President Trump signs executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines

As much as my economic principles approve of the idea, I suspect it'll result in either higher insurance costs due to the actuarial uncertainty insurers will face in such an environment, or it'll result in reduced access to insurance coverage. Not sure which; could be both.
A first glance it sounds unconstitutional.. but this whole healthcare thing is one big clusterfuck
What a waste of paper. There is no Federal Law that stops insurance companies from selling across state lines. In fact a handful of states have already opened up their states to such a thing, and none of the companies too advantage of it.

There are two issue with this. First, different states have different rules and the only way the Fed Govt can have any effect on insurance across state lines is to force them all to be the same. Not a very conservative thing to do.

Secondly, insurance companies have little incentive to do this, as it takes setting up networks of healthcare professionals. And in order to attract people across state lines they would have to be really cheap, which means they are not recouping their expense of starting up.

This is pure theatrics as Trump assumes his followers are too stupid to know the difference.
There are two issue with this. First, different states have different rules and the only way the Fed Govt can have any effect on insurance across state lines is to force them all to be the same. Not a very conservative thing to do.

Different states have different rules for car insurance and the insurance companies manage, so WTF?
There are two issue with this. First, different states have different rules and the only way the Fed Govt can have any effect on insurance across state lines is to force them all to be the same. Not a very conservative thing to do.

Different states have different rules for car insurance and the insurance companies manage, so WTF?

And every time you move to a new state you have to get new insurance that covers those new rules.

Plus it is not like companies do not sell in different states already. Do you think that UnitedHealth only sells insurance in one state? The bigger companies are already in every state, or close to it and they have to tailor their policies to match the state regs, just like auto insurances does.

That is why the "across state lines" lie the Repubs have been feeding the followers for years is such BS.
Well, the problem is liberals say there is no proof it would help. Well, they've never been allowed to do it up until now. Obamacare artificially raised the cost of everyones healthcare AND allowed sales across state lines, so causation does not equal correlation. You can't force insurers to insure high risk people and also say "you can sell across state lines" and then point out that the increase in premium costs means across-state-lines sales doesn't help premiums. It's like taking a pain pill but continuing to hit your hand with a hammer and then complaining the pain pill doesn't help.

Natural laws of supply and demand say that the more competition there is, the better it is for the consumer. A monopoly never ends up in the consumers favor.
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Well, the problem is liberals say there is no proof it would help. Well, they've never been allowed to do it up until now. Obamacare artificially raised the cost of everyones healthcare AND allowed sales across state lines, so causation does not equal correlation. You can't force insurers to insure high risk people and also say "you can sell across state lines" and then point out that the increase in premium costs means across-state-lines sales doesn't help premiums. It's like taking a pain pill but continuing to hit your hand with a hammer and then complaining the pain doesn't help.

Natural laws of supply and demand say that the more competition there is, the better it is for the consumer. A monopoly never ends up in the consumers favor.

They have always been allowed to do it. There is no Fed law against it, not now, and there never has been.
Yes, they were not allowed to sell across state lines before Obamacare, there were state laws in each state banning it. It doesn't have to be a federal law to ban it.
It is illegal and will be struck down.

Cons really have no problem with this piece of orange shit pretending he is a king. And Republicans in Congress have ceded their authority under the Constitution. Pucker up cons, November 2018 is a year away.
Trump preparing executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines

it's called the free market. no one understands that better than Trump!

It's a tiny improvement. But, insurance companies are all forced to sell nearly identical products. It's like if only Coke was legal in your state and only Pepsi in my state. And, Trump's order allows me to by Coke from your state... but I still can't buy root beer or any other flavor of soda. Just cola.

And worse, it's like if Coke and Pepsi have to buy their ingredients from the same suppliers, which have monopoly pricing. So, Coke and Pepsi are both very expensive.
Yes, they were not allowed to sell across state lines before Obamacare, there were state laws in each state banning it. It doesn't have to be a federal law to ban it.

And there are still laws in some state banning it, and Trump's EO will do nothing to change that, and that is what this discussion is about. ObamaCare didn't change that either. Some states have allowed it and it was a bust.

I challenge anyone who claims to be a Conservative to explain how the Fed Govt forcing states to do so would be a conservative thing to do.
What a waste of paper. There is no Federal Law that stops insurance companies from selling across state lines. In fact a handful of states have already opened up their states to such a thing, and none of the companies too advantage of it.

There are two issue with this. First, different states have different rules and the only way the Fed Govt can have any effect on insurance across state lines is to force them all to be the same. Not a very conservative thing to do.

Secondly, insurance companies have little incentive to do this, as it takes setting up networks of healthcare professionals. And in order to attract people across state lines they would have to be really cheap, which means they are not recouping their expense of starting up.

This is pure theatrics as Trump assumes his followers are too stupid to know the difference.

And the insurance companies would have to set up a network and doctors and a price agreement with them and without knowing how many people in this other state would buy in is critical to the negotiations on price between hospitals etc and insurance companies....And then ultimately the price the customer will have to pay...
Right now, the insurance commissioner has to approve any insurance rate hikes insurance companies want, and insurance companies offering insurance in my state have rules they have to agree to....

If any insurance company from another state agrees to meet my state rules, they can sell insurance here....

How does TRUMPs executive order change that?
Yes, they were not allowed to sell across state lines before Obamacare, there were state laws in each state banning it. It doesn't have to be a federal law to ban it.

And there are still laws in some state banning it, and Trump's EO will do nothing to change that, and that is what this discussion is about. ObamaCare didn't change that either. Some states have allowed it and it was a bust.

I challenge anyone who claims to be a Conservative to explain how the Fed Govt forcing states to do so would be a conservative thing to do.

It doesn't force them, it allows them to. Overriding state laws.
Yes, they were not allowed to sell across state lines before Obamacare, there were state laws in each state banning it. It doesn't have to be a federal law to ban it.

And there are still laws in some state banning it, and Trump's EO will do nothing to change that, and that is what this discussion is about. ObamaCare didn't change that either. Some states have allowed it and it was a bust.

I challenge anyone who claims to be a Conservative to explain how the Fed Govt forcing states to do so would be a conservative thing to do.

It doesn't force them, it allows them to. Overriding state laws.

And a President can override States Laws with an EO?

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