President Walker 2016

Who should Walker pick as his running mate in 2016?

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Plus he looks like he has Alcohol Fetal Syndrome.

Ohh look, Pol Pot level demagoguery from the filthy fucks of the left.. :thup:

Hey Synthia, does he kill Gentile babies and use their blood to make Matzo? Come on and unleash the filth that defines your shameful party.

We can smell your desperation.

I've never met a Republican who supported Jeb Bush for President - not even one. Only you Communists want Bush, so you can slander and libel him with some effect. Yes, you'll spew your filthy shit against Walker - you're democrats, gutter scum with no integrity - but the public won't buy your shit - after all, you're democrats - demagoguery defines you.
Plus he looks like he has Alcohol Fetal Syndrome.

Ohh look, Pol Pot level demagoguery from the filthy fucks of the left.. :thup:

Hey Synthia, does he kill Gentile babies and use their blood to make Matzo? Come on and unleash the filth that defines your shameful party.

We can smell your desperation.

I've never met a Republican who supported Jeb Bush for President - not even one. Only you Communists want Bush, so you can slander and libel him with some effect. Yes, you'll spew your filthy shit against Walker - you're democrats, gutter scum with no integrity - but the public won't buy your shit - after all, you're democrats - demagoguery defines you.
I bet you never met a Republican who supported Mitt Romney either

Guess you don't meet many of the silent majority of Republicans who actually vote
Plus he looks like he has Alcohol Fetal Syndrome.

Ohh look, Pol Pot level demagoguery from the filthy fucks of the left.. :thup:

Hey Synthia, does he kill Gentile babies and use their blood to make Matzo? Come on and unleash the filth that defines your shameful party.

We can smell your desperation.

I've never met a Republican who supported Jeb Bush for President - not even one. Only you Communists want Bush, so you can slander and libel him with some effect. Yes, you'll spew your filthy shit against Walker - you're democrats, gutter scum with no integrity - but the public won't buy your shit - after all, you're democrats - demagoguery defines you.
I bet you never met a Republican who supported Mitt Romney either

Guess you don't meet many of the silent majority of Republicans who actually vote
Youprobably bet wrong. It's the story ofyour life
I bet you never met a Republican who supported Mitt Romney either

Guess you don't meet many of the silent majority of Republicans who actually vote

Mitt Romney had massive support. He was a "moderate" that the demagogues would leave alone....

Jeb Bush has no support - I know of not a single Republican supporting him. Jeb ain't going to save you. You will lose the executive next year. My bet is that it will be Walker, but even Trump beats Hillary.
I'm beginning to lean a bit towards Walker.

I see the courts ruled in his favor over the witch hunt the dems tried. Walker kicks them in the teeth once again :)
Walker doesn't have much appeal outside the midwest. He'll win the Iowa primary easily most likely, other than that I think he'll crash in the south and west.
Ok. Do you want to bet $20 on this? Say you get $20 if he turns out to be the nominee and you pay me $20 if he isn't?
How about if you start your own thread if you want to change the subject?

I don't see how this is a subject change, and it is a very serious question: essentially it is a test of how seriously you actually take your claim that Walker is going to be the nominee.
If you disagree with the premise, don't participate in the poll or respond to the question.

Hrrm? You didn't say that to other people on the thread telling you you were wrong on the premise, so why respond differently now on this particular point about it? Is it because your realize your premise isn't likely to be actually true?
Do you feel slighted or something?

No, just intrigued by your inconsistency.
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out

Yeah, because Hillary has charisma.

Are you fricken kidding us?

99% of the voters know who Hillary is
Maybe 25% recognize Walker

Name recognition is all she's got. The more the voters see of her, the less they like her. That's why she's always hiding from the press.
Polls show her kicking the ass of every Republican
As they did in 2007.
What 'oops'? An even stronger candidate ended up kicking their asses.

Yeah, because Hillary has charisma.

Are you fricken kidding us?

99% of the voters know who Hillary is
Maybe 25% recognize Walker

Name recognition is all she's got. The more the voters see of her, the less they like her. That's why she's always hiding from the press.
Polls show her kicking the ass of every Republican

That's pure name recognition. She's the only Democrat candidate, and there are 15 Republicans competing with each other for attention. When there is only one Republican running against her, then the polls might mean something.
She's also been on the national stage for over 20 years. Of course people know her. and they dont like her. Creating a real problem for her candidacy.

On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton is dominant. She gets 64% to 14% for Bernie Sanders, 8% for Jim Webb, 5% for Lincoln Chafee, and 2% for Martin O'Malley. Clinton has 79% support from African Americans, is over 60% with liberals, moderates, men, women, younger voters, and seniors, and is over 50% with whites, Hispanics, and middle aged voters.​

How dumb are you? Don't answer - it was a rhetorical question.
And he lost because he wasnt a conservative so a lot of conservatives stayed home.

The same failed talking point.

The worst part of the WHINO approach is the campaign strategery. At Freedom Fest, I did an interview with Matthew Boyle of Breitbart Radio, a nice enough guy but a pretty good example of the WHINO style in American politics. What about Romney? Boyle demanded. Romney, he said with absolute assurance, lost to Barack Obama because millions of conservatives stayed home, finding him insufficiently committed to their cause.

The first aspect of what is wrong with this analysis is obvious: It assumes that a “real conservative” who couldn’t beat Mitt Romney in a Republican primary dominated by “real conservatives” would have defeated Barack Obama in a national election not dominated by conservatives at all, i.e., that Romney was the weakest candidate except for all the guys who couldn’t beat him.

Yeah, because Hillary has charisma.

Are you fricken kidding us?

99% of the voters know who Hillary is
Maybe 25% recognize Walker

Name recognition is all she's got. The more the voters see of her, the less they like her. That's why she's always hiding from the press.
Polls show her kicking the ass of every Republican
As they did in 2007.
What 'oops'? An even stronger candidate ended up kicking their asses.

Id suggest you odnt know the word "landslide" but that would imply you know something else.
Hillary lost in 2007. She'll lose in 2016. For the same reasons.
99% of the voters know who Hillary is
Maybe 25% recognize Walker

Name recognition is all she's got. The more the voters see of her, the less they like her. That's why she's always hiding from the press.
Polls show her kicking the ass of every Republican

That's pure name recognition. She's the only Democrat candidate, and there are 15 Republicans competing with each other for attention. When there is only one Republican running against her, then the polls might mean something.
She's also been on the national stage for over 20 years. Of course people know her. and they dont like her. Creating a real problem for her candidacy.

On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton is dominant. She gets 64% to 14% for Bernie Sanders, 8% for Jim Webb, 5% for Lincoln Chafee, and 2% for Martin O'Malley. Clinton has 79% support from African Americans, is over 60% with liberals, moderates, men, women, younger voters, and seniors, and is over 50% with whites, Hispanics, and middle aged voters.​

How dumb are you? Don't answer - it was a rhetorical question.
You realize wht you write was not responsive to what I wrote, right?
How stupid are you? Dumb enough to use the same stupid avatar for almost 4 years.
What probability do you estimate that Walker will get the nomination?
I base it on a several things. His policies, his experience, his track record, as well as his personality. He seems like someone you can relate to. He's disarming and makes persuasive arguments. He can win people over, doesn't seem like an extremist, even tempered and doesn't have a lot of baggage. I think he will pull in a lot of independents as well as the Republican base, not to mention libertarians. He's definitely presidential material.

Ok. Do you want to bet $20 on this? Say you get $20 if he turns out to be the nominee and you pay me $20 if he isn't?
How about if you start your own thread if you want to change the subject?

I don't see how this is a subject change, and it is a very serious question: essentially it is a test of how seriously you actually take your claim that Walker is going to be the nominee.
If you disagree with the premise, don't participate in the poll or respond to the question.
You don't make the rules around here, bub.

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