
The nations that have been SCREWING us for DECADES...

President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.
The nations that have been SCREWING us for DECADES...

Well, it's a novel approach. "We won't impose any tariffs/subsidies if you won't." That's pretty much what they call "Free Trade," isn't it? For everyone? I suppose it's a fair offer. Won't have any takers, but it's food for thought, I guess.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.
But yet, he wins and when he wins, America wins. MAGA.
It's amazing we survived both Bushes, Clinton and Obama. All of a sudden "Freedom" is a new concept
The nations that have been SCREWING us for DECADES...

Well, it's a novel approach. "We won't impose any tariffs/subsidies if you won't." That's pretty much what they call "Free Trade," isn't it? For everyone? I suppose it's a fair offer. Won't have any takers, but it's food for thought, I guess.

Absolutely, that's the way it ought to be. Problem is all these nations have gotten used to screwing America, so REAL fair trade just sounds so WEIRD to them. Imagine that, not being able to SCREW America... what a novel idea.
It will be interesting to see if Trump manages to get every nation to drop their restrictions (tariffs) on American goods to zero.

Something tells Me that all these other Nations will suddenly think that tariffs are a good thing.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.
Soon as they stop robbing the US the sooner it all ends! They want to play these games then whine when they get hit back.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.
Soon as they stop robbing the US the sooner it all ends! They want to play these games then whine when they get hit back.
Countries ranked by Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%)
Define getting screwed? According to the WTO and the world bank the US average tariffs were higher then the EU countries and Canada going as far back as 2016. This is the problem I have.You guys just spew out whatever Trump claims even when it's pointed out that the info is wrong and the guy giving the info can't even keep his own lies straight.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Lol that would be hilarious. A total abandonment of his protectionist/isolationist policies. It would be an interesting experiment.
you think these other countries don't try to protect themselves?? I've got some crap and swampland to sell you then.... don't think these countries' counties/towns/municipalities don't try to protect themselves by passing laws that help their workers/etc???!!!!!!!
The nations that have been SCREWING us for DECADES...

Well, it's a novel approach. "We won't impose any tariffs/subsidies if you won't." That's pretty much what they call "Free Trade," isn't it? For everyone? I suppose it's a fair offer. Won't have any takers, but it's food for thought, I guess.

-------------------------------------------------- if the Trump does things correctly they may not have a choice OldLady .
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Lol that would be hilarious. A total abandonment of his protectionist/isolationist policies. It would be an interesting experiment.
you think these other countries don't try to protect themselves?? I've got some crap and swampland to sell you then.... don't think these countries' counties/towns/municipalities don't try to protect themselves by passing laws that help their workers/etc???!!!!!!!
Yeah, they “protect themselves” with wealth destroying, punitive taxes on their own people. And the U.S. has been able to take advantage of them to the point where we’re the wealthiest, most powerful civilization in the history of mankind.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Lol that would be hilarious. A total abandonment of his protectionist/isolationist policies. It would be an interesting experiment.
you think these other countries don't try to protect themselves?? I've got some crap and swampland to sell you then.... don't think these countries' counties/towns/municipalities don't try to protect themselves by passing laws that help their workers/etc???!!!!!!!
Yeah, they “protect themselves” with wealth destroying, punitive taxes on their own people. And the U.S. has been able to take advantage of them to the point where we’re the wealthiest, most powerful civilization in the history of mankind.
sure--the world says ''let's screw ourselves so America will be greater''
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.
Soon as they stop robbing the US the sooner it all ends! They want to play these games then whine when they get hit back.
Countries ranked by Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%)
Define getting screwed? According to the WTO and the world bank the US average tariffs were higher then the EU countries and Canada going as far back as 2016. This is the problem I have.You guys just spew out whatever Trump claims even when it's pointed out that the info is wrong and the guy giving the info can't even keep his own lies straight.
-------------------------------------- don't care what foreigners charge as tariffs as that is their good or bad problem . Trump has noticed problems and tariffs and Trump has said that he MAY fix the problem , lets see what he does Forkup . [time will tell Forkup]
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Lol that would be hilarious. A total abandonment of his protectionist/isolationist policies. It would be an interesting experiment.
you think these other countries don't try to protect themselves?? I've got some crap and swampland to sell you then.... don't think these countries' counties/towns/municipalities don't try to protect themselves by passing laws that help their workers/etc???!!!!!!!
Yeah, they “protect themselves” with wealth destroying, punitive taxes on their own people. And the U.S. has been able to take advantage of them to the point where we’re the wealthiest, most powerful civilization in the history of mankind.
sure--the world says ''let's screw ourselves so America will be greater''
Basically. Never took you for a leftist.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.

Tariffs in issued are response to tariffs they already impose on our products, meaning he was leveling the playing field. They screamed it's not fair... Now he offer them another leveled playing field, no tariffs at all, you think they will agree with it? Of course not, because they love previous deal they had.

America’s markets are entirely free to Japan, no tariffs, fees, or VAT. America’s markets are almost entirely free to Europe, Canada, and Mexico. But Japanese tariffs, taxes, and restrictions on some American goods add up to more than 50%, tariffs and taxes in Europe range from 20% to over 50%, depending on the country.

There is a reason they're screaming, because they don't want to lose advantage they had over us.
The nations that have been SCREWING us for DECADES...

Well, it's a novel approach. "We won't impose any tariffs/subsidies if you won't." That's pretty much what they call "Free Trade," isn't it? For everyone? I suppose it's a fair offer. Won't have any takers, but it's food for thought, I guess.

That's what Trump has been saying since he started campaigning. Leveling the playing field, fair trade.

He gave them two choices, one they can’t stand and the one he wants. Not a bad strategy actually.

He's been sending them message for a long time, lower your tariffs and give us fair trade or I am going to respond. He was telling them he's planning to do that, he laid out problems on our end and explained why. That was first choice. When he got to G7 he told them what he really wants. Second choice - free trade.

Either option will work but he seems to favor free trade across the board.
President Trump Proposes ZERO Tariffs, ZERO Barriers, and ZERO Subsidies at G7 Summit (VIDEO)
If your in the club, no tariffs. Fair Trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Completely fair trade.

I love Trump!
Yes and last week he issued extra tariffs. Three weeks before that he was threatening tariffs with China. a week after that he tried to give a Chinese company a free pass on sanctions imposed, etc, etc. Someone who not just breaks agreements, but changes his mind about what he himself wants to do, sometimes on an hourly bases, should not be taken at ANY type of word.
There was 'strategery' involved that you weren't privy to... or just couldn't follow. lol ... As far as steel is concerned, we know that Trump views the viability of our US based mills as an issue of national security, hens the discriminate cherry picking of various countries for tariffs (gosh darn though it's really burdensome on us though) ...

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