President Trump would be trounced by Marvelous Michelle Obama in 2020 general election, poll says

I am pretty sure she never wants to run or hold public office. Why would she? It appears her life is pretty awesome as is.
For some reason, I see Barak making a far better First Lady than Bill...

Michelle has full understanding of how much work it takes to run for POTUS, there is no way she is going to run.
It's hilarious that liberals think there will ever be another black president in our lifetimes, after the Obamas spent 8 years spewing their race-baiting hatred at whites, masturbated with the race card ON EVERY FUCKING SUBJECT, and went out of their way to encourage black violence and riots.

Can anyone sanely believe that a spoiled brat whore, who spewed nothing but diatribe at this country while using hundreds of millions of its tax dollars living like Imelda Marcos or Tammy Faye Bakker, is going to get elected to anything if he/she runs? That water buffalo in a dress, Michelle, has never had anything positive to say abut our society, its persona has been 100% negative and glaring with resentment.
There could well be another black president in our lifetime, but not from among the Progressives.

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