President Trump:No DACA fix unless Border wall and chain migration included

Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

So you believe that the majority of Americans are onboard with Mexico pawning off it's poorest, least skilled and least educated off on us? Is that what you are claiming?
Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.
Libs lose the presidency, and congress, and soon the SC and they still want to dictate policy.

You're right. Polls can "prove" anything.

Media Mislead on Pew Poll about Border Wall

Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check


Opinion | Does the Center for Immigration Studies deserve to be labeled a ‘hate group’?
In recent years, the CIS has promoted the writings of prominent white nationalist figures, such as Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Kevin MacDonald, the anti-Semitic editor of Occidental Quarterly. Mr. Taylor wrote, “When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears.” Mr. MacDonald produced a series of books positing that Jews destabilize host societies and engage in a “group evolutionary strategy” to enhance their ability to outcompete non-Jews for resources.

versus Pew Research Center
Pew Research - Media Bias/Fact Check

I will take Pew's results over CIS.
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

So you believe that the majority of Americans are onboard with Mexico pawning off it's poorest, least skilled and least educated off on us? Is that what you are claiming?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. Read it.
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?

Ya know, These kids were brought here mostly by their mothers.
They did not do anything wrong,. the Adult broke the law.
Many of these kids are hard working good students who will contribute to the society.
I cannot see a reason for sending a kid back to a place of which they know nothing.
As long as these kids continue to go to school, become gainfully employed, assimilate to the American culture. learn English as their FIRST language. I see no reason why they cannot stay.
They are not Americans. They are Mexicans brought to America ILLEGALLY.
Ask yourself the definition of the type of immigrant that contributes to the greatness of this country.
1. Assimilates to the distinct American culture...
2. Becomes educated.
3, becomes a productive gainfully employed person
4 Speaks OUR language as their FIRST language.
5 bears allegiance to the USA
6 Lives a crime free life
The fact that they were dragged here by their parents or parent is immaterial. My opinion.
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?

I agree with your premise that polls are the tools of those who wish to manipulate public opinion and steer the minds of the uninformed.
In the past. Polls were about the news.
Today, polls are used to create news.
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?


Yes I did, and I found it to be somewhat disingenius. How you formulate a question IS very important and that is why it is often a good idea to look at poll methodologies and it is how critics rate polls. What I find disengenius is the weight CIS places on the wording of this question.

With 700 miles of fencing already - he proposes another 1000 mile of wall leaving some 300 miles with natural barriers such as rivers (no one in their right mind thinks you'll put a wall in rivers or canyons) - but you are effectively creating a wall across the entire border - the end result will be the same and to that effect the question is accurate.
Ya know, These kids were brought here mostly by their mothers.
They did not do anything wrong,. the Adult broke the law.
Many of these kids are hard working good students who will contribute to the society.
I cannot see a reason for sending a kid back to a place of which they know nothing.
As long as these kids continue to go to school, become gainfully employed, assimilate to the American culture. learn English as their FIRST language. I see no reason why they cannot stay.
They are not Americans. They are Mexicans brought to America ILLEGALLY.
Ask yourself the definition of the type of immigrant that contributes to the greatness of this country.
1. Assimilates to the distinct American culture...
2. Becomes educated.
3, becomes a productive gainfully employed person
4 Speaks OUR language as their FIRST language.
5 bears allegiance to the USA
6 Lives a crime free life
The fact that they were dragged here by their parents or parent is immaterial. My opinion.

What distinct American culture? Bronx New York? Savannah Georgia? How about the traditional spanish speaking southwest and Tex Mex culture? Or Hawaiian?
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

So you believe that the majority of Americans are onboard with Mexico pawning off it's poorest, least skilled and least educated off on us? Is that what you are claiming?


I don't care if you are 1 or 100. If you move to Mexico, Japan, Canada, Singapore, France, South Korea, New Zealand, etc. you need to follow their immigration laws!! The same applies to us!!
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?


Yes I did, and I found it to be somewhat disingenius. How you formulate a question IS very important and that is why it is often a good idea to look at poll methodologies and it is how critics rate polls. What I find disengenius is the weight CIS places on the wording of this question.

With 700 miles of fencing already - he proposes another 1000 mile of wall leaving some 300 miles with natural barriers such as rivers (no one in their right mind thinks you'll put a wall in rivers or canyons) - but you are effectively creating a wall across the entire border - the end result will be the same and to that effect the question is accurate.

I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?

Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?


Yes I did, and I found it to be somewhat disingenius. How you formulate a question IS very important and that is why it is often a good idea to look at poll methodologies and it is how critics rate polls. What I find disengenius is the weight CIS places on the wording of this question.

With 700 miles of fencing already - he proposes another 1000 mile of wall leaving some 300 miles with natural barriers such as rivers (no one in their right mind thinks you'll put a wall in rivers or canyons) - but you are effectively creating a wall across the entire border - the end result will be the same and to that effect the question is accurate.

I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?


In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

So you believe that the majority of Americans are onboard with Mexico pawning off it's poorest, least skilled and least educated off on us? Is that what you are claiming?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. Read it.

It's not my problem that you are an idiot that is fine with wetbacks coming over here dropping anchor babies that we have to pay for. I bet you would feel differently it you could see the toll...but you are probably sucking off the public teat as well. Illegals lower the wages of those that are trying to eek out an existence here. I remember back in 1982 when a framing carpenter could command 25 bucks an hour for their forward 35 years and with the influx of wetbacks willing to be paid "under the table" has caused HONEST contractors only 21 fiat dollars an hour in order to be competitive.....what do YOU do for a living (if you are not a welfare ne'er-do well) and I can tell you how wetbacks have affected your earning potential. Bite me,'s way past time that we started securing the borders. Put that fucking wall up and instead of using troops to secure the corporate interests of the multi-national corporations in foreign countries? We use them to secure the southern border and make welfare cases get off their fucking asses and do "jobs" that leftards like you claim that they will not do.......agreed?
Yep, phrase the questions right and you'll get the answers you want.


That's the way it is with all polls - including those that favor YOUR positions. But not all polls are equal and methodology matters. Pew for example is very well rated. If you look at enough polls with good methodology I think you can get some pretty accurate ideas of people's opinions.

Do you think any of the above is way wrong?

I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?


Yes I did, and I found it to be somewhat disingenius. How you formulate a question IS very important and that is why it is often a good idea to look at poll methodologies and it is how critics rate polls. What I find disengenius is the weight CIS places on the wording of this question.

With 700 miles of fencing already - he proposes another 1000 mile of wall leaving some 300 miles with natural barriers such as rivers (no one in their right mind thinks you'll put a wall in rivers or canyons) - but you are effectively creating a wall across the entire border - the end result will be the same and to that effect the question is accurate.

I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?


In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.

Prove it prick , super majority Senate 2018 ...then tariffs Mexico = wall

Ahhh, NOW you want a "super majority" to go with the "super-sized Big Macs" that keeps Trump's fat ass, fat???.
and the 7 cokes a day that are eating his stomach away

I probably drink a 12 pack and sorry to inform you it doesn't do any damage fruit loops
None now but keep it up Do a little test that I did many years ago Get a piece of raw steak and pour some coke or pepsi on it Leave it overnight and see how much is eaten away Keep up those 12 packs

And that's why you failed biology ...........

So you think nothing else is in the body to break it down?
Obama only had wet dreams of a 4% unemployment rate.

Well, you're somewhat correct.....Obama brought the unemployment rate from GWB disastrous last 2 years from plus 10% to 4.7%..........

Trump's efforts while golfing at Mar-A-Largo helped lower that rate by .3%

How did Obama do that?

By making over 80% of bush Jr tax cuts perment in 2013 ...
No DACA fix until I get my border wall Trump says | Daily Mail Online

So what's it gonna be democrats? Gonna go home and face your voters knowing MANY might get deported since they are here illegally or will you do what America wants and build the wall? :) President Trump is playing you fools once again go ahead call his bluff.

America doesn't want a wall. Fool.

We already have one fool

We do? Did Mexico pay for it? Dupe.

Well I guess illegals like you don't, is Trump a dictator like Obama?

No he has to work with Congress to get Mexico to pay for it
America doesn't want a wall. Fool.
YOU don't want a wall. Fool.

Pew study: Majority of Americans still oppose Trump's wall
More than six in 10 — 61 percent — of the thousands of adults surveyed, said they oppose the construction of a wall along the entire border with Mexico, as Trump has proposed throughout his campaign. And 34 percent of voters identifying themselves as Republican or leaning toward the GOP said they opposed the wall, with 63 percent supporting.

Poll: Americans oppose Trump border wall funding
A survey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 58 percent of Americans oppose new spending for the border wall, while just 28 percent support it. Along party lines, 86 percent of Democrats oppose new spending for the wall, as do 57 percent of independents.

Do Americans Want to Build a U.S.-Mexico Border Wall?


Kinda looks like AMERICANS don't want a wall....

There's a difference between opposing a border wall and opposing new spending for a border wall. That's just another fake news poll.
Not only do Americans, by a wide majority - oppose a wall, but by an even larger majority - support DACA.

Americans back DACA by a huge margin
A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum. Two-thirds back a deal to enact such legislation in tandem with higher funding for border control.

Possibly in light of President Donald Trump’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, disapproval of his handling of immigration overall reaches 62 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll. Just 35 percent approve.

Additional hurdles for Trump are his demand for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico -- again 62 percent oppose it -- and substantial concerns about his immigration enforcement policies.

Poll: Two-thirds of Republicans back citizenship for DACA recipients
About two-thirds of Republicans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to a new poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris survey found broad support for a pathway to citizenship for everyone in the country illegally, providing certain conditions are met. And by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Republicans say that young immigrants brought to the country through no fault of their own should be shielded from deportation.

Unfortunately - while the majority of Americans want DACA, the majority of TRUMP BACKERS oppose it.

There are 3 things that the majority of Americans, in multiple pollings feel strongly about:
- DACA, citizenship or a path to citizenship, and protection of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children

- No to a border wall

- Yes to increased border security

Surely this is something that both sides can come together on and create some meaningful legislation given there is broad agreement on the main items.

Don't waste money on a wall - put it into better surveillance, electronics, drones, and personnel on the border. We support that.

Create a way towards citizenship for the illegal immigrants brought over as children

The poll asked if they support "residency," not citizenship. I'm sure the numbers would go way down if the later question was asked. Then there's the question of allowing them to bring in all their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. I doubt anyone supports that.
Wanna build a wall?

Build a VIRTUAL wall, instead.

Metaphorically crucify (in the law-courts) every employer of Illegal Aliens.

Make it a crime to proviude a job to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide housing to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide an automobile to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide educational services to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide medical services (except for humanitarian life-saving measures) to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide banking or check-cashing or currency exchange or money order or wire-transfer services to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide welfare or social services to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide sanctuary to an Illegal Alien.

In other words, make Illegal Aliens run for the border on their own nickel at the speed of light., and to tell their friends not to bother even trying to sneak-in or over-stay.

Do that, and no wall will be necessary.

Illegals just being here is already illegal, laws don’t work, it’s got to be a wall!

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The laws as presently formulated are insufficient. We have a 2000-(ish)-mile-long border. We need to dismantle the Supply-and-Demand chain.

New laws, with some teeth in them, making it impossible for Illegals to stay here, once arrived, will both flush out the existing ones and discourage new ones.

Your wall is expensive, defeat-able, and, ultimately, unsustainable, without great effort and great expense.

Far cheaper to craft (and enforce) laws to put the Hurt Locker on those who make it attractive and possible to come, and to stay.

Or is both short-term and long-term stewardship of taxpayer dollars not a matter of interest to you?
No DACA fix until I get my border wall Trump says | Daily Mail Online

So what's it gonna be democrats? Gonna go home and face your voters knowing MANY might get deported since they are here illegally or will you do what America wants and build the wall? :) President Trump is playing you fools once again go ahead call his bluff.

America doesn't want a wall. Fool.
Who is "America"?.
Obama, trying to appear "above it all" liked to use the word "America" as though he was this elected king looking down upon us, pointing his finger at all of us saying. "you are the great unwashed masses., "America"...

Yeah. We know you see it that way. You are a nut.

I am very impressed by your consistency in thought regarding thr new guy. Admirable.

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