President Trump:No DACA fix unless Border wall and chain migration included

Wanna build a wall?

Build a VIRTUAL wall, instead.

Metaphorically crucify (in the law-courts) every employer of Illegal Aliens.

Make it a crime to proviude a job to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide housing to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide an automobile to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide educational services to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide medical services (except for humanitarian life-saving measures) to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide banking or check-cashing or currency exchange or money order or wire-transfer services to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide welfare or social services to an Illegal Alien.

Make it a crime to provide sanctuary to an Illegal Alien.

In other words, make Illegal Aliens run for the border on their own nickel at the speed of light., and to tell their friends not to bother even trying to sneak-in or over-stay.

Do that, and no wall will be necessary.

Illegals just being here is already illegal, laws don’t work, it’s got to be a wall!

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The laws as presently formulated are insufficient. We have a 2000-(ish)-mile-long border. We need to dismantle the Supply-and-Demand chain.

New laws, with some teeth in them, making it impossible for Illegals to stay here, once arrived, will both flush out the existing ones and discourage new ones.

Your wall is expensive, defeat-able, and, ultimately, unsustainable, without great effort and great expense.

Far cheaper to craft (and enforce) laws to put the Hurt Locker on those who make it attractive and possible to come, and to stay.

Or is both short-term and long-term stewardship of taxpayer dollars not a matter of interest to you?
Horseshit. The wall is cheap and effective. Austria reports the mere fence it built cut down Muslim immigrations by 99%. Getting the laws you claim to want through Congress will be impossible with current determined Dim opposition. Anyone who opposes the wall simply doesn't want the illegal immigration problem resolved. They are lying douche bags. It's as simple as that.
Anybody who doesn't see it my way is a lying douche-bag?

"Only weaklings suffer no criticism." - old Prussian maxim (cited by von Papen)

Usually, but the empirical evidence shows you to be wrong. It's so obvious that your wrong that dishonesty can be the only reason for your idiot claims.
Horseshit. The wall is cheap and effective. Austria reports the mere fence it built cut down Muslim immigrations by 99%. Getting the laws you claim to want through Congress will be impossible with current determined Dim opposition. Anyone who opposes the wall simply doesn't want the illegal immigration problem resolved. They are lying douche bags. It's as simple as that.

we have fences now. They don't work.
Horseshit. The wall is cheap and effective. Austria reports the mere fence it built cut down Muslim immigrations by 99%. Getting the laws you claim to want through Congress will be impossible with current determined Dim opposition. Anyone who opposes the wall simply doesn't want the illegal immigration problem resolved. They are lying douche bags. It's as simple as that.

we have fences now. They don't work.
They do work where we have them.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
I could easily formulate a question and get the opposite results. Did you read the link in post #94?


Yes I did, and I found it to be somewhat disingenius. How you formulate a question IS very important and that is why it is often a good idea to look at poll methodologies and it is how critics rate polls. What I find disengenius is the weight CIS places on the wording of this question.

With 700 miles of fencing already - he proposes another 1000 mile of wall leaving some 300 miles with natural barriers such as rivers (no one in their right mind thinks you'll put a wall in rivers or canyons) - but you are effectively creating a wall across the entire border - the end result will be the same and to that effect the question is accurate.

I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?


In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.

Yes I did, and I found it to be somewhat disingenius. How you formulate a question IS very important and that is why it is often a good idea to look at poll methodologies and it is how critics rate polls. What I find disengenius is the weight CIS places on the wording of this question.

With 700 miles of fencing already - he proposes another 1000 mile of wall leaving some 300 miles with natural barriers such as rivers (no one in their right mind thinks you'll put a wall in rivers or canyons) - but you are effectively creating a wall across the entire border - the end result will be the same and to that effect the question is accurate.

I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?


In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.
I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?


In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.
The wall is cost effective. The border patrol wants it.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Trump is on the wrong side of both issues, since most Americans want DACA to continue, and most Americans don't want the wall.

The way maobama did DACA was unconstitutional, Trump gave congress an opportunity to fix that. He just wasn't going to spend good money to defend something he knew was illegal.

I don't recall seeing that 1000 mile figure, have you got a link to it?


In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

In the CIS link:

As I detailed in a recent blog post, PolitiFact decided that Trump's statement was only "half true" because PolitiFact felt that Trump was equating his wall proposal with Clinton's past support for 700 miles of fencing. They argued that 2,000 miles is much more than 700 miles. I explained to PolitiFact that they shouldn't do a mileage comparison since Trump hasn't proposed a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, and in fact has proposed only 1,000 miles.

I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

And make no mistake WE not Mexico will pay for it
I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

And make no mistake WE not Mexico will pay for it

If the wall gets built, Mexico will pay, one way or another. That much is certain.
I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

And make no mistake WE not Mexico will pay for it

If the wall gets built, Mexico will pay, one way or another. That much is certain.

"Don't fool me 4x" Seems reasonable.

There was supposed to be a wall built for Reagan giving 3 million amnesty. Hasn't happened since. Been funded and looted twice. Where'd that money go?

The only person (that I know of) to do anything about it was Bill Clinton. True story AFAIK.
I read the WP link and he said a little over 1000 miles, but what he didn't elaborate on is if that included the existing 700 miles or redoing portions of the 700 miles since he said it was poorly done.


I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

And make no mistake WE not Mexico will pay for it

Ask me if I care, go ahead, ask.

I would be surprised if it was that - he has always been quite clear about maximum wall.

Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

And make no mistake WE not Mexico will pay for it

Ask me if I care, go ahead, ask.

Do you care ??
Actually he's moderated some after getting in office, he will build some wall but I think in will be more in line with the border patrol and HLS recommendations.


That wouldn't be as bad - there are a lot of good practical cost effective recommendations.

There are areas where a wall is effective, others not so much, there will be a combination of methods. But make no mistake there will be new portions of wall.

And make no mistake WE not Mexico will pay for it

Ask me if I care, go ahead, ask.

Do you care ??

Nope, ending catch and release and the wall are effective deterrents, the costs in the long run will be well worth it.

Trump will get the wall I have no doubt about it....if not the dreamers can go home
No DACA fix until I get my border wall Trump says | Daily Mail Online

So what's it gonna be democrats? Gonna go home and face your voters knowing MANY might get deported since they are here illegally or will you do what America wants and build the wall? :) President Trump is playing you fools once again go ahead call his bluff.
Pathological liar Tramp can build all the walls he wants with all the money he has collected all year so far from Mexico and all he collects from Mexico in the future.
Tramp gets his wall on HIS terms and the Dems get DACA on their terms.
No DACA fix until I get my border wall Trump says | Daily Mail Online

So what's it gonna be democrats? Gonna go home and face your voters knowing MANY might get deported since they are here illegally or will you do what America wants and build the wall? :) President Trump is playing you fools once again go ahead call his bluff.
Pathological liar Tramp can build all the walls he wants with all the money he has collected all year so far from Mexico and all he collects from Mexico in the future.
Tramp gets his wall on HIS terms and the Dems get DACA on their terms.
It appears you believe you're imposing the terms on him, douchebag. The Dims aren't getting DACA on their terms since one of them is "no wall." They also refuse to end chain migration.
Here's an idea: No Compromise.

1. Deport everyone who came into the US illegally, adults or children. Illegal is illegal.
2. Build the wall or guard towers with rifles, whatever it takes to keep people from entering illegally.
3. Only let applicants into the country who meet our needs and standards. When I learned of "chain migration", I was shocked by its stupidity. It's not the way you would build a winning company and it certainly isn't the way to improve your country.

You are special.

He is indeed. Exceptionally bright. This is the sort of person we need more of.

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