President Trump: I will be allowing the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened

I like what Trump's doing, but i don't expect anything significant to be released. The CIA would never allow it.

Why not.

What are they hiding.

What is so horrible that they don't want the American people to know?

Any evidence of guilt would have been destroyed long ago by the CIA. So i wouldn't expect anything of any significance to be released. In other words, don't get your hopes up.

And then why not release the freaking thing???

what's the problem?:dunno:

Something will be released. It just won't be anything of any significance.

Always hiding the truth.

Very depressing.
I knew it. Grrrrrr.

It was too good to be true.

Almost all are going to be released. And he's given the agencies only 180 days to prove why the others can't be released.

"In the end, the president allowed the release of 2,981 of at least 3,140 documents, with the rest subject to a 180-day review of redactions from objecting agencies. The White House said later that the remaining records would be released "on a rolling basis in the coming weeks."

Trump allows release of most but not all remaining Kennedy assassination files
I knew it. Grrrrrr.

It was too good to be true.

Almost all are going to be released. And he's given the agencies only 180 days to prove why the others can't be released.

"In the end, the president allowed the release of 2,981 of at least 3,140 documents, with the rest subject to a 180-day review of redactions from objecting agencies. The White House said later that the remaining records would be released "on a rolling basis in the coming weeks."

Trump allows release of most but not all remaining Kennedy assassination files

I just hope sensitive information will not be sanitized by the FBI and the CIA

But to hope that....

is just to dream. :dunno:
Where are the documents?

I thought they were going to release them all
In other words...

Everything on the pages will be blackened.

Too bad.
Where are the documents?

I thought they were going to release them all
Today. By a LAW passed in 1992, they were supposed to be released today.

But this is one fuked up, incoherent and incompetent administration.

Once again, they prove they have no idea what they are doing. We saw it for 8 years under Bush and now we see it under Trump.

They only things they are good for is destroying American families and tax cuts for billionaires. Those things they are good at.
Where are the documents?

I thought they were going to release them all
Today. By a LAW passed in 1992, they were supposed to be released today.

But this is one fuked up, incoherent and incompetent administration.

Once again, they prove they have no idea what they are doing. We saw it for 8 years under Bush and now we see it under Trump.

They only things they are good for is destroying American families and tax cuts for billionaires. Those things they are good at.

No, this is the best Administration. :thup:

But it's only in this that the President is wrongly listening to the wrong people.

He should follow his own advice!!!
I knew it. Grrrrrr.

It was too good to be true.

Almost all are going to be released. And he's given the agencies only 180 days to prove why the others can't be released.

"In the end, the president allowed the release of 2,981 of at least 3,140 documents, with the rest subject to a 180-day review of redactions from objecting agencies. The White House said later that the remaining records would be released "on a rolling basis in the coming weeks."

Trump allows release of most but not all remaining Kennedy assassination files

I just hope sensitive information will not be sanitized by the FBI and the CIA

But to hope that....

is just to dream. :dunno:

Only 159 aren't being released. Hope that's right I did that on paper :) and Trump's saying the explanations better be good. Like National Security good.
Where are the documents?

I thought they were going to release them all
Today. By a LAW passed in 1992, they were supposed to be released today.

But this is one fuked up, incoherent and incompetent administration.

Once again, they prove they have no idea what they are doing. We saw it for 8 years under Bush and now we see it under Trump.

They only things they are good for is destroying American families and tax cuts for billionaires. Those things they are good at.

Oh just stuff your garbage somewhere the sun don't shine. Almost all were released but you can somehow turn a thread about JFK documents into "Trump has poopy pants".

This is has been out on the internet a long time. Probably has nothing to do with the JFK assassination! But the jews who guaranteed JFK New York electoral votes insisted they be allowed to dictate all mid east policy. Jewish spies already stole military grade nuclear material from Pennsylvania at this point. Since we witness The Swamp's misdirection today with the Russia Collusion Hillarity, blaming The Mob seems ridiculous.

Quote.....John F. Kennedy Administration:Table of Contents|Position on Jerusalem|UAR Missile Program

This is a telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel transmitting the text of a letter from President Kennedy to Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion on arrangements to visit Dimona.
Verbatim text. You should deliver following letter from President to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion:

"Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

"I welcome your letter of May 12 and am giving it careful study.

"Meanwhile, I have received from Ambassador Barbour a report of his conversation with you on May 14 regarding the arrangements for visiting the Dimona reactor. I should like to add some personal comments on that subject.

"I am sure you will agree that there is no more urgent business for the whole world than the control of nuclear weapons. We both recognized this when we talked together two years ago, and I emphasized it again when I met with Mrs. Meir just after Christmas. The dangers in the proliferation of national nuclear weapons systems are so obvious that I am sure I need not repeat them here.

"It is because of our preoccupation with this problem that my Government has sought to arrange with you for periodic visits to Dimona. When we spoke together in May 1961 you said that we might make whatever use we wished of the information resulting from the first visit of American scientists to Dimona and that you would agree to further visits by neutrals as well. I had assumed from Mrs. Meir's comment that there would be no problem between us on this.

"We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop a nuclear weapons capability--with all the consequences this would hold. But the problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East. Development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost certainly lead other larger countries, that have so far refrained from such development, to feel that they must follow suit.

"As I made clear in my press conference of May 8, we have a deep commitment to the security of Israel. In addition this country supports Israel in a wide variety of other ways which are well known to both of us. [4-1/2 lines of source text not declassified]

"I can well appreciate your concern for developments in the UAR. But I see no present or imminent nuclear threat to Israel from there. I am assured that our intelligence on this question is good and that the Egyptians do not presently have any installation comparable to Dimona, nor any facilities potentially capable of nuclear weapons production. But, of course, if you have information that would support a contrary conclusion, I should like to receive it from you through Ambassador Barbour. We have the capacity to check it.

"I trust this message will convey the sense of urgency and the perspective in which I view your Government's early assent to the proposal first put to you by Ambassador Barbour on April 2.


John F. Kennedy" ...Unquote
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