President Trump suggests anti-Semitic threats across U.S. are coming from within Jewish community


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
President Trump condemned the wave of bomb threats that have been hitting Jewish community centers across the U.S. during his address to Congress Tuesday night — hours after he allegedly suggested it could be coming from within the Jewish community itself.

“Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms,” Trump said at the beginning of his address.

Earlier in the day, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, part of a group of state attorneys general who met with Trump at the White House, told BuzzFeed News Trump made confounding claims comments about the bomb threats during their sit down.

“He just said, ‘Sometimes it's the reverse, to make people, or to make others, look bad,’” Shapiro, a Democrat, said, repeating Trump’s alleged response to questions during the meeting about the large number of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in recent months.

“It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me,” Shapiro said.

Shapiro claimed Trump used the word reverse “two or three times,” adding that Trump also called the threats “reprehensible” toward the beginning of his remarks.

The White House disputed Shapiro’s description of Trump’s comments.

“This is not what he said or meant,” a White House spokesperson told the Daily News in an email. “He means (he) was referring to protesters.”

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center, said if Shapiro’s account is accurate, “President Trump has gone over the anti-Semitic deep end.”

“Mr. President, have you no decency? To cast doubt on the authenticity of anti-Semitic hate crimes in America constitutes anti-Semitism in itself, and that’s something none of us ever dreamed would disgrace our nation from the White House,” Goldstein added. “If the reports are true, you owe the American Jewish community an apology.”

Rest here: Trump suggests Jewish community is spreading anti-Semitic threats

Disgusting. :mad-61:
President Trump condemned the wave of bomb threats that have been hitting Jewish community centers across the U.S. during his address to Congress Tuesday night — hours after he allegedly suggested it could be coming from within the Jewish community itself.

“Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms,” Trump said at the beginning of his address.

Earlier in the day, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, part of a group of state attorneys general who met with Trump at the White House, told BuzzFeed News Trump made confounding claims comments about the bomb threats during their sit down.

“He just said, ‘Sometimes it's the reverse, to make people, or to make others, look bad,’” Shapiro, a Democrat, said, repeating Trump’s alleged response to questions during the meeting about the large number of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in recent months.

“It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me,” Shapiro said.

Shapiro claimed Trump used the word reverse “two or three times,” adding that Trump also called the threats “reprehensible” toward the beginning of his remarks.

The White House disputed Shapiro’s description of Trump’s comments.

“This is not what he said or meant,” a White House spokesperson told the Daily News in an email. “He means (he) was referring to protesters.”

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center, said if Shapiro’s account is accurate, “President Trump has gone over the anti-Semitic deep end.”

“Mr. President, have you no decency? To cast doubt on the authenticity of anti-Semitic hate crimes in America constitutes anti-Semitism in itself, and that’s something none of us ever dreamed would disgrace our nation from the White House,” Goldstein added. “If the reports are true, you owe the American Jewish community an apology.”

Rest here: Trump suggests Jewish community is spreading anti-Semitic threats

Disgusting. :mad-61:
When people die from these threats, when lives are lost, then its real....just ask the Oklahoma bomber. I kinda agree with Trump,
Stupid thing to say, but wouldn't surprise me. People do that bullshit all the time.
Stupid thing to say, but wouldn't surprise me. People do that bullshit all the time.

It didn't happen. He didn't say it. It's just more Democrat Fake News. However, some morons have been caught staging such attacks.

But the reality is, Trump is much more respected in Israel than his predecessor was. Obama was very hostile to Israel during his tenure. Israel welcomes improved relations under Trump.
President Trump condemned the wave of bomb threats that have been hitting Jewish community centers across the U.S. during his address to Congress Tuesday night — hours after he allegedly suggested it could be coming from within the Jewish community itself.

“Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms,” Trump said at the beginning of his address.

Earlier in the day, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, part of a group of state attorneys general who met with Trump at the White House, told BuzzFeed News Trump made confounding claims comments about the bomb threats during their sit down.

“He just said, ‘Sometimes it's the reverse, to make people, or to make others, look bad,’” Shapiro, a Democrat, said, repeating Trump’s alleged response to questions during the meeting about the large number of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in recent months.

“It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me,” Shapiro said.

Shapiro claimed Trump used the word reverse “two or three times,” adding that Trump also called the threats “reprehensible” toward the beginning of his remarks.

The White House disputed Shapiro’s description of Trump’s comments.

“This is not what he said or meant,” a White House spokesperson told the Daily News in an email. “He means (he) was referring to protesters.”

Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center, said if Shapiro’s account is accurate, “President Trump has gone over the anti-Semitic deep end.”

“Mr. President, have you no decency? To cast doubt on the authenticity of anti-Semitic hate crimes in America constitutes anti-Semitism in itself, and that’s something none of us ever dreamed would disgrace our nation from the White House,” Goldstein added. “If the reports are true, you owe the American Jewish community an apology.”

Rest here: Trump suggests Jewish community is spreading anti-Semitic threats

Disgusting. :mad-61:
So apparently you and Shapiro have completely forgot all about the fake race crimes that have happened since he was elected. The black guy that burned his church after painting racist shit on it. The muslim broad that was attacked on a train, never happened. The gay people that lied about being attacked.

Trump is 100% correct in asking the question if this is real or an inside job. It's called gathering evidence. So who cares if some idiot got his feelings hurt. We haven't caught the people yet so anything is possible right now. If you weren't so ready to jump to an anti-Trump conclusion you would know this,
Ha, the OP is citing a Democrat Trump-Hater as the source for this Bullshite thread. Yeah, let's trust a rabid Democrat Trump-Hater for credible information. No thanks, i'll pass.
Chris Matthews was talking about this and pretending that he was absolutely stunned by the thought.

There have already been examples of people faking being attacked and leaving "clues" at crimes to mislead for political reasons.

Since pretty much no no one on the ends of the spectrum are being honest at this point, an honest person will have to wait until perpetrators are caught before making condemnations.

An honest person will admit that.
Chris Matthews was talking about this and pretending that he was absolutely stunned by the thought.

There have already been examples of people faking being attacked and leaving "clues" at crimes to mislead for political reasons.

Since pretty much no no one on the ends of the spectrum are being honest at this point, an honest person will have to wait until perpetrators are caught before making condemnations.

An honest person will admit that.

True, but this is Democrat Fake News. There's no credible evidence proving Donald Trump ever said it. The OP is citing a rabid Democrat Trump-Hater as his or her source. It's absolute Bullshite.

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