President Trump’s Message on 4th of July: Biden’s Massive Failures Would Not Have Occurred Under Trump Presidency

Printed billions of dollars and flooded the market. That causes inflation. He did, as he promised he would, everything possible to shut the oil and gas industry down. He insinuated the country into the Ukrainian war, put sanctions on Russia interfering with international commerce. That caused an energy crunch in Europe. If we were still producing like we were under Trump, we could have made up the shortfall if we didn't have a fuckwad as president.
just stop exporting oil, then they can name their own price.
Printed billions of dollars and flooded the market. That causes inflation. He did, as he promised he would, everything possible to shut the oil and gas industry down. He insinuated the country into the Ukrainian war, put sanctions on Russia interfering with international commerce. That caused an energy crunch in Europe. If we were still producing like we were under Trump, we could have made up the shortfall if we didn't have a fuckwad as president.
He did no such thing

Trump ran up $6 trillion in debt in four years
Biden added 8 million jobs to our economy
Printed billions of dollars and flooded the market. That causes inflation. He did, as he promised he would, everything possible to shut the oil and gas industry down. He insinuated the country into the Ukrainian war, put sanctions on Russia interfering with international commerce. That caused an energy crunch in Europe. If we were still producing like we were under Trump, we could have made up the shortfall if we didn't have a fuckwad as president.
Trump printed more dollars, energy production is up and will exceed even Trump's best year by the end of this year. and not really sure how you insinuate a country into a war.
The Biden/Dem regime is a trainwreck. What hasn't gone to hell under these morons. 85% of Americans agree we are on the wrong track. Still Dems (and Mitt Romney) refuse to change course, just keep cramming through the far left agenda.
No one believes that, not any of it.
Some do, and those that don't are the same uneducated, uninformed, idiots that believe a president with approval ratings as low as Trump's were throughout his term could not "lose" an election and instead had it "stolen" from him. Not really the sharpest knives in the drawer.
And the 10 months prior to the election?...what happened then? The tractor trailers full of dead bodies. The economy in ruins.
Trump was President. Not Biden.
What's wrong with having tractor trailers full of dead wetbacks and third worlders?

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