President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

Its a constitutional mandate moron...

Post the Article and Section of the Constitution that governs how an Impeachment Inquiry is begun.

Fuckin loudmouth asshole
I already did..

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it. The Speaker does not possess the power to arbitrarily start an investigation/inquiry.
Yes, it's simply not possible for anyone to anticipate the depths of stupidity that invariably percolate to surface under such circumstances. Truth is,
In sum, it is long-settled that Congress has broad authority to investigate the Executive Branch and others as part of its Article I power to legislate. Moreover, Congress has a variety of tools it can use to enforce subpoenas for documents and testimony by Executive Branch officials when it needs those materials to effectively investigate and legislate. Importantly, these tools include bringing a civil suit in district court, something that the House successfully did during both the Bush and Obama Administrations. These tools will become increasingly important as the House of Representatives of the 116th Congress begins to more robustly investigate the Executive Branch.
One important caveat regarding the House’s power to enforce subpoenas through civil suit is that under existing precedent, authorizations for such suits may not be initiated solely by individual legislators or legislative committees.
  • At any time The House (or The Senate) can decide to form committees to investigate damn near anything.
  • Each is free to create its own rules to manage this process.
  • In the past full House votes have been taken to formalize such inquiries by forming investigative committees.
  • Judiciary committees are generally key.
  • Said committees then possess enforceable power to solicit pertinent information from various sources.
  • Given the target proves uncooperative, many methods have been employed to compel compliance.
  • One method has been to seek enforcement through civil suit.. when a subpoena has been ignored.
  • Given that specific situation, existing precedent has dictated a full House vote required to proceed.
  • That is.. to proceed with such a civil suit, NOT with the impeachment investigation!
Shall we refer to Wiki?

A number of rules have been adopted by the House and Senate, and are honored by tradition.

Jefferson's Manual, which is integral to the Rules of the House of Representatives,[16] states that impeachment is set in motion by charges made on the floor, charges proferred by a memorial, a member's resolution referred to a committee, a message from the president, or from facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House. It further states that a proposition to impeach is a question of high privilege in the House and at once supersedes business otherwise in order under the rules governing the order of business.

The House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House[17] is a reference source for information on the rules and selected precedents governing the House procedure, prepared by the House Parliamentarian. The manual has a chapter on the House's rules, procedures, and precedent for impeachment.

In 1974, as part of the preliminary investigation in the Nixon impeachment inquiry, the staff of the Impeachment Inquiry of the House Judiciary Committee prepared a report, Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment.[6] The primary focus of the Report is the definition of the term "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" and the relationship to criminality, which the Report traces through history from English roots, through the debates at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, and the history of the impeachments before 1974.

The 1974 report has been expanded and revised on several occasions by the Congressional Research Service, and the current version Impeachment and Removal dates from October 2015.[1] While this document is only staff recommendation, as a practical matter, today it is probably the single most influential definition of "high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

The Senate has formal Rules and Procedures of Practice in the Senate When Sitting on Impeachment Trials.[18]

For those of you who think you're experts on the subject of impeachment, I suggest you check out Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

Can you please tell me where in the constitution it says that a vote must be held for an impeachment inquiry?

I've actually read the document and there's no requirement for a vote for an impeachment inquiry.

However, what will his excuse be if or when there is a vote? Do you actually expect him to comply with the law and hand over all evidence requested by the congress?

I don't.

It's a crime to solicit anything of value from a foreign nation for an election. It's also a crime to try to obstruct justice as he did when he tried to hide the evidence of his crime by having it put on a secret separate server very few have access to.

Why would he do that if what he did wasn't criminal?
So... the White House says they will not cooperate until there is a vote on impeachment, just so they can say that there was a vote for impeachment without a proper investigation. Just how dumb is Trump and his lackeys?

White House, State Department, and other staff will be asked to testify, if they refuse they will receive a subpoena. If Trump tells them they are not allowed, he will then be openly committing obstruction and there will be no need for an investigation. End of story.

It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to see the road map here.

So you know more than the President team of lawyers. .....

ok :cuckoo::rolleyes:

You mean the President's team of lawyers that let him release a phone transcript that showed him breaking the law when he thought it showed the opposite? Yes. Yes I do know better than Trump's team of lawyers. You know how I know for sure? Good lawyers know better at this point than to work for Trump.

TDS. ^^^

You don't even know what TDS stands for. You really shouldn't try to bust someone's balls when you are about as sharp as a marble.

So this should be fun. Who's Trump's team of lawyers?

I don't know what lawyers have been hired but I do know that his son in law, kurshner, Is being reported that he's involved with the defense.

Jared Kushner is one of the officials focused on Trump's impeachment strategy
There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it.
Try this for lack of ambiguity:
The speaker of the United States House of Representatives is the presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives. The office was established in 1789 by Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The speaker is the political and parliamentary leader of the House of Representatives, and is simultaneously the House's presiding officer, de facto leader of the body's majority party, and the institution's administrative head.
Who speaks for the entire House?
Its a constitutional mandate moron...

Post the Article and Section of the Constitution that governs how an Impeachment Inquiry is begun.

Fuckin loudmouth asshole
I already did..

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it. The Speaker does not possess the power to arbitrarily start an investigation/inquiry.
Bullshit. That applies to impeachment itself dumb fucker. Not the inquiry leading TO that impeachment
Bit late for that.
At least 225 of the 435 members of the House of Representatives have said they support an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, according to a tally compiled by TIME.

All are Democrats except independent Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, formerly a Republican.

By TIME’s count, 11 Democrats have not explicitly said whether they support the inquiry, and at least one has said they oppose it. The number has slowly shrunk over the past few weeks; one moderate holdout, New York Rep. Max Rose, came out in support of the impeachment inquiry Wednesday night. No members of the Republican caucus have said they support the impeachment investigation.

The numbers mark a crucial turning point for the impeachment inquiry. In order to pass articles of impeachment—thus impeaching the President and moving the process to the Senate—Pelosi needs a majority: 218 votes. They also exemplify the rapid growth in support for the impeachment inquiry even among moderate Democratic representatives. According to the New York Times, the number of House Democrats supporting the inquiry grew by more than 90 members since outlets first reported the President pressured the President of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.

The impeachment has begun.
Its a constitutional mandate moron...

Post the Article and Section of the Constitution that governs how an Impeachment Inquiry is begun.

Fuckin loudmouth asshole
I already did..

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it. The Speaker does not possess the power to arbitrarily start an investigation/inquiry.
Bullshit. That applies to impeachment itself dumb fucker. Not the inquiry leading TO that impeachment

You seem to know nothing about States Rights and how the House works.
Yes a vote is required because to Impeach means taking away 63 million voters rights .Our voices are our representatives and they need to vote on if there is enough evidence to start a formal impeachment inquiry.
The Speaker can not just announce a formal inquiry. This violates our rights.
Then after all of the investigations are complete and brought forward then they vote again to impeach.
Bit late for that.
At least 225 of the 435 members of the House of Representatives have said they support an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, according to a tally compiled by TIME.

All are Democrats except independent Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, formerly a Republican.

By TIME’s count, 11 Democrats have not explicitly said whether they support the inquiry, and at least one has said they oppose it. The number has slowly shrunk over the past few weeks; one moderate holdout, New York Rep. Max Rose, came out in support of the impeachment inquiry Wednesday night. No members of the Republican caucus have said they support the impeachment investigation.

The numbers mark a crucial turning point for the impeachment inquiry. In order to pass articles of impeachment—thus impeaching the President and moving the process to the Senate—Pelosi needs a majority: 218 votes. They also exemplify the rapid growth in support for the impeachment inquiry even among moderate Democratic representatives. According to the New York Times, the number of House Democrats supporting the inquiry grew by more than 90 members since outlets first reported the President pressured the President of Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.

The impeachment has begun.
You Voted? When did that happen as I can find nothing in the Congressional record..
There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it.
Try this for lack of ambiguity:
The speaker of the United States House of Representatives is the presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives. The office was established in 1789 by Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The speaker is the political and parliamentary leader of the House of Representatives, and is simultaneously the House's presiding officer, de facto leader of the body's majority party, and the institution's administrative head.
Who speaks for the entire House?
Only a vote can speak for the entire House of Representatives. The speaker is NOT A QUEEN!
Its a constitutional mandate moron...

Post the Article and Section of the Constitution that governs how an Impeachment Inquiry is begun.

Fuckin loudmouth asshole
I already did..

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it. The Speaker does not possess the power to arbitrarily start an investigation/inquiry.
Bullshit. That applies to impeachment itself dumb fucker. Not the inquiry leading TO that impeachment

You seem to know nothing about States Rights and how the House works.
Yes a vote is required because to Impeach means taking away 63 million voters rights .Our voices are our representatives and they need to vote on if there is enough evidence to start a formal impeachment inquiry.
The Speaker can not just announce a formal inquiry. This violates our rights.
Then after all of the investigations are complete and brought forward then they vote again to impeach.

And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken. Stuff don't work the way you would prefer but rather according to laws if they are applicable or rules. In this case the House sets the rules.

You don't like it?

Take back the House.

And anyone who thinks that the White House would cooperate under ANY circumstances should have his head examined.

So let's stop pretending

Its a constitutional mandate moron...

Post the Article and Section of the Constitution that governs how an Impeachment Inquiry is begun.

Fuckin loudmouth asshole
I already did..

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it. The Speaker does not possess the power to arbitrarily start an investigation/inquiry.
Bullshit. That applies to impeachment itself dumb fucker. Not the inquiry leading TO that impeachment

You seem to know nothing about States Rights and how the House works.
Yes a vote is required because to Impeach means taking away 63 million voters rights .Our voices are our representatives and they need to vote on if there is enough evidence to start a formal impeachment inquiry.
The Speaker can not just announce a formal inquiry. This violates our rights.
Then after all of the investigations are complete and brought forward then they vote again to impeach.

And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken. Stuff don't work the way you would prefer but rather according to laws if they are applicable or rules. In this case the House sets the rules.

You don't like it?

Take back the House.

And anyone who thinks that the White House would cooperate under ANY circumstances should have his head examined.

So let's stop pretending

To be shown that you are wrong and then to continue to claim the same bull shit lie is the definition of insanity..

You have already lost the house.. You idiots just dont know it yet, but you will soon..
Its a constitutional mandate moron...

Post the Article and Section of the Constitution that governs how an Impeachment Inquiry is begun.

Fuckin loudmouth asshole
I already did..

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

There is no ambiguity in the verbiage.. Its written to be crystal clear... The HOUSE HAS SOLE POWERS thus it is the HOUSE that must authorize it. The Speaker does not possess the power to arbitrarily start an investigation/inquiry.
Bullshit. That applies to impeachment itself dumb fucker. Not the inquiry leading TO that impeachment

You seem to know nothing about States Rights and how the House works.
Yes a vote is required because to Impeach means taking away 63 million voters rights .Our voices are our representatives and they need to vote on if there is enough evidence to start a formal impeachment inquiry.
The Speaker can not just announce a formal inquiry. This violates our rights.
Then after all of the investigations are complete and brought forward then they vote again to impeach.

And an IMPEACHMENT vote will be taken. Stuff don't work the way you would prefer but rather according to laws if they are applicable or rules. In this case the House sets the rules.

You don't like it?

Take back the House.

And anyone who thinks that the White House would cooperate under ANY circumstances should have his head examined.

So let's stop pretending


You are the one who ignored the part about the laws of voting for a formal impeachment inquiry.
Very deceitful.
Only a vote can speak for the entire House of Representatives. The speaker is NOT A QUEEN!
That's nice. Meanwhile,.. outside of Lalaland,.. :
As many moderate Democrats who had thus far opposed launching a formal impeachment inquiry began endorsing the political process, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it official. Overall, 220 House members now support an impeachment inquiry.

Trump’s actions were a “betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections,” Pelosi said from the Capitol on Tuesday. “Therefore, today I’m announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.”
The Speaker launched "an official impeachment inquiry.”
Now stop crying, snowflakes.
One other result of a full vote is that only the Judicial Committee will be authorized to conduct the investigation.

That means every other committee comes to a total standstill. No more Shiff.
To be shown that you are wrong and then to continue to claim the same bull shit lie is the definition of insanity..

And yet you continue.

What you have SHOWN...was a a batshit crazy "interpretation"

The verbiage demands that the HOUSE have sole powers.. This means the HOUSE MUST AUTHORIZE ALL PROCESSES IN AN IMPEACHMENT. This includes the investigation...

It demands no such thing.

And the pretense that Trump would magically cooperate with an investigation after stonewalling like a mutherFer if only he could tell thew how to do it?

Get bent

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