President Trump Sending 100 More Agent's to Combat Portland Violent Agitators

He sends agents, and the riots that were de-escalating turn into a massive Drumphster fire. Well done. Guess he's going to just toss on more gas.
Good. The Law requires that he protect Federal property like the court house that the rioters want to burn down.
I hope these agitators and domestic terrorist get shot.
Amazing the number of ANTIFA terrorist defenders and supporters on this board. They turned a blind eye to people being ripped from their cars and or doxx’d, beaten, stalked. Trump takes action to stop this and somehow it’s a problem???
He sends agents, and the riots that were de-escalating turn into a massive Drumphster fire. Well done. Guess he's going to just toss on more gas.

Yeah, the people to blame are the ones enforcing the laws, not the ones breaking them, because "they were de-escalating", which is a leftist way of saying, "They ran out of things to burn."

Tell me, if someone broke into your house and stole all your stuff, and the cops came to arrest him just as he was running out the front door, would you be pissed at the cops for "tossing on more gas just as he was de-escalating"? Exactly what part of "enforcing the law" confuses your uncivilized, amoral ass?
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