicity Trump needs

Damning testimony day after day and Trumps childlike tantrums in court.

You want to run on that?
I'm not advising him. I'm just pointing out that TRUMP! is a master at playing the martyr and if enough voters correctly see what's happening to him as more political prosecution than justice, they will push back.

And, the more the usual suspects dance around the campfire, hooting and waving their spears with excitement, the more voters will see it as political, not justice.
Last edited:
I'm not advising him. I'm just pointing out that TRUMP! is a master at playing the martyr and if enough voters correctly see what's happening to him as more political prosecution than justice, they will push back.

I think Trump is preaching to the choir.
Those who buy his constant claims of victimhood will use it as confirmation.

Everyone else will see damning testimony day after day and nothing in Trump’s antics to refute it.
I think Trump is preaching to the choir.
Those who buy his constant claims of victimhood will use it as confirmation.

Everyone else will see damning testimony day after day and nothing in Trump’s antics to refute it.
There are millions who are not invested in politics to any great degree and who don't really see much difference between Quid Pro and TRUMP! who will indeed look at the timing of the prosecutions, the actions of the prosecutors, and the unmitigated glee from the usual partisan suspects and conclude that the whole thing stinks.
True, though there are serious doubts about those supporting the "other side". Illusion versus truth is often a challenge for our race.
I don't mind questioning. Political opposition is a hallmark and necessity of a Democracy. Without it, it simply isn't.

The point however was this. I asked you to support your assertion why the comparison between Nazi Germany is unrealistic.
I did so because I assumed that it wasn't so much unrealistic as simply being not met yet. You responded (which I appreciate) by listing certain differences between the 2 situations.

The problem is that every single one of those differences you list are things that Trump has blatantly attacked.

I can list a whole ream of similarities, but the fact that you yourself aren't listing a single difference that Trump isn't contesting is telling.

And no, "the other side" isn't doing that. That is a hallmark and I think a reason why Trump is popular.
Why bother? You apparently can't read unless it says "Orange Man Bad". Trump told the truth about her and her dad and she's crying about it. Too bad.
Anyone else makes a statement to the media about a Judge's family in a criminal case they are put in jail...

Trump is full knowledge that she would receive death threats and this is basic intimation. and a disruption to public order...

Judge doesn't need a reason to revoke bail, give Trump no reason and revoke it...

Want to act like a prick, expect to treated like one.
I don't mind questioning. Political opposition is a hallmark and necessity of a Democracy. Without it, it simply isn't.

The point however was this. I asked you to support your assertion why the comparison between Nazi Germany is unrealistic.
I did so because I assumed that it wasn't so much unrealistic as simply being not met yet. You responded (which I appreciate) by listing certain differences between the 2 situations.

The problem is that every single one of those differences you list are things that Trump has blatantly attacked.

I can list a whole ream of similarities, but the fact that you yourself aren't listing a single difference that Trump isn't contesting is telling.

And no, "the other side" isn't doing that. That is a hallmark and I think a reason why Trump is popular.
The fact that a deranged egoist doesn't know the difference between Weimar Germany and the U.S. in 2024 changes only one's understanding of the deranged egoist.
There are millions who are not invested in politics to any great degree and who don't really see much difference between Quid Pro and TRUMP! who will indeed look at the timing of the prosecutions, the actions of the prosecutors, and the unmitigated glee from the usual partisan suspects and conclude that the whole thing stinks.
Might also see that trump broke the law... The evidence is very clear...

There is a simple thing here... Trump hires lawyer, lawyer goes on Fox and screams this, that and other... Goes into court and gets school in how the law works...

There is plenty of evidence of Trump committing crimes mainly cause Trump gone on TV and admitted to them in a few cases or there are recordings of him...

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