Presidential Voting - CCP = Virus = World Domination


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2020
I would argue that Trump did an outstanding job in how he responded to the virus and others would argue the opposite. The point(s) I want to make, are on the basis of leaving out how the virus was handled, here in our country and/or abroad, regardless of who was in charge. The premise of my post is to argue about the virus itself that came from China, and why. There are so many other detrimental factors that come into play, like the WHO, and the U.N., but I guess those can be left out as well, to retain my point.
China knew it had a highly contagious virus, and intentionally allowed it to spread around the globe, while stopping travel within its own country.
Does this simple fact alone alarm anyone ?
I challenge anyone to do a simple web search with the following words, China Wants World Domination, read for yourself, and then you might be able to answer my question.
Does anyone not think its coincidental, that this world wide spread virus was unleashed just days after the trade agreement was signed with China ? The same trade deal that brought one of the most devastating financial blows to China, in recent history. People need to understand, this trade deal derailed the CCP's plans it had, for world dominance within the very near future, to a slow crawl. Make no mistake, the CCP are furious over Trumps trade deal and in addition, Trump imposing massive sanctions. Trump had every right to impose those sanctions and make a fair trade deal, for those of us that cant stand up for ourselves, aka the American people.
To me, these issues with the virus, and China's obvious obsession for world dominance, and clear intentions to use the virus to gain such an unstoppable foothold, are undeniable. Look at what they are doing militarily, cyber warfare, bio-warfare, etc...
Are there really this many Americans who cannot see what China's true intentions are ?
Are you willing to vote for one candidate, not based on their platform, but because you hate the personality of the other ?
So considering the fact that China intentionally allowed this virus the spread across the world, while stopping travel within their own, brings me to the following question;
I would love the opportunity to ask a total of almost 70 million people who voted for Biden,

How could you not possibly vote for the only person who has stood up to China, and the only one willing to protect our future ?

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