President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.

Well. I guess this is a situation of "s**t or get off the pot". Trump probably figures, even if it goes through the House, it will only ensure he raises $100M+ in a short period of time.

Yes, the President is telling the DemonRats ...put up or shut up!

GOD BLESS President Trump! :2up:

the Democrats have plenty of votes for impeachment but they want to investigate. That is what Trump wants to stop them from doing. It's stupid and another scam by the big con man....
And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.
Actually it will be the Republican stalling that will draw it out.
And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.
They will vote after they investigate. It is not like the last time when they didn't have enough votes to impeach- if you vote to impeach and it passes it's impeached. They want to get the story out so that all the ridiculous Chumps that are GOP voters know what's going
on and understand... Everything you do snow is wrong.
And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.
and then they will impeach him, the Senate will refuse to convicted of course, and then we will have an election and Trump will get 37%....
And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.
They will vote after they investigate. It is not like the last time when they didn't have enough votes to impeach- if you vote to impeach and it passes it's impeached. They want to get the story out so that all the ridiculous Chumps that are GOP voters know what's going
on and understand... Everything you do snow is wrong.
We called you out...….Promises were made, gifts were exchanged......And You LIed! You lie like a mutha! The big ones. You are great for that. Big lies. Grand schemes with the peasants paying the grand price for all of it. I guarantee you. If elected and you pass one of your two quadrillion dollar schemes, you will be voted out in 4 years. The azzes don't learn though. So they will vote you back in at some point.
And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.
Actually it will be the Republican stalling that will draw it out.
How is it you do not know the GOP cannot stop the Dems in any way shape or form?
First there IS NO impeachment inquiry. The HOUSE has the power, not Pelosi or the Committee heads, They are pedaling yet another Democrat farce. Trump, being a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, wasn't fooled for an instant.

They are asking for information about The President, a Co-Equal Branch of Government, conduct regarding FOREIGN Policy. The conduct of foreign relations is a near-plenary power of the chief executive. We are not talking here about oversight of executive agencies created by Congress. The committees are aiming their subpoena demands at the place where the president’s constitutional power and privileges are at their most formidable. Of course the White House is not going to start surrendering records just because Chairman Cummings, who represents a dirty urban area overrun with rats, wrote a subpoena. This is going to be a protracted court battle, not because anyone is obstructing but because both sides have legitimate interests to protect.

It is up to Congress to build a political case that convinces Americans. It must be a strong case that cuts across partisan lines, because impeaching a president is a profound challenge to national cohesion, and because the two-thirds’ supermajority vote required in the Senate for removal ensures that impeachment is reserved for only truly egregious misconduct.

Therefore, if lawmakers have a genuine belief that the president should be removed, it is their obligation to make that political case to the public.

But the question is: Do the Democrats have a good-faith belief that President Trump has engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, or are they engaged in a political stunt, the objectives of which are to appease irrational elements of their base and to batter Trump for 2020 election purposes?

If they have a good-faith belief that the president’s impeachment must be considered, they owe it to the country to vote on conducting an impeachment inquiry, rather than continue dodging accountability. Indeed, if Democrats really believe what they say — if they really believe there have been appalling abuses of power, rather than mere missteps or political disputes — then they should be proud to vote on it.

Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants to decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.

Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People. In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry. If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And we should draw a negative inference against them.

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review
And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken.
Unfortunately, no - the Democrats know they gain nothing by impeaching Trump, and stand to lose quite a bit.
No, rather than put their money where their mouth is, they will draw this "inquiry" out as long as possible as a means to affect the election.
and then they will impeach him, the Senate will refuse to convicted of course, and then we will have an election and Trump will get 37%....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And the good news is......

That this impeachment circus sickness from the helping President Trump politically!


and that's a good thing!:2up:
One other result of a full vote is that only the Judicial Committee will be authorized to conduct the investigation.

That means every other committee comes to a total standstill. No more Shiff.

Formal impeachment starts in the Judiciary committee. Jerry Nadler is the head of that committee.

However, this isn't formal impeachment. This is an impeachment inquiry.

They aren't the same things so if they do vote, not much changes.

The committees will continue their work and trump will continue to obstruct justice.
First there IS NO impeachment inquiry. The HOUSE has the power, not Pelosi or the Committee heads, They are pedaling yet another Democrat farce. Trump, being a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, wasn't fooled for an instant.

They are asking for information about The President, a Co-Equal Branch of Government, conduct regarding FOREIGN Policy. The conduct of foreign relations is a near-plenary power of the chief executive. We are not talking here about oversight of executive agencies created by Congress. The committees are aiming their subpoena demands at the place where the president’s constitutional power and privileges are at their most formidable. Of course the White House is not going to start surrendering records just because Chairman Cummings, who represents a dirty urban area overrun with rats, wrote a subpoena. This is going to be a protracted court battle, not because anyone is obstructing but because both sides have legitimate interests to protect.

It is up to Congress to build a political case that convinces Americans. It must be a strong case that cuts across partisan lines, because impeaching a president is a profound challenge to national cohesion, and because the two-thirds’ supermajority vote required in the Senate for removal ensures that impeachment is reserved for only truly egregious misconduct.

Therefore, if lawmakers have a genuine belief that the president should be removed, it is their obligation to make that political case to the public.

But the question is: Do the Democrats have a good-faith belief that President Trump has engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, or are they engaged in a political stunt, the objectives of which are to appease irrational elements of their base and to batter Trump for 2020 election purposes?

If they have a good-faith belief that the president’s impeachment must be considered, they owe it to the country to vote on conducting an impeachment inquiry, rather than continue dodging accountability. Indeed, if Democrats really believe what they say — if they really believe there have been appalling abuses of power, rather than mere missteps or political disputes — then they should be proud to vote on it.

Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants to decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.

Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People. In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry. If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And we should draw a negative inference against them.

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review
Much appreciate all that, but can't agree. Dana's description does appear to be Pelosi's game plan. I do agree that the Dems need to fire up the public and vice versa to turn this into something significant and useful. It has begun. Whether it steadily builds or fizzles out remains to be seen..

Far as impeachable offenses rising to the level of high crimes, the list seems to grow almost daily. No shortage for the House to chew on. Just heard in depth discussion reviewing plenty of that here.
First there IS NO impeachment inquiry. The HOUSE has the power, not Pelosi or the Committee heads, They are pedaling yet another Democrat farce. Trump, being a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, wasn't fooled for an instant.

They are asking for information about The President, a Co-Equal Branch of Government, conduct regarding FOREIGN Policy. The conduct of foreign relations is a near-plenary power of the chief executive. We are not talking here about oversight of executive agencies created by Congress. The committees are aiming their subpoena demands at the place where the president’s constitutional power and privileges are at their most formidable. Of course the White House is not going to start surrendering records just because Chairman Cummings, who represents a dirty urban area overrun with rats, wrote a subpoena. This is going to be a protracted court battle, not because anyone is obstructing but because both sides have legitimate interests to protect.

It is up to Congress to build a political case that convinces Americans. It must be a strong case that cuts across partisan lines, because impeaching a president is a profound challenge to national cohesion, and because the two-thirds’ supermajority vote required in the Senate for removal ensures that impeachment is reserved for only truly egregious misconduct.

Therefore, if lawmakers have a genuine belief that the president should be removed, it is their obligation to make that political case to the public.

But the question is: Do the Democrats have a good-faith belief that President Trump has engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, or are they engaged in a political stunt, the objectives of which are to appease irrational elements of their base and to batter Trump for 2020 election purposes?

If they have a good-faith belief that the president’s impeachment must be considered, they owe it to the country to vote on conducting an impeachment inquiry, rather than continue dodging accountability. Indeed, if Democrats really believe what they say — if they really believe there have been appalling abuses of power, rather than mere missteps or political disputes — then they should be proud to vote on it.

Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants to decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.

Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People. In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry. If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And we should draw a negative inference against them.

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review
Much appreciate all that, but can't agree. Dana's description does appear to be Pelosi's game plan. I do agree that the Dems need to fire up the public and vice versa to turn this into something significant and useful. It has begun. Whether it steadily builds or fizzles out remains to be seen..

Far as impeachable offenses rising to the level of high crimes, the list seems to grow almost daily. No shortage for the House to chew on. Just heard in depth discussion reviewing plenty of that here.

Yea, I dunno, we've seen quite a few fizzles from democrats over the last 3 years.
One other result of a full vote is that only the Judicial Committee will be authorized to conduct the investigation.

That means every other committee comes to a total standstill. No more Shiff.

Formal impeachment starts in the Judiciary committee. Jerry Nadler is the head of that committee.

However, this isn't formal impeachment. This is an impeachment inquiry.

They aren't the same things so if they do vote, not much changes.

The committees will continue their work and trump will continue to obstruct justice.
What justice? Is there an actual crime they're looking at or just shot gunning everything they see hoping for something?

Come up with a charge and get after it. Get witnesses, get facts, find a law that actually applies. You know, criminal type shit. Your hurt feelings don't count.
First there IS NO impeachment inquiry. The HOUSE has the power, not Pelosi or the Committee heads, They are pedaling yet another Democrat farce. Trump, being a very stable genius with an unusually large brain, wasn't fooled for an instant.

They are asking for information about The President, a Co-Equal Branch of Government, conduct regarding FOREIGN Policy. The conduct of foreign relations is a near-plenary power of the chief executive. We are not talking here about oversight of executive agencies created by Congress. The committees are aiming their subpoena demands at the place where the president’s constitutional power and privileges are at their most formidable. Of course the White House is not going to start surrendering records just because Chairman Cummings, who represents a dirty urban area overrun with rats, wrote a subpoena. This is going to be a protracted court battle, not because anyone is obstructing but because both sides have legitimate interests to protect.

It is up to Congress to build a political case that convinces Americans. It must be a strong case that cuts across partisan lines, because impeaching a president is a profound challenge to national cohesion, and because the two-thirds’ supermajority vote required in the Senate for removal ensures that impeachment is reserved for only truly egregious misconduct.

Therefore, if lawmakers have a genuine belief that the president should be removed, it is their obligation to make that political case to the public.

But the question is: Do the Democrats have a good-faith belief that President Trump has engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors, or are they engaged in a political stunt, the objectives of which are to appease irrational elements of their base and to batter Trump for 2020 election purposes?

If they have a good-faith belief that the president’s impeachment must be considered, they owe it to the country to vote on conducting an impeachment inquiry, rather than continue dodging accountability. Indeed, if Democrats really believe what they say — if they really believe there have been appalling abuses of power, rather than mere missteps or political disputes — then they should be proud to vote on it.

Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants to decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.

Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People. In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry. If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And we should draw a negative inference against them.

Trump Impeachment Inquiry: House Must Vote or It’s Just a Democratic Stunt | National Review
Much appreciate all that, but can't agree. Dana's description does appear to be Pelosi's game plan. I do agree that the Dems need to fire up the public and vice versa to turn this into something significant and useful. It has begun. Whether it steadily builds or fizzles out remains to be seen..

Far as impeachable offenses rising to the level of high crimes, the list seems to grow almost daily. No shortage for the House to chew on. Just heard in depth discussion reviewing plenty of that here.
YES. THAT’S WHAT THEY DO: Democrats start astroturfing in GOP districts to whip up support for impeaching Trump.

Dems fake everything. If there was a true grass movement to impeach Trump they wouldn't have to fake one.
"There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Yes, but they STILL have to vote to OPEN the investigation,

Say, 500 members in the House of Rep.

Pelosi brings the Inquiry to Impeach to the floor for a vote.

The vote is 249/251 - NOT in favor to Investigate to Impeach.

No investigation - no possible Articles of Impeachment - no hearing before the Senate.

I think your Prof of Law was misquoted

There is no such requirement in the Constitution. Try reading it some time.
I will repeat, the Constitution It is very explicit... THE HOUSE MUST ACT to do anything on impeachment.

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Read the Constitution, it explicitly states the "House shall" and "sole power" not piglosie will...

There is nothing ambiguous about how it is written..

Yes the house as a whole not just the speaker.
Let's be clear.

Impeachment...and an Impeachment Inquiry are two different things.

The Constitution sets rules for IMPEACHMENT only.

An Impeachment Inquiry is accomplished by House rules.

You don't like those rules? Win the House.

And the notion that the Trump White House would cooperate in ANY way under ANY circumstance is just that to mean...batshit crazy

Until a vote has been taken there is no power to investigate. 68 times this has taken place and now you just want to wing it?

The Constitution does not require such a vote.
The start of week 3 of the bogus impeachment process.

Can somebody shoot Nadler with a smart serum ?
And there’s precedent. The Nixon case. No inquiry vote

Yes, there was!
House Resolution 803, bitch!!!
This thread is way, way above your pay grade.

H.Res.803 - 93rd Congress (1973-1974): Resolution providing appropriate power to the Committee on the Judiciary to conduct an investigation of whether sufficient grounds exist to impeach Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States.

H.Res.803 - 93rd Congress (1973-1974): Resolution providing appropriate power to the Committee on the Judiciary to conduct an investigation of whether sufficient grounds exist to impeach Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States.

The Constitution does not require that. The House has the discretion to proceed as they wish.
I will repeat, the Constitution It is very explicit... THE HOUSE MUST ACT to do anything on impeachment.

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Read the Constitution, it explicitly states the "House shall" and "sole power" not piglosie will...

There is nothing ambiguous about how it is written..

Yes the house as a whole not just the speaker.
Let's be clear.

Impeachment...and an Impeachment Inquiry are two different things.

The Constitution sets rules for IMPEACHMENT only.

An Impeachment Inquiry is accomplished by House rules.

You don't like those rules? Win the House.

And the notion that the Trump White House would cooperate in ANY way under ANY circumstance is just that to mean...batshit crazy

Until a vote has been taken there is no power to investigate. 68 times this has taken place and now you just want to wing it?

The Constitution does not require such a vote.
I have three judges and a handful of lawyers who disagree. Its in black and white and even the Harvard Law School agrees with my position. What have you got..A bunch of liars on MSNBC and CNN....

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