President Trump. His slaughter continues, part 2.

Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

Well child, your ignorance is showing. First your ignorance of the rules, they are posted so everyone who joins this message board can read them, guess you being a typical commie couldn't bother.

Second and specifically to your stupid uninformed point. The US has had travel restrictions form European countries, including the UK since March. Travel is restricted to US citizens and their relatives and people who are allowed with very special justifications. That's it.

Now step away from the commie propaganda media, that's a sure cure for your vast ignorance.

BTW welcome to the board. LMAO


What the hell are you talking about. At least some of the European countries stopped any travel between them and England. But the U.S. isn't doing the same. End of story.
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

So -- when Biden starts "murdering" people -- you gonna be consistent and NOT a hypocrite?? Doubtful huh??

Besides you're about 10 hours behind the news from Europe.. Seems like EU is urging countries to ease up on the UK travel and many have done so on their own..

Europe Eases UK Travel Bans As US Passes One Million Vaccinations (

The European Commission urged EU nations to reopen their borders to Britain and replace the blockades with mandatory tests for arrivals.

France responded by relaxing its 48-hour blockade, allowing thousands of lorry drivers stranded in Britain a potential route home.

Passengers with negative virus tests on Wednesday also boarded the first Eurostar trains from London to France since border closures were introduced on Sunday, eager to spend Christmas with their families.

The Netherlands said it was lifting its travel ban on the UK Wednesday but noted that all passengers, including EU citizens, must have a recent negative test to enter.

"Hypocrite?" You do realize that you suck don't you. Trump already did the damage. The last I heard, he said we were "rounding the corner" on the coronavirus. Yeah. Rounding it at a sharp upward trajectory. Whatever Biden does he does. But he at least can't do any worse than what Trump did. And the mess Trump sets on Biden's lap can't be blamed on Biden.

As for travel restrictions between England and some of the other European countries, I get the news when I get it. And the last I heard, they were talking about easing travel restrictions for truck drivers carrying deeded goods. If what you say turns out to be true, it is just another example of governments throwing in the towel when it comes to stopping the spread of the coronavirus. If their coronavirus mutant is indeed more contagious and they are letting people travel between countries for Christmas, their post Christmas coronavirus surge is going to be interesting.
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

Hey Gabby...STFU!


Your amateurish fearmongering is making me laugh!

this has been hashed and rehashed already..the new vaccines will work and the new strain, while a bit more no more deadly than the original strain.

So chill....

YOU STFU. And "fearmongering?" I'm just saying what they said on the news. As for the vaccine working on the new coronavirus strain, they aren't 100% certain. That is why they are doing test to make sure that it does. I know that the coronavirus isn't anything like the flu virus. But each year scientists have to basically guess which strains of flu virus they should make a vaccine for. Apparently one flu vaccine won't kill all types of flu virus. Also, if this new strain is indeed around 70% more contagious, that in itself will make it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

BTW -- the verdict that this strain is more transmissable is NOT FIELD DATA.. It comes from a computer model... Which during Covid have ALL miserably failed to predict realities.../

"If" what you say is true, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

Why do you lie? The virus now overrunning the UK is NOT deadlier.

Yeah yeah, I know the story of you righties. That over 326,000 people in the U.S. having died from the coronavirus means nothing. No doubt you feel the same way about any coronavirus deaths in the UK or anyplace else. But the fact remains that the are saying that the new strain of coronavirus is up to 70% more contagious. If true, that in itself makes it deadlier. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it. And if the people that need to be hospitalized because of it can't be treated properly because hospitals are overrun with patients, many will die who otherwise may not have.

They say that in the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, over 600,000 Americans died. And they had half the population that we do today. It would have probably been FAR worse if they were dealing with the coronavirus back then instead of the flu. If our hospitals become overrun, and there simply enough doctors and nurses to go around, you can expect a spike in the number of deaths from the coronavirus. What excuses will you come up with then.
The US has had travel restrictions form European countries, including the UK since March.
The virus was here in January.

Actually, from what I hear, Trump imposed travel restrictions between the U.S. and China in late January. But he only did so because for once he took the advice of experts. But by then, most of the major airlines had already started doing so.
Yeah yeah, I know the story of you righties. That over 326,000 people in the U.S. having died from the coronavirus means nothing.
They still believe this thing is essentially the flu.

Imagine the amount of readily-available information they could access to relieve them of that tragic misconception.

But they are told, within their universe, to avoid it, ignore it, dismiss it. And so that's exactly what they do.

We've never had anything like this. A completely detached, fully functioning, closed circuit informational universe.
The UK grows a new strain of the virus and we care because??

China had a strain of the coronavirus spread. And we should care because??? Well maybe over 323,000 dead here from it should give you a clue. What a more contagious form of it would do should give you another clue. Also, as I said, over 323,000 have died from it so far. What if this new form is indeed 70% more contagious. And what if we would have started out with that form. I wonder what the 323,000 number would be if it were 70% higher.

Do you know how many people die each year from the flu? :itsok:

The leading cause of death in the U.S. is from heart disease. Each day in the U.S., around 2,353 people die from it. Coronavirus is at least keeping up with that. About 4 or 5 days ago they said that around 3,600 people died in one day from the coronavirus. The next day it was down to around 3,200.
The US has had travel restrictions form European countries, including the UK since March.
The virus was here in January.

Actually, sampling of blood donations showed people with antibodies as early as mid Dec. 2019. That means people were infected as early as late Nov. or early Dec. 2019. But all that is irrelevant to my point and how ignorant the OP is.


What did I say that you found to be "ignorant."
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

United States of America is a Republic of States which mean the President is not the absolute ruler.

States have rights and Trump knows this and even Biden knows this and only so much can be done before you infringe on the rights of States and that is why Trump and even Biden have or will leave it to State leaders...

I know many of you will laugh at this but when you have a country like this there is a lot more to running it than one simple man telling everyone how to live...
The US has had travel restrictions form European countries, including the UK since March.
The virus was here in January.

Actually, sampling of blood donations showed people with antibodies as early as mid Dec. 2019. That means people were infected as early as late Nov. or early Dec. 2019. But all that is irrelevant to my point and how ignorant the OP is.


What did I say that you found to be "ignorant."

Simple, you believe Covid is just since January when it has been around longer...

I fell sick at the end of January and I was not in Asia, so someone I know gave it to me from another contact and I almost died...
Yeah yeah, I know the story of you righties. That over 326,000 people in the U.S. having died from the coronavirus means nothing.
They still believe this thing is essentially the flu.

Imagine the amount of readily-available information they could access to relieve them of that tragic misconception.

But they are told, within their universe, to avoid it, ignore it, dismiss it. And so that's exactly what they do.

We've never had anything like this. A completely detached, fully functioning, closed circuit informational universe.
Actually, we get the same information you leftists do. Additionally, we get information you're shielded from. We consider both and make an informed decision instead of listening to politicians that tell you to get hysterical.
The UK grows a new strain of the virus and we care because??

China had a strain of the coronavirus spread. And we should care because??? Well maybe over 323,000 dead here from it should give you a clue. What a more contagious form of it would do should give you another clue. Also, as I said, over 323,000 have died from it so far. What if this new form is indeed 70% more contagious. And what if we would have started out with that form. I wonder what the 323,000 number would be if it were 70% higher.

Do you know how many people die each year from the flu? :itsok:

The leading cause of death in the U.S. is from heart disease. Each day in the U.S., around 2,353 people die from it. Coronavirus is at least keeping up with that. About 4 or 5 days ago they said that around 3,600 people died in one day from the coronavirus. The next day it was down to around 3,200.

You people just don't get it. Guess how many deaths are occurring due to the lock downs because early screenings and intervention for the real leading causes of death are not run away and be ignorant elsewhere.
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

Well child, your ignorance is showing. First your ignorance of the rules, they are posted so everyone who joins this message board can read them, guess you being a typical commie couldn't bother.

Second and specifically to your stupid uninformed point. The US has had travel restrictions form European countries, including the UK since March. Travel is restricted to US citizens and their relatives and people who are allowed with very special justifications. That's it.

Now step away from the commie propaganda media, that's a sure cure for your vast ignorance.

BTW welcome to the board. LMAO


What the hell are you talking about. At least some of the European countries stopped any travel between them and England. But the U.S. isn't doing the same. End of story.

Well liar, try looking it up. Or you can keep swallowing the propaganda your commie media is feeding you.

We Had the Vaccine from the Start—You Just Weren't Allowed to Take It - Foundation for Economic Education (
Missing here is the obvious counterpoint—How many lives did the FDA sacrifice to disease in the meantime?

A local talk show host was pushing the theory a day or two ago.. The fact that could replicate the DNA sequence given to them by China by a certain date IN NO WAY means they had the capability or knowledge to have a vaccine or start ANY kind of trials the day after..

This was the 1st of its kind vaccine using MRNA replication in the human body to produce antibodies. You need to KNOW if antibodies WILL BE PRODUCED and how effectively. In parallel with figuring out how the make the vaccine from this knowledge -- there were RAPID animal studies done on already available transmuted strains of animals.

There was a date for a FDA REJECTION of using a "challenge" trial method where volunteers TOOK the vaccine -- and were PURPOSELY EXPOSED to the virus to speed things up.. If this hadn't BEEN the 1st of it kind -- perhaps you could have save 3 months off of the LARGER required "in the wild" field trials.

In a challenge trial -- it's hard to get enough volunteers to cover all the medical existing conditions, reactions, age, race, sex demographics.

It was a monumentally fast project.. The govt has never moved that fast since Pearl Harbor.
Apparently part 1 of this thread ended badly. Because I had no link to support it. That's a pretty silly rule. Because anybody who watched the news at all knows that what it had to say about the new strain of the coronavirus isn't something I just made up. But I will include a link this time.

Though as I said before, other European countries were shutting down travel to and from England because of this deadlier form of the coronavirus. That it is said to be up to 70% more contagious than the original coronavirus is what makes it more deadly. Because the more people that catch it, the more people will die from it.

But did president Trump follow the lead of the other European countries and stop travel to and from England to keep this more contagious and therefore deadly strain of the coronavirus out of the U.S.? NO! Which governor Cuomo blasted the president for. He wondered of the president, how many times does a certain thing have to happen before you figure out what the appropriate action to task is.

I have no link for this next thing. But if you require one, try asking me for one before closing this thread down to debate. Apparently even Dr Fauci was against stopping travel to and from England. He apparently thought that so much caution wasn't needed. But with what's going on, I think it is best that if you are going to error, you error on the side of caution. There was also talk on the news of what they called a slight possibility that our new vaccines might not be good enough to stop this new strain of the coronavirus. They are apparently in the process of doing tests to make sure the vaccine will still work against this new strain of the coronavirus. I sure hope it does.

Well child, your ignorance is showing. First your ignorance of the rules, they are posted so everyone who joins this message board can read them, guess you being a typical commie couldn't bother.

Second and specifically to your stupid uninformed point. The US has had travel restrictions form European countries, including the UK since March. Travel is restricted to US citizens and their relatives and people who are allowed with very special justifications. That's it.

Now step away from the commie propaganda media, that's a sure cure for your vast ignorance.

BTW welcome to the board. LMAO


What the hell are you talking about. At least some of the European countries stopped any travel between them and England. But the U.S. isn't doing the same. End of story.

You are an idiot...Asia and Europe are doing everything "right" and still spiking.
Get your head out of CNN's ass.
We Had the Vaccine from the Start—You Just Weren't Allowed to Take It - Foundation for Economic Education (
Missing here is the obvious counterpoint—How many lives did the FDA sacrifice to disease in the meantime?

A local talk show host was pushing the theory a day or two ago.. The fact that could replicate the DNA sequence given to them by China by a certain date IN NO WAY means they had the capability or knowledge to have a vaccine or start ANY kind of trials the day after..

This was the 1st of its kind vaccine using MRNA replication in the human body to produce antibodies. You need to KNOW if antibodies WILL BE PRODUCED and how effectively. In parallel with figuring out how the make the vaccine from this knowledge -- there were RAPID animal studies done on already available transmuted strains of animals.

There was a date for a FDA REJECTION of using a "challenge" trial method where volunteers TOOK the vaccine -- and were PURPOSELY EXPOSED to the virus to speed things up.. If this hadn't BEEN the 1st of it kind -- perhaps you could have save 3 months off of the LARGER required "in the wild" field trials.

In a challenge trial -- it's hard to get enough volunteers to cover all the medical existing conditions, reactions, age, race, sex demographics.

It was a monumentally fast project.. The govt has never moved that fast since Pearl Harbor.
I think Kennedy's man on the moon challenge produced some expeditious results.

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