President Walker 2016

Who should Walker pick as his running mate in 2016?

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Jeb will fade after a few debates. How is he going to defend his brother's record? He's cut from the same cloth? How is he going to defend his support for open borders?

Every actually met a Republican who supported Jeb?

Neither have I.

Unless the primaries are completely rigged, there is zero chance of Bush being the nominee - regardless of how desperate the left is.
It is July of 15 and Walker has to contend for attention and funding. At this point in the game, it is easy to get lost in the crowd and become a political afterthought

Look what happened to Rudy Giuliani

You Communists are desperate for Jeb - ONLY the negativity associated with the Bush name can salvage Hillary.

But it ain't gunna happen, sparky.


Jeb will fade after a few debates. How is he going to defend his brother's record? He's cut from the same cloth? How is he going to defend his support for open borders?
Jeb will be your pick.

Just like Romney and McCain
You guys are not that hard to figure out
What probability do you estimate that Walker will get the nomination?
I base it on a several things. His policies, his experience, his track record, as well as his personality. He seems like someone you can relate to. He's disarming and makes persuasive arguments. He can win people over, doesn't seem like an extremist, even tempered and doesn't have a lot of baggage. I think he will pull in a lot of independents as well as the Republican base, not to mention libertarians. He's definitely presidential material.

Ok. Do you want to bet $20 on this? Say you get $20 if he turns out to be the nominee and you pay me $20 if he isn't?
How about if you start your own thread if you want to change the subject?

I don't see how this is a subject change, and it is a very serious question: essentially it is a test of how seriously you actually take your claim that Walker is going to be the nominee.
If you disagree with the premise, don't participate in the poll or respond to the question.

Hrrm? You didn't say that to other people on the thread telling you you were wrong on the premise, so why respond differently now on this particular point about it? Is it because your realize your premise isn't likely to be actually true?
Jeb will be your pick.

Just like Romney and McCain
You guys are not that hard to figure out

I understand that you are desperate and in blind panic, but unless Soros bribes every state election board to throw the primary- you have zero chance.

I have no desperation

I am just able to pick out credible candidates from those in the the GOP clown car

It is not difficult predicting who the Republican candidate will be
I have no desperation

I am just able to pick out credible candidates from those in the the GOP clown car

It is not difficult predicting who the Republican candidate will be

You're in a blind panic.

Hillary cannot win. The ONLY hope you have is Bush, so that you can campaign against Dubya.

Jeb will not be the GOP nominee, so you may as well get used to saying "President Walker."
I have no desperation

I am just able to pick out credible candidates from those in the the GOP clown car

It is not difficult predicting who the Republican candidate will be

You're in a blind panic.

Hillary cannot win. The ONLY hope you have is Bush, so that you can campaign against Dubya.

Jeb will not be the GOP nominee, so you may as well get used to saying "President Walker."
Walker is too boring

No personality and nobody knows who Gov Wanker is
I have no desperation

I am just able to pick out credible candidates from those in the the GOP clown car

It is not difficult predicting who the Republican candidate will be

You're in a blind panic.

Hillary cannot win. The ONLY hope you have is Bush, so that you can campaign against Dubya.

Jeb will not be the GOP nominee, so you may as well get used to saying "President Walker."
Walker is too boring

No personality and nobody knows who Gov Wanker is

Hillary has personality?

You are such a pathetic drone.
Walker is better than most in the Republican clown car

But he doesn't have a chance to beat Jeb Bush unless Bush does something to implode
Walker is better than most in the Republican clown car

But he doesn't have a chance to beat Jeb Bush unless Bush does something to implode
And neither can attract the democrats needed win a General Election.
I think Bush could take Florida from Hillary but Hillary would still take most of the other swing states
I have no desperation

I am just able to pick out credible candidates from those in the the GOP clown car

It is not difficult predicting who the Republican candidate will be

You're in a blind panic.

Hillary cannot win. The ONLY hope you have is Bush, so that you can campaign against Dubya.

Jeb will not be the GOP nominee, so you may as well get used to saying "President Walker."
Walker is too boring

No personality and nobody knows who Gov Wanker is
You know who he is, don't you?
I base it on a several things. His policies, his experience, his track record, as well as his personality. He seems like someone you can relate to. He's disarming and makes persuasive arguments. He can win people over, doesn't seem like an extremist, even tempered and doesn't have a lot of baggage. I think he will pull in a lot of independents as well as the Republican base, not to mention libertarians. He's definitely presidential material.

Ok. Do you want to bet $20 on this? Say you get $20 if he turns out to be the nominee and you pay me $20 if he isn't?
How about if you start your own thread if you want to change the subject?

I don't see how this is a subject change, and it is a very serious question: essentially it is a test of how seriously you actually take your claim that Walker is going to be the nominee.
If you disagree with the premise, don't participate in the poll or respond to the question.

Hrrm? You didn't say that to other people on the thread telling you you were wrong on the premise, so why respond differently now on this particular point about it? Is it because your realize your premise isn't likely to be actually true?
Do you feel slighted or something?
It cost Romney the election when he was caught on tape being him. lol
People hate the truth, true.

And did the GOP learn from the mistake, that you can't tell half of the country to go fuck themselves? No, no they did not. :D
Pointing out that people with no skin in the game will vote themselves bigger entitlements is not telling anyone to gofuck themselves.

That's not how the American public took his remarks. I believe that video cost him the election. It's possible that he may have lost anyway, but my feeling is that he lost due to the damaging video.

He lost because Obama moved quickly to define him as a rich white guy. He lost because the press played that up. He lost because of enormous turnout in inner city black areas in key states. He lost because his advisors kept him on a tight leash and never allowed him to shine through (he is actually a warm, funny, and compassionate guy) And he lost because he wasnt a conservative so a lot of conservatives stayed home.
But libs cant thnk beyond one factor and always look for the easy explanations.

Conservatives came out in DROVES in 2004 for Bush, Jr.

Romney only got 1.1 million less votes in 2012 than Bush, Jr. in 2004, and even had he gotten as many votes as 43, he would have still lost to Obama, who beat him by 5 million votes.

So, this old red herring that "Conservatives stayed home" is just bunk.

More moderates and Liberals exist in the USA than you think. Well, assuming that you can even think.

Obama won because he waged the better campaign and because Romney was forced to say all sorts of crazy shit to give the "base" enough red meat to win the primaries - red meat that then became his poison pill in the GE. And exactly that will happen in 2016.

The problem is not with Romney, it is with your party, which lives 50 years in the past and hates minorities.

Your second problem is that it is not the "Obama coalition", not just a two-time occurrence only because of Obama's personality. It is the new Democratic coalition and it is going to be here a long, long time.

You are shitting your pants because never before in our history since polling of this intensity have we seen a Democratic candidate this far ahead in so many independent-from-each-other-polls. Republicans have been used to seeing the Elephant slightly ahead, not the Donkey way, way, way ahead. 350 polls already, 1,400 matchups, Hillary way, way ahead, without ever losing her lead.

Clinton is ahead of Paul, Cruz, Walker, Carson, Christie and Trump by double-digits nationally and in the key battlegrounds where it counts. She is consistently ahead of them, over and over and over again.

Clinton is ahead of Bush and Rubio by single digits, mostly +4 and above, in national polling and in the battlegrounds where it counts.

Hillary is making Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Kansas (yes, Kansas), Arizona, Georgia and probably South Dakota quite competitive. Should those states become battlegrounds, and some of them will become battlegrounds, then the GOP will be forced to release funds to try to retain those core GOP states. I can't wait to see the first polling from Indiana; I bet that is going to be very, very enlightening.

And there is not even one single blue-wall state, for instance, New Jersey, where the GOP is even making the slightest dent in the Democratic column.

In the meantime, Clinton is demonstrably ahead in Virginia, which is slowly but surely being cemented into the Democratic column, and North Carolina is a tossup. North Carolina, a state that the GOP should already be putting away.

And these numbers have been like this for more than two years now. Now that the GOP candidates have declared, these numbers have also barely budged.

Same pattern as for Obama in 2011, only much, much more to the advantage of the Democratic Party.

Soon, these Blue Wall will permanently be above 270 and practically unbreakable. And it will be the GOP's own fault for this, for being so short-sighted.

Don't say no one told you the warning signs.
People hate the truth, true.

And did the GOP learn from the mistake, that you can't tell half of the country to go fuck themselves? No, no they did not. :D
Pointing out that people with no skin in the game will vote themselves bigger entitlements is not telling anyone to gofuck themselves.

That's not how the American public took his remarks. I believe that video cost him the election. It's possible that he may have lost anyway, but my feeling is that he lost due to the damaging video.

He lost because Obama moved quickly to define him as a rich white guy. He lost because the press played that up. He lost because of enormous turnout in inner city black areas in key states. He lost because his advisors kept him on a tight leash and never allowed him to shine through (he is actually a warm, funny, and compassionate guy) And he lost because he wasnt a conservative so a lot of conservatives stayed home.
But libs cant thnk beyond one factor and always look for the easy explanations.

Conservatives came out in DROVES in 2004 for Bush, Jr.

Romney only got 1.1 million less votes in 2012 than Bush, Jr. in 2004, and even had he gotten as many votes as 43, he would have still lost to Obama, who beat him by 5 million votes.

So, this old red herring that "Conservatives stayed home" is just bunk.

More moderates and Liberals exist in the USA than you think. Well, assuming that you can even think.

Obama won because he waged the better campaign and because Romney was forced to say all sorts of crazy shit to give the "base" enough red meat to win the primaries - red meat that then became his poison pill in the GE. And exactly that will happen in 2016.

The problem is not with Romney, it is with your party, which lives 50 years in the past and hates minorities.

Your second problem is that it is not the "Obama coalition", not just a two-time occurrence only because of Obama's personality. It is the new Democratic coalition and it is going to be here a long, long time.

You are shitting your pants because never before in our history since polling of this intensity have we seen a Democratic candidate this far ahead in so many independent-from-each-other-polls. Republicans have been used to seeing the Elephant slightly ahead, not the Donkey way, way, way ahead. 350 polls already, 1,400 matchups, Hillary way, way ahead, without ever losing her lead.

Clinton is ahead of Paul, Cruz, Walker, Carson, Christie and Trump by double-digits nationally and in the key battlegrounds where it counts. She is consistently ahead of them, over and over and over again.

Clinton is ahead of Bush and Rubio by single digits, mostly +4 and above, in national polling and in the battlegrounds where it counts.

Hillary is making Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Kansas (yes, Kansas), Arizona, Georgia and probably South Dakota quite competitive. Should those states become battlegrounds, and some of them will become battlegrounds, then the GOP will be forced to release funds to try to retain those core GOP states. I can't wait to see the first polling from Indiana; I bet that is going to be very, very enlightening.

And there is not even one single blue-wall state, for instance, New Jersey, where the GOP is even making the slightest dent in the Democratic column.

In the meantime, Clinton is demonstrably ahead in Virginia, which is slowly but surely being cemented into the Democratic column, and North Carolina is a tossup. North Carolina, a state that the GOP should already be putting away.

And these numbers have been like this for more than two years now. Now that the GOP candidates have declared, these numbers have also barely budged.

Same pattern as for Obama in 2011, only much, much more to the advantage of the Democratic Party.

Soon, these Blue Wall will permanently be above 270 and practically unbreakable. And it will be the GOP's own fault for this, for being so short-sighted.

Don't say no one told you the warning signs.

Democrats have lost every national election except the presidency since 2010. They'll lose all of them in 2016.
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out
Plus he looks like he has Alcohol Fetal Syndrome.
It's Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
and if that's the worst you can say about Walker I'd suggest you shut your fucking piehole because you look as stupid as your avatar suggests you are.

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